Caribou Gear

Kansas elk 2023

Believe I have the same gun but with open sights on it for NM.
My time at the shooting table had me feeling like a 100-150 yard shot was doable, but I had concerns about lethality beyond 100ish yards. As it turned out, I had the hammer back twice and trigger on the finger when spike antlers detected or two cows moving side by side so I held off on shooting.
Long before settlers reached Kansas and before the market hunters wreaked havoc on the plains there were untold bison, elk and antelope roaming the land. Deer were present in lower numbers than what exist now in the Sunflower State. Deer hunting once again became a reality in the 60’s with resident only hunting over a very short season. Small transplants of elk returned wapiti to the plains, and have grown to the point that there is elk hunting in Kansas again.

From the KDWP website:

Elk were another big game species that were common in pre-settlement Kansas. They were also extirpated at the turn of the century. However, a small herd was maintained at the Maxwell Wildlife Area near McPherson. The 2,200-acre enclosure is operated as a refuge and also features bison. In 1981, elk from Maxwell were released at the Cimarron National Grassland, and that herd was free-ranging. To keep that herd from growing too big and causing crop damage, a limited resident-only season was opened in 1987. Later in the 1980s, elk were captured at Maxwell and released on the Ft. Riley Military Reservation. That herd is also free-ranging, and a season was established for the fort in 1990. Today, elk are primarily hunted on and around Ft. Riley, but individual elk or small herds may be found at other locations around the state, and hunting is permitted everywhere except Morton County. About 900 applications are received for the 20 or so permits allotted each year, and they are divided among military personnel and Kansas residents.

This year marked my 11th year applying, hoping for a miraculous draw success. For my first choice I put in for the “any elk” tag which is commonly called a bull tag which is good for the entire Ft Riley elk season and then 2nd 3rd and 4th choices for antlerless tags which are good for either October November or December.

KDWP sent out a email blast to resident hunters in the draw for pronghorn, deer and elk that results would be announced the last Friday of June. No email for elk results of Friday, and none the next week either. And then the next week, there was some credible info on a Kansas hunting and fishing Facebook group that the draw was happening and then phone calls would be made to the lucky few who drew tags.

All that next week I was checking my phone for a call coming in from Pratt KS. Nothing. And more nothing. Followed by more nothing coming from them. And then last Friday I checked my personal profile in the app and saw that my 10 bonus points and grown by one due to unsuccessful elk applications. Bummer. Major bummer. A hollow feeling that most hunters know all to well if applying for long odds tags.

No longer expecting a phone call from Pratt, I kept drilling, filling and billing at my dental office, and looked forward to a three day weekend starting Friday. This afternoon sitting on my couch catching up on HuntTalk threads, my phone rang, and the caller ID said Pratt KS.

Answering the call, I heard Jason, the big game draw coordinator ask me if I still wanted to go elk hunting in Kansas this fall. He explained that a successful applicant was not going to accept their tag, and I was the first alternate in line. This was the last tag to be allocated, and of course I said I indeed want the tag.

We did some formalities with credit card payments due to the return/reissue and he
assured me that my E-tag would soon appear in my app.

I get to go to the Post to hunt elk! There are several issues about hunting on the installation, including needing to complete their safety briefing, getting a $25 hunting permit (non hunter/fishing recreationalists are free) and being very clear to understand what areas are closed for the tank and artillery training.
Good luck! Sounds fun.
Just read your account. My son frew a Cow tag his Sr. Year at Maize. We didnt get much time to hunt as he was their D End and we went to state that year. I have hunted Elk from Nm to Mt and everywhere in between. Riley is not an easy hunt way to stick with it. As for I have put in for the draw since 1994 and still waiting for that coveted tag.
Last week a patient showed me a photo of a decent bull that is hanging within a mile of his house. Close to Wichita! It is on his brother's property most of the time, so he says until his brother gets more interested in chasing deer, he won't have access to hunt the bull. The patient doesn't want to buy the $300 tag until his brother officially gives up his meager efforts.

In other news, KAKE tv report about a young bull seen in NE Wichita

5 miles from the house!

PS: not the same bull. The patient’s photo shows a decent six point.
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