Idaho Harvest Statistics?


New member
Aug 6, 2010
Anyone else wondering why it's May 2nd, and the info from 2011 still hasn't been posted? Sorry to say...I don't have any answers either except for I'm hoping there will be some grand new website update that will be truley fantastic, one that will make me forget that I've been waiting for a while for this info. :rolleyes:
Idaho slow

I think it is the usual gov. attitude of who cares, we have always done it that way. I shot a bear last Spring and have called about getting information about it's age from the tooth they took. I was told the results won't be available untill about July. Really, how many bears do they kill in Idaho each year and how long can it take to section a tooth and count the rings? SGOP
For those interested...

Thanks for the question.

The harvest statistics for 2011 will be online at the end of this week or early next week.

You will be able to find them here:

We have had a few delays and are behind schedule. Thanks for your patience.


Michael Elmer
Wildlife Data Coordinator
Idaho Dept. of Fish and Game
[email protected]
Nice at least you received a reply. Hopefully by the weekend the stats will be online. Does anyone notice the inconsistency in the 2008 statistics reporting?
They are up. Michael at IF&G is a good guy, and he was more than willing to give me what data they had from 2011 before it was posted on the IF&G website.

For anyone interested, I put together a 400+ page report covering every elk zone in Idaho that includes:

A description of the terrain and land ownership of each zone.

A report on the herd health of each zone.

The most recent available elk survey data for each zone and unit.

Data such as bulls:cows, adult bulls:cows, bulls/square mile, adult bulls/square mile for each unit.

General season hunts that are available in each unit, along with hunt statistics going back several years.

Controlled hunts available in each unit, along with hunt statistics and drawing odds (including 2011).

Maps that show you the general boundaries of each controlled hunt.

The report is a mix of a ton of public info that is publicly available on the IF&G website, and my own input that I've gathered from traveling the state, and talking with biologists, ranchers, farmers, etc.

So here's my shameless appeal for the day :eek:

Sage, I just went through the stats for the past 11 years, and found more inconsistencies than I cared to take note of. Most were minor. I'm curious what you're talking about in 2008.
I have been looking for the inconsistencies in 08 but am not finding them on the hunt planner. I started an excel spreadsheet for all the units in the state 2 years ago and did 3 yr avgs. Rerunning the same numbers and comparing them to what I did before, I come up with different results. Now one of two things happened.

F&G either corrected their mistake(I saw a large increase in success, 4pt+, and 5pt+ for deer) or they changed them to reflect what had been the status quo.

Same for elk as well. Maybe i will keep screenshots next time i see the inconsistencies and compare it when I notice it changes.

Possibly related... I know that they have to use estimates, at least on a year to year basis. For instance, they might know that so many people bought the Boise River A-Tag. But what if only 70% of the hunters reported after the season? And what if they know that more than 70% of the tag-buyers hunted? The variables could go on and on. How they make their harvest estimates, I don't know.

But I don't know why their numbers would change.
I thought that you couldn't buy a license for the next year until you reported all of your hunts from the previous year. IDF&G had told me this when I couldn't report a hunt due to techinical issues on their side.
That's absolutely right. All I know is that a lot of estimates come in to play when IF&G finally posts the stats. How many guys go to buy their tags in October each year, and find that they can't buy their license because they didn't report? If it is a significant number, then you can see how estimates are needed, as they wouldn't know about those last minute reports until several months after they post the stats. Then, as they get that new, yet tardy information, I could see how they would adjust the stats that they post for the next year.

That's a theory. I guess I could just ask them!!! lol
Caribou Gear

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