ID nonres sheep/Moose/Goat apps?

Say what you want about New Mexico's crappy 6% allocation to DIY nonresidents and the crappy rounding to screw nonresident kids out of tags and all that fun stuff but they seem to have figured out how to run a draw. From the application deadline to the money being back on my credit card was less than 30 days. And that wasn't a one off M/S/G drawing that was all species. And they don't charge a credit card processing fee. I'm not positive but I think that by refunding the money within a certain amount of time they don't have to pay the processing fee (or as much processing fees) so that is a big positive as well. The true random draw is probably the best way to handle the OIL and Premium type tags as well. If they could just eliminate the 10% outfitter pool and increase the DIY nonresident pool from 6% to 10% I think it would be close to the perfect system.

I'm still waiting on my refund as well. I think I'm safe with since I was right up to the deadline and my credit card cycle ends on the 20th.
Say what you want about New Mexico's crappy 6% allocation to DIY nonresidents and the crappy rounding to screw nonresident kids out of tags and all that fun stuff but they seem to have figured out how to run a draw. From the application deadline to the money being back on my credit card was less than 30 days. And that wasn't a one off M/S/G drawing that was all species. And they don't charge a credit card processing fee. I'm not positive but I think that by refunding the money within a certain amount of time they don't have to pay the processing fee (or as much processing fees) so that is a big positive as well. The true random draw is probably the best way to handle the OIL and Premium type tags as well. If they could just eliminate the 10% outfitter pool and increase the DIY nonresident pool from 6% to 10% I think it would be close to the perfect system.

I'm still waiting on my refund as well. I think I'm safe with since I was right up to the deadline and my credit card cycle ends on the 20th.
And of course dump the EPLUS system entirely to put tags where they belong, in the public draw.
If they could just eliminate the 10% outfitter pool and increase the DIY nonresident pool from 6% to 10% I think it would be close to the perfect system.
I can fantasize about 12%-15% though right?

I fear reducing 6%/10% to 10% total would come with a HUGE price increase to make up for the 6% drop in non-resident priced tags. I guess the price increase might make odds better too.
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And of course dump the EPLUS system entirely to put tags where they belong, in the public draw.
A substantial percentage of those tags would simply evaporate into thin air, as you would not have access to that private property and they wouldn’t simply increase the tags given to hunt public land.

My preferred solution would be to force a choice. If you enter the draw, you cannot acquire an e-plus voucher. If you hold OR TRANSFERED an e-plus voucher, you may not enter the draw. That change would cause e-plus to work for the guys in the draw.

I have no problem with e-plus, but I do wish it reduced demand in the draw. Currently it does not.
Say what you want about New Mexico's crappy 6% allocation to DIY nonresidents and the crappy rounding to screw nonresident kids out of tags and all that fun stuff but they seem to have figured out how to run a draw.
How are those underprivileged NR kids getting screwed?
How are those underprivileged NR kids getting screwed?
When they first went to the 6% they rounded it so that if the quota was 10 tags, Resident youth got 8, Outfitter pool got 1 and Nonresident DIY got 1.

NMWF pitched a fit and threatened legal action against the department of game and fish to say that they had to round down. So now the quota has to be at least 17 tags for a nonresident DIY youth to be eligible to draw a tag. There are probably 30 or so youth tags for different species and nearly all of them have a quota of 10 or 15 tags.

So essentially they have made youth tags exclusive to resident or outfitters. Of course right when my son was eligible to apply so I'm butt hurt over it. LOL.
$330.78......USD that is like a million Canadian -

I cannot imagine ever handing this amount of non-refundable cash over for a random draw. never.....

but I would spend $35USD every year for my over the counter sheep tag here in Alberta. $50 USD including my hunting license.
When they first went to the 6% they rounded it so that if the quota was 10 tags, Resident youth got 8, Outfitter pool got 1 and Nonresident DIY got 1.

NMWF pitched a fit and threatened legal action against the department of game and fish to say that they had to round down. So now the quota has to be at least 17 tags for a nonresident DIY youth to be eligible to draw a tag. There are probably 30 or so youth tags for different species and nearly all of them have a quota of 10 or 15 tags.

So essentially they have made youth tags exclusive to resident or outfitters. Of course right when my son was eligible to apply so I'm butt hurt over it. LOL.

The new number for a NR tag is 13 not 17.

In the old version if a hint code had 10 tags, R’s got 9, Out’s got 1, and NR’s got 1 for 11 total. Now hunt codes don’t go over what’s in the book, so at 10 tags R’s get 9, Outs get 1, and NR’s get 0.

At the same time they did that, they also reorganized their antelope draw into more seasons, leaving the total quota the same, but drastically cutting the number of hunt codes with over 13 tags.

NMWF needs to be shunned by NM hunters. All they did was cost NMGF hundreds of thousands of dollars in NR and OUT tags without adding one single tag to the resident quota or improving the hunt, because the change only took one total tag out of any given hunt code. Am I supposed to believe that residents now have a much improved experience because hunt codes with ten tags now have ten hunters instead of eleven? That’s not the first time NMWF has created a problem where there was none and failed to help NM residents in the process. I listened to two interviews with guys working for them who explained a few prior changes they were responsible for and they were all bad for non-residents with little to no benefit at all to residents. I wish I remembered what those were.
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When they first went to the 6% they rounded it so that if the quota was 10 tags, Resident youth got 8, Outfitter pool got 1 and Nonresident DIY got 1.

NMWF pitched a fit and threatened legal action against the department of game and fish to say that they had to round down. So now the quota has to be at least 17 tags for a nonresident DIY youth to be eligible to draw a tag. There are probably 30 or so youth tags for different species and nearly all of them have a quota of 10 or 15 tags.

So essentially they have made youth tags exclusive to resident or outfitters. Of course right when my son was eligible to apply so I'm butt hurt over it. LOL.
Can't your son apply for a NR "adult" tag? I guess I'm not sure why NR youth need to have any priority. If I remember right NM is one of the only places that offer youth tags for animals other than deer/elk, but I could be wrong.
Can't your son apply for a NR "adult" tag? I guess I'm not sure why NR youth need to have any priority. If I remember right NM is one of the only places that offer youth tags for animals other than deer/elk, but I could be wrong.
Yes. He can apply in the NR DIY regular quota. There are several states that throw NR youth a bone in some form or another. Reduced price youth licenses that allows them to apply, specific youth tags that they can apply for, etc. There are a few states that specifically reserve their youth tags for residents. That's what they want to do and that's fine.

I just feel that NM is disingenuous that they say NR youth can apply for these tags but then they set the quotas so that NR youth can't unless they apply in the outfitter pool. Also a little bit of a gut punch that they have always had some great youth tags that my son was finally going to be able to apply for until NMWF pressured for the rounding change the second year he was able to apply. Again, no argument that they have the right to do whatever they want, it was just not what I was hoping or expecting so I reserve the right to be butt hurt about it.

I still don't have my refund from Idaho.
Yes. He can apply in the NR DIY regular quota. There are several states that throw NR youth a bone in some form or another. Reduced price youth licenses that allows them to apply, specific youth tags that they can apply for, etc. There are a few states that specifically reserve their youth tags for residents. That's what they want to do and that's fine.

I just feel that NM is disingenuous that they say NR youth can apply for these tags but then they set the quotas so that NR youth can't unless they apply in the outfitter pool. Also a little bit of a gut punch that they have always had some great youth tags that my son was finally going to be able to apply for until NMWF pressured for the rounding change the second year he was able to apply. Again, no argument that they have the right to do whatever they want, it was just not what I was hoping or expecting so I reserve the right to be butt hurt about it.

I still don't have my refund from Idaho.
The youth only deer tag I took my cousin on in NM was hands down one of the most fun hunts I've ever been apart of.
Anyone seen a refund to their card yet? Things are going to get hairy when Nevada starts hitting my card for all the tags I drew there today/tomorrow.

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