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ID Fee Increase Dead for Now

I think there is definitely an element of retaliation in this move by the House Resources and Conservation Committee. Gibbs' reason for returning the bills is over concerns "that the proposals did not sufficiently address wildlife depredation problems on private land or the process for landowner compensation". So why didn't he just return the bill that dealt with landowner compensation and move the fee increase bill forward?

Besides that the bill that dealt with landowner compensation was to give landowners even more time to report depredations and still collect monetary compensation. I guess that wasn't enough to fill their greedy pockets.
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This is the game plan that is playing my out in several states out west wherein a certain wildlife group is pushing conservation tags (SFW). They slash the state game agency budget, fight against fee increase and wait a few years. This will cause a serious budget shortfall. They will then push for more conservation tags as a simple solution to the created budget issues. The same thing is happening in Wyoming.

It is very sad and predictable. They will fight tag increase for a few years then scream and yell about the management and demand more tags as a solution.

This is the same game plan playing out in the land transfer fight. For many years they have voted to cut funding for BLM and FS then turn around and point to mismanagement and negligence as the reason to transfer federal/sell federal land.

This self serving game plan makes me hate politics more and more.
Obviously Gibbs has sold out. I sent my opinion to Bedkey since he appointed Gibbs.
Sounds like a couple of bogus reasons and not the real reason they won't go before the Legislature for hearings!

How do we get a bunch of ID residents to donate an extra $2 to $5 on their next hunting license purchase? Or deer tag?

How do we get a bunch of ID residents to donate an extra $2 to $5 on their next hunting license purchase? Or deer tag?

When you file your Idaho tax return you can donate to the Nongame Wildlife Conservation Fund:

I was speaking with a gentleman that works for the state tax commission the other day and he said not very many people actually donate to this--it only raises about $25k per year so it could use some help.

How do we get a bunch of ID residents to donate an extra $2 to $5 on their next hunting license purchase? Or deer tag?

Better off working to vote these guys out. Idaho's legislature is far too 1-party to even allow debate. Committee chairmen can bottle everything up, and any dissenters are given ZERO opportunity to be heard.

We should not have to be out begging and tin-cupping for $2 and $5 to fund the agency and the projects we need on charitable donations.

These changes will only be made at the ballot box, and to do that, you are going to have to support EVERY group that is down protesting what goes on in the legislature. Including the Planned Parenthood groups, the Add The Words Groups, ,etc... Your allies are not going to be wearing Camo in this phase. They might be wearing pink, they might be wearing rainbow colors, they might be wearing a Union pin.
Better off working to vote these guys out.

Amen to that. What really chaps my hide about this is that it didn't even get printed. Instead Chit like bills invalidating federal laws and another that withholds funds from cities that don't enforce federal immigration laws are getting printed and getting hearings.
Amen to that. What really chaps my hide about this is that it didn't even get printed. Instead Chit like bills invalidating federal laws and another that withholds funds from cities that don't enforce federal immigration laws are getting printed and getting hearings.

The inner workings of the State Legislature are all about the committee assignments and chairs. And you only get those by being a TEAM PLAYER to Bedke & Co. That is just the way it is. He is even able to freeze out his far right-wing nuts (Looking at you Heather Scott and Rep. Nate).

The good news is, Idaho is a cheap state to buy a legislature. $200 will get you a lunch to meet with your guy, and get in his face.

The dilemma is do you spend your resources trying to educate/flip incumbents to your way of thinking, or spend the effort trying to elect people that don't need flipped. Right now, in Idaho, neither one is possible. It is only going to be a groundswell that sweeps guys out all in one flush. And, other than a few thousand people in Boise who are raising noise, I don't see the outlying counties starting to become vocal on anything progressive.
Out of the emails I sent, I received one in response from Mat Erpelding saying he supported the increase.
I remember this annual battle when I lived there 20 years ago. They were using it to leverage IDF&G policy. It was why I'm worried about Montana's shorter funding cycle.

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