Influencers Ruining Stuff

  • Thread starter Deleted member 53219
  • Start date
How about a thread of lobbyists/polticians ruining stuff?

Seems like everyones stoked to blame influencers for ruining stuff - but in my opinion - if you dig a little deeper a lot more has been ruined by legislation than influencing.


How about you start the thread instead of getting your insta feelings hurt in here?
I’d be curious how much stuff would get killed if you guys spent half as much time staring at onx as you do researching some of these people.

Are you my wife? Because she keeps saying I can't multi-task or do two things at once!

I sh*tpost and still kill a lot of stuff, in many Provinces, Territories and US states. I would say I'm doing pretty good at both TBH. Two things can be true at the same time.