iowa early muzzle loader


Well-known member
Dec 17, 2012
Newhartford Iowa
Gearing up for the iowa early muzzle loader deer season this weekend . Everything is ready except my truck. It went to the shop today for repairs. Hopefully its ready tomorrow so I can make the two hour trip to northeast iowa to my public lands stomping grounds.
I just drove through the campground at Yellow River Forest hoping to see a big deer down. There were quite a few people in the Little Paint campground, but no deer that I could see!
I wish they would have not changed it so you cannot hunt Early Muzzleloader and shotgun season. I have always had good luck rattling during the Early Muzzleloader season!
I just drove through the campground at Yellow River Forest hoping to see a big deer down. There were quite a few people in the Little Paint campground, but no deer that I could see!
I wish they would have not changed it so you cannot hunt Early Muzzleloader and shotgun season. I have always had good luck rattling during the Early Muzzleloader season!

Deer were feeding early in the AM and just before dark. Saw 1o Saturday AM and 8 Saturday night. Had two small bucks work a scrape in front of me. Sunday I saw 9 deer in the AM. The biggest was a 10 point with 17 inch spread (wasn't what I was looking for). Sunday night I went to a different spot and "rattled". I also love rattling in this season. Rattled in a small 8 point then another small 6 point.

good luck to all
the dog
It was pretty miserable overe here this a.m, the deer would have had to be close to see them with the fog! Good luck, post up a pic if you catch one!

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