Hairy Beasts and Smell Korns

The next day I was going in to get 2 of my cameras. I usually don't leave my cameras up during the season every year because I just think eventually somebody will see and take them. I also wanted to hike into an area and check out some of the trails. Many people I had talked to had mentioned the terrible blowdown in areas.

So the next day we hiked in and took slightly different trail than I had before. It was mostly good, but there was one stretch of a mile or so that had obviously not been cleared in quite some time. It was a mile of this:
Blowdown in Elkhorns Trail.jpg

This is an area I was planning on archery hunting so this trail was going to be one to stay away from. We made a loop and I found a good spot for a campsite during archery and a better trail in the area. After some motivation on here from some other stories I decided I needed to leave a stash for when I was planning on coming back.

Beer Stash in Elkhorns.jpg

I know its only Coors Light but it was what I had at camp after I forgot to get something a little better. During a hot archery hunt in Sept I wouldn't be too choosy for a mid day treat.

As we hiked out I spotted another herd feeding out of the trees. All cows/calves with a couple of spikes. Eventually when I got back and checked the camera they had been on it recently.


The hike out ended up being quite the adventure. I had my 2 dogs with me, a husky and a lab. Both young dogs, the husky is under a year old. When I put the cameras up there was absolutely no cattle in this area. But on our hike out we ran into a herd of probably 200. My dog, the husky, started chasing them and would not come back. After a lot of yelling and a trip back to the truck to make sure he wasn't there we finally found him running down the trail acting as only a husky can that all was good in the world. The cattle was a bit of a concern though as there were a lot of them in the area.
Now to get back to camp and check the pictures from the camera. One thing I like about checking cameras is you just never know what you will get, all sorts of animals. Here is a cool picture of a coyote with his kill. Pretty sure I ran into this guy during the season several times.


After having these cameras out for over 2 months I was a little dissapointed in the results for elk. There were a couple of bulls but not many.

But this next one I wish I would have gotten a better angle on. It is my cheapest and worst camera and it usually only gets 1 picture, if that. I think this bull might be a giant but I will never know.
Bull 3.JPG

You can see there isn't much space between those pedicles. Also looking at the following picture you can see his body is much bigger than this one.

Bull 2.JPG
August 9th was a friday and so the girlfriend and I were heading out for a camping/scouting trip for elk. Drove out and set up the camper that evening and had time for a drive up a road that somebody had recommended to me. The road was really bad and full of really deep ruts. It had just rained so it was slippery. I made it up but was concerned about driving this road during the season, especially rifle season.

On the drive up we saw a couple cows and calves come busting out of the creek bottom. They went up over the hill and I drove a little farther up the road and spotted a couple deer. One was a mature buck worth getting a closer look at so I got out the spotting scope.

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He was s decent buck but nothing to get too excited about. One animal I love chasing is mule deer, trying to find those elusive big Montana mule deer bucks. I have yet to find a truly large one during the season and in my over 45 years of living in Montana have only seen a handful at all. Don't get too excited on seeing this buck and thinking there is something here, this was the ONLY mature buck I saw all year throughout all my scouting and eventual hunting. Never saw another one with at least 4 points.

We did see a herd of elk feeding out of the timber one our drive out at last light, no bulls.
Sadly, that caliber of buck used to be common in Montana, now it it's a monster buck.
The weekend of August 24th I was headed to my goat area for a weekend of scouting and learning the area. The first thing I learned is it is just over a 5 hour drive from my house to get into the area. This was a bit longer than anticipated but not much. I brought the 4 wheeler on this trip so I could get around on the road easily, check out he area and learn the lay of the land to the trailheads. We arrived well after dark on friday night and pitched the tent and conked out. Had the dogs sleep in the truck as the area is well known for grizzlies. We let them out at first light in the morning and laid back down only to hear this weird thumping sound outside. My husky in his boredom decided it was a good idea to jump up on top of the hood and cab of my truck. No idea why, but he scratched it up pretty good, was not pleased.

We then took the 4 wheeler up the road to check out the area. Dogs were running behind us, both are young, in great shape and needed to do something after being couped up in the truck all night and the day before. We made it about 2 miles up the road and I spotted a grizzly bear just above the cut bank of the road feeding on some berries. I stopped and pointed him out to the girlfriend, he looked at us and continued eating his berries. He was sitting down on his butt happily feeding area about 40 yards from us. I did notice he had an orange ear tag. I backed up and let the dogs catch up to me and just as they did I took off hoping they would not stop to check out the bear. They immediately hauled ass after me and when we went by the bear he didn't care, but as soon as he saw the dogs he stood up on his back legs and came barreling down the cut bank. He got on the road behind the dogs and took 4 or 5 running steps after them from about 10 behind them and gave up the chase. The dogs still to this day have no idea how close they were to certain death. I know one of them would have turned around to investigate if he saw the bear.

About another mile up the road is a big cliff off to the left of the road. I stopped to check it out for goats and right after stopping we spotted a goat. It was a billy, and a good mature on at that.

Goat going over the top Beartooths.jpg
The goat is hard to see in this picture but he's there. He proceeded to go over the ridge in no time and disappeared from sight. While I was excited to see a goat, I didn't really want to shoot one from the road. But this was a big mature billy. We went further up the road and I found that this area that I had nevery been up to was absolutely beautiful. We spotted a few other animals.

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There are 12 bighorn sheep on this knob. It is hard to see them all. There were tourists running up and down this road all day and I'm not sure any of them even saw the sheep.


View from Daisy Pass.jpg
My plan for the day was to check out a hike into an area I had learned about and to see how treacherous it was. There was a stretch on the hike that was described to me as being pretty spooky because of the height and exposure. I hiked in with the dogs while the girlfriend took the 4 wheeler around some of the local roads. The first mile or so is an established trail.

After a mile I headed up to the ridge off the trail.

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I was headed up this gully to the top for a look at some of this treacherous hike. I know more than got 50 yards off the trail and behind me on the rock I spotted a goat.

Billy near Wolverine Pass.jpg

He was not hard to see since he was skylined. You can easily see him in the picture. So out came the spotting scope to get a better look.

Billy on cliffs above Wolverine Pass.jpg

One single goat by himself. I watched him for about 15 minutes and determined he was most likely a billy, but younger than the one I had seen earlier that morning. I was plotting what I would do in this instance if the season had actually started.

Billy at Wolverine Pass.jpg

He bedded down and I headed up to my ridge I wanted to investigate. Where he bedded there would have been an almost perfect line to hike up to him without him seeing you and get a shot, although it was over 1000 feet up to get there.
My plan for the day was to check out a hike into an area I had learned about and to see how treacherous it was. There was a stretch on the hike that was described to me as being pretty spooky because of the height and exposure. I hiked in with the dogs while the girlfriend took the 4 wheeler around some of the local roads. The first mile or so is an established trail.

After a mile I headed up to the ridge off the trail.

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I was headed up this gully to the top for a look at some of this treacherous hike. I know more than got 50 yards off the trail and behind me on the rock I spotted a goat.

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He was not hard to see since he was skylined. You can easily see him in the picture. So out came the spotting scope to get a better look.

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One single goat by himself. I watched him for about 15 minutes and determined he was most likely a billy, but younger than the one I had seen earlier that morning. I was plotting what I would do in this instance if the season had actually started.

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He bedded down and I headed up to my ridge I wanted to investigate. Where he bedded there would have been an almost perfect line to hike up to him without him seeing you and get a shot, although it was over 1000 feet up to get there.
I saw a couple wolves chasing a couple goats on that hill, 25 years ago. Cool country!
I continued up the drainage that I wanted to get to. It takes a bit of elevation gain to get up there but it isn't too bad, but I had to keep reminding myself that I was just carrying a day pack, not a full blown backpacking setup. Once on the top at the ridge, at first I was a bit tepid about it, but most of that was in my head from what I had heard about it. After getting used to the ridge I was on, it really wasn't too big of a deal. Looking back I could still see the billy I had previously spotted and he hadn't moved.
Billy rock at Wolverine Pass.jpg

The billy I spotted is bedded down on above the big cliff in the upper right of this picture. You can also see Granite Peak way off in the distance. I have not made it to the top yet after 2 tries to Granite, snow/ice stopped us both times. It is on my bucket list.

The views from up on the ridge were phenomenal and I took a bunch of pictures. These are only a few.

Ridge 2.jpg

The pictures, as usual don't do the drop offs justice. It is a couple thousand feet down off to the left and very steep on the right of this picture. There is one 15 foot section that is especially sketchy where a slip off the left side would definitely kill you and a step to the right would probably not kill you but it wouldn't be pretty when you were done falling. I was trying to envision packing an animal out of here and how bad that would be.

First view of Lost Creek.jpg

I arrived at my destination and the view did not disappoint. From here the hike is relatively easy. I did not see any goats but there was sign everywhere and it just looked very goaty.

Dogs at head of Lost Creek.jpg

My mutts had come with me. They had no fear of the cliffs whatsoever and I had to keep calling them back away from it. There was one moment I thought my husky was going to take a flying leap off the 2000 foot cliff. A pika/chipmunk/something small and rodenty, I don't remember which, went running for the cliff and he being a husky couldn't resist and gave chase. Luckily he stopped just in time.
As I said I couldn't get enough of the view on such a bluebird day.

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I turned around and headed out. I hadn't seen a single person on my hike, which was encouraging but of course it is not the season yet. While headed out I could see the billy I spotted earlier hadn't moved. He was still bedded down. I sat down and watching him fot a bit and he got up and headed up over the ridge out of my sight.

I then hiked out to the trailhead and my girlfriend was there waiting for me with the 4 wheeler. She reported that she had spotted a goat and I told her I wanted to see where. We drove around a bit and when she pointed out the area, I was pretty sure it was the same one I had spotted but on the other side of the hill. After some time we were able to locate it. A single goat and on the other side of the hill from where I had seen mine earlier. Probably the same one but he was too far off to tell for sure.

He decided to head back to camp and go into Cooke City to get some dinner. One the way out we ran into a lot of people out on their side by sides. We were sitting talking to one group and my girlfriend looked down from us and said there was something moving down there. It ended up being a giant grizzly, the 2nd one of the day. And I know it wasn't the same one because it didn't have an ear tag like the previous one. I have seen lots of grizzlies over the years and these 2 and the biggest bears I have ever seen.

Giant grizzly near Daisy Pass.jpg

He is a long ways off so it is hard to tell, but he is massive. It was the first animals the tourist had seen all day. We had seen mountain goats, mule deer, bighorn sheep, moose, and grizzly bear.

Miller Mountain near Daisy Pass.jpg

It really is a beautiful area. I just hope the number of side by sides and off road vehicles in this area don't ruin it.

The next morning we got up and headed in for a drive around to see if we could spot anything. No luck spotting any goats, although we did see other animals. No more bears spotted but at one pit stop we took I hiked down a the hill a ways and found a big patch of grizzle bear fur. It was all wadded up and had porcupine quills all through it. Wish I could have witnessed that encounter.

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All in all it was a great scouting trip. I was able to check out the area and even spotted a few goats.
Ha! Coming from the western side of the state I was thinking "A mile of that doesn't look so bad."
There are much worse spots. This is a trail that has been cleared several times since the beetle kill, it just hasn't been done in the last 2 yrs or so. Get off the trail and it can take you 15 minutes or more to go 100 yards.
At some point in the summer, I don't remember when I received some mail from FWP.

I already knew I had to take my goat to an FWP regional office within 10 days (I think I am remembering that time frame right) to have the teeth pulled and have it measured. This packet was for the elk. Measure the horns in certain ways, count the points, and submit a tooth. This is how they do some of the survey reporting that I mentioned at the beginning that I had gotten my hands on from the previous year.

Elkhorns reporting.jpg
With a week to go until my goat season opens up I had some cameras to get out of my elk district.

So on Monday after work I headed in with the 4 wheeler to grab two of them. This time of year it starts getting dark a lot earlier and I knew it was well past dark when I got back from putting the cameras up so I knew I would need to hustle and even then it would be dark by the time I got back. It was about an 8 mile ride in and then a 2.5 mile hike one way from there to get to the cameras.

Elkhorn meadows view.jpg

Always expected to see something in this meadow and never did. On this trip I didn't see another person on the entire trip. On the trail I was pretty much running up and down it. Didn't see elk but I know some were close by as one area reeked of them. I did find somebody else's trail camera. It was right on the trail and at about chest height on a tree that the trail winded around. You couldn't miss it. Can't believe some of the places I see people hang these things.

Elkhorns stash.jpg

I left a little better tasting stash in this area.

On my way out I was started to get really down on this area. Been in here a couple times, and generally scouting most of the summer and had yet to actually see anything promising. I was moving pretty good in the 4 wheeler across a meadow and thinking to myself "This blows, I can't believe the lack of good bulls I have seen all year". Was really getting down on myself when I looked across and meadow and there was a bull standing there looking at me. I slammed on the brakes and put up the binos to see that he was good one.

Road bull.jpg

All by himself. He stood there for a bit but I was struggling getting a good picture using my binos and camera.

Road bull 3.jpg

Hard to tell in any of the pictures i took but he has 7 points on both sides. They aren't especially long points but there are 7 of them. He has tripods in the usual spot right at the 4th point. Moral of the story is I guess you just gotta get pissed off at the elk and one will show up for you.

There was a 7 point poached off this road a couple weeks later. It made the news, FWP was looking for info on it. Somebody shot it with a rifle during archery and took just the antlers. Made me wonder if this was him.
When I got back home I was able to check the pictures on the camera. There were not many pictures, but there was a couple of nice bulls.

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This one is more of the caliber of bull I had my eyes on. Score isn't that important to me but I wanted something with some eye appeal and this guy has it.

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Had several pictures of this guy and different times.

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Always cool to get pictures of right when they are shedding. This might be the same one as above that I had several pictures of. Even though you can't see it in this picture it is always amazing to me how white their antlers are when they first shed the velvet.
There are much worse spots. This is a trail that has been cleared several times since the beetle kill, it just hasn't been done in the last 2 yrs or so. Get off the trail and it can take you 15 minutes or more to go 100 yards.
I don’t doubt ya and was being a little hyperbolic. Although, I’m kinda notorious among friends for pushing on through some hellhole routes until everyone is pretty bloody, bruised, and cranky. It gets BAD on this side of the divide. I don’t see the maintenance backlog getting better with the upcoming cuts to USFS seasonal crew hiring.

Really enjoying this thread though!
Later that week I hiked in to get my last 2 cameras. With the goat season starting on Sept 1, a Sunday, and the upcoming weekend I wanted to get all my cameras out even though the elk archery season didn't start until sept 7.

I was excited about these last 2 cameras. They were in an area I had highlighted clear back in May and every time I went to the area or even glassed into it, I would see elk. It also wasn't too far from my early season camera location that had turned out quite a few good bulls.

As I hiked in I could see there might be a problem. The cattle were in the area and as I got to the top I could tell the cattle had been living here for the last couple months. In my experience the cattle won't push the elk completely out of an area, but the elk will stay out of the area that cattle are always in. So while hiking in my excitement to see the pictures these cameras would have was fading fast.

There were thousands of pictures on the cameras but as expected most were of cattle. The really disappointing thing was there were very few elk on it at all, and no bulls to speak of. There were however some cool pictures of some predators in the area.


A mountain lion with 3 kittens, which is fairly rare and speaks to the abundance of game and feed available in the area.


Probably the same one but without her kittens.


A nice sized black bear walking the same trail. But as I said, very few elk.
This last week in August I was also able to finally connect with a landowner that my girlfriend had connections to. I went out to his place and he gave me a map or where I could hunt on his property. It is decent sized ranch but the shape of the huntable land is odd shaped and can be hard to follow unless you are really paying attention. He had a couple people that hunted his land occasionally for spikes, but every year tried to find somebody with the bull permit to hunt his land also. Mostly he just really hated the elk on his property and the extra work they created for him. Basically he wants somebody to come onto his property and scare them off occasionally. I told him I was more than willing.

The previous year the tag holder he gave access to had shot his bull on the ranch. This was not a drive up and shoot them situation. There was a parking spot but you can't see much of anything from it and have to hike in. More of the kind of situation I was looking for but the real bonus is it was a short drive from my house and from work. So I could hit up this spot easily after work or when I found a couple hours of free time.
By this point I to say I was excited to go hunting was an understatement. The goat season opens on Sunday of the coming labor day weekend. My plan was to take the family with me and enjoy some camping/scouting/hunting time from Friday until Monday. On Monday my girlfriend would bring the kids back for school and I would head out with a friend to do a true backcountry hunt. My youngest son and I would head to goat camp on Friday and see if we could get eyes on some goats. My older son had a football game Saturday morning, so after that my girlfriend would bring him and my daughter to camp and they would arrive Saturday evening. Sunday and Monday we would all hunt and then Monday afternoon my friend and I would backpack in.

I took off the entire week with the idea that I would try and get my goat the first week of the season so I could then focus on the elk, especially since elk season didn't open until the following Saturday. I didn't really want to get one by the road during the camping portion, but it would be pretty cool if my kids were along when it happened. So I was open to whatever, even though I always envisioned this being a backcountry hunt.

One thing I was having a hard time with was getting any friends to go along with me. My usual hunting partner for archery elk could not take the time for the goat hunt and still have time to chase elk with me. Other friends and family mostly just gave me weird looks when I suggested going on a goat hunt. Most of their responses were "Goats? Why would I want to go on a goat hunt?". Insanity if you ask me. How often to you get to chase animals in some of the country we would be getting to do so? A co-worker and friend had agreed that he wanted to go for the experience alone. He is not really a hunter but loves the outdoors and flyfishing. But this is the kind of person I wanted along, somebody that wants and will enjoy the experience, regardless of what happens. He did not have all the usual gear, so he ended up borrowing some things from me and others. This little fact becomes important later in the story!

So I spent the week packing everything I would need. There was a lot to pack since I was packing for a backpacking hunt and a family camping/hunting trip.

Goat Hunting Gear.jpg

Here is a shot of my living room with most of the gear I would need, at least for the backpacking portion. You may notice there are 3 packs in the picture. One Mystery Ranch Marshall, one Eberlestock Just One pack and a frame pack for packing out meat. The Eberlestock would be used for the day hunting from camp portion, the Mystery Ranch for the backpacking adventure. The frame pack is just usually brought along on my hunts as a just in case thing. It has come in handy many times. But this multiple pack system would pose some problems that will come up later.
Caribou Gear

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