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Hairy Beasts and Smell Korns

On August 9th I received an email from FWP. Earlier I had mentioned that I applied for the 3 ranches that were offering "Bulls For Billionaires" access. The email is copied below

Hello ,

You were successful in drawing an elk 380-20 and have been selected to participate in an access opportunity to hunt either-sex elk on the Dunn Canyon Ranch.

This is made possible through the FWP elk hunting access agreement program where a landowner is granted one permit/license or combination of the two for allowing a minimum of 3 public hunters.

If you would like to accept this opportunity to hunt either-sex elk on these lands, please reply to this email and let me know by end of business Monday, August 12. If you accept, we will provide you with the property rules/terms, reservation contact information, and the map(s) of the accessible area. A brief post-season email survey is also required at the end of the season should you accept.

Parks and Outdoor Recreation Division

Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks

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I have removed the names and contact information from this email. I responded in the email with some questions. I asked why at #34 out of 414 was I the one chosen. She told me that all the people above me didn't have the bull permit and so for that tag I was option #1. Ok, that works for me. What are the specifications, where can I hunt and when? She replies to me with a map of the block management area and stating I need to sign in just like anybody else. This confuses me further. This particular block manage is closed the first week to the public and then open to anybody who signs in. So, does this mean I get access that first week? The answer from her is no, I sign in and have access just like everybody else. This prompts a sternly written email from me to her that I encouraged her to send to her supervisors. I know this isn't her doing, but I wanted my opinion voiced.

So this ranch, and others across the state I presume, are double dipping with their bulls for billionaires program. If they are in block management and meet the requirements for the bulls for billionaires program, they can participate in both by allowing hunting on the same piece of land. So they get the money for public access through block management and the extra special permit tags for allowing up to 3 tagholders access to this same land. Remember the number of people they allow access is how many tags they also get in return. None of this sits right with me.

To make matters worse this land the ranch offers for block management is largely a dry wasteland. There isn't much there. The elk are mostly on the adjoining piece of this ranches land that is irrigated. This piece is of course not in the block management program. And as I said earlier this ranch closes this access for the first week of rifle season. So, after this ranch has shot their bulls with tags from the bulls for billionaires program on their land within the first week and scared anything that MIGHT be on that barren wasteland portion that they allow access, it is then opened up to all of the public. This whole thing is no benefit to me as a holder of this tag and this program. I could do the same thing regardless of them getting extra tags through this program.

As I said I was not impressed and sent an email to her requesting it went up the chain. I'm sure it did nothing.
I think at this point it's time to just post hero shots (hopefully) and move on......
You guys are tough on the guy.... we've had waaaaaaay worse.

Like the crayon eater that tried picking up his billy story 2.5 years after he started his thread.


The is a hunt talk billy story with a bonus bull hunt...... it's fkn January right now what else are you gonna read about. Tell me about your 7mm and why I should buy one?
You guys are tough on the guy.... we've had waaaaaaay worse.

Like the crayon eater that tried picking up his billy story 2.5 years after he started his thread.


The is a hunt talk billy story with a bonus bull hunt...... it's fkn January right now what else are you gonna read about. Tell me about your 7mm and why I should buy one?
Or a Utah deer hunt from last fall where the poster didn’t finish the story across multiple websites

Keep this one going, I’m hooked
You guys are tough on the guy.... we've had waaaaaaay worse.

Like the crayon eater that tried picking up his billy story 2.5 years after he started his thread.


The is a hunt talk billy story with a bonus bull hunt...... it's fkn January right now what else are you gonna read about. Tell me about your 7mm and why I should buy one?
Niners are out. I understand. mtmuley
August 9th was a friday and so the girlfriend and I were heading out for a camping/scouting trip for elk. Drove out and set up the camper that evening and had time for a drive up a road that somebody had recommended to me. The road was really bad and full of really deep ruts. It had just rained so it was slippery. I made it up but was concerned about driving this road during the season, especially rifle season.

On the drive up we saw a couple cows and calves come busting out of the creek bottom. They went up over the hill and I drove a little farther up the road and spotted a couple deer. One was a mature buck worth getting a closer look at so I got out the spotting scope.

Buck 2.jpg

Buck 1.jpg

He was s decent buck but nothing to get too excited about. One animal I love chasing is mule deer, trying to find those elusive big Montana mule deer bucks. I have yet to find a truly large one during the season and in my over 45 years of living in Montana have only seen a handful at all. Don't get too excited on seeing this buck and thinking there is something here, this was the ONLY mature buck I saw all year throughout all my scouting and eventual hunting. Never saw another one with at least 4 points.

We did see a herd of elk feeding out of the timber one our drive out at last light, no bulls.