PEAX Equipment

In or out on WY moose and sheep points?

Buzz- Do you think it's inevitable at some point that sheep and moose tags will go to a 90/10 split? I can't blame residents for wanting that and I would honestly expect that to happen at some point. Unless the outfitters are really that powerful to keep it the split how it is now.

I think it will...lots of residents are growing tired of having max points for moose and sheep and not being able to draw, while NR's with less points draw the same tags.

Outfitters are not swaying the Legislature or Commission like they used to...that's curious???
um how do you figure that? most NR moose tags in Idaho are at best 10% odds. there are residents that took 10+ years to draw a bull tag in the decent units. I mean its possible but odds are not in your favor. I mean hell its possible you never draw in Idaho too.

Idaho sheep, goose and goat are UP TO 10% of species tags to NR and 0 are guaranteed in a particular unit nor overall. I drew a moose tag in ID. I was 1 of 2 NR to apply for that particular unit and trust me the odds were not 50% for that unit and the prior year and subsequent years NR applied and no one got a tag. My odds were around 8% to draw a tag. Add up all the bull moose tags pulled by a NR and add up all the applications for bull moose that year. Not by unit, all applications for bull moose by NR. That gives you your odds. Certainly for sheep there is always a cluster of NR chasing one particular unit so odds are tough every year for that unit.
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I’m out 58 years old with 12 points I did the math it probably will be another $1500 just for points. 10 years maybe i’d be pushing 70 years old. I figure for that kind of money I could go to Newfoundland and hunt next year.
I'm bailing on sheep, but I only have 2 points and that was the only of the big 3 that I purchased. $100 was steep already and this sent it over the top. There is always Idaho as well...
I'd have to double check, but I think WY gives more tags in the random draw than either ID or MT give total, maybe even combined.

I gave my points up in WY long ago. I couldn't imagine just getting into the point game anywhere these days. 15-20 points behind
I bought my first Wyoming Moose point in 2017 for $75, but now that they raised it to $150, I AM OUT! Feel for you guys with a big stack of points who are getting out.

I applied for an Alaskan moose this year, so my dollars will now be focused to the North.
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I let my 2 moose points go this year (2nd year not buying). I had originally planned on a cow hunt, when tags weren't as expensive and the unit I wanted only took 1 or 2 points.
I contemplated starting to buy points about 4-5 years ago for Wyoming for moose/sheep. I'm glad I didn't start because I think I would be in the "bail" category. I have 13 bonus points in Maine for moose. I had a friend from Pennsylvania that drew a few years back. I'm thinking about buying some of the extra 10-pack bonus points, maybe a couple hundred dollars worth, and just taking my chances with drawing it.
I bailed on moose a few years ago. Staying in for sheep. $150 can be made in 10 minutes on a side hustle.
I bailed on moose a few years ago. Staying in for sheep. $150 can be made in 10 minutes on a side hustle.

I tried to make the extra money doing some porn, but after they stopped laughing at me they let me on the set, but it was awkward trying to find something to do with the other 9 minutes and 20 seconds :hump:
I tried to make the extra money doing some porn, but after they stopped laughing at me they let me on the set, but it was awkward trying to find something to do with the other 9 minutes and 20 seconds :hump:

Cush what is your middle name? Trying to think of a witty porn name for you.
Sounds like ID odds just got a lot crappier thanks to WY

Afraid you're correct, even as a resident my odds are terrible here in Wyo. Even with people bailing out I still think I have better odds in Idaho as a NR than I do in my home state.