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HuntTalk Prayer list

One of my employees David is fighting liver cancer and has to have a new liver. He has been struggling not only physically but mentally with this as he is concerned about the strain on his family and friends. He is one of the strongest and most selfless people I have ever met.
Thanks for any thought, prayers or well wishes that were sent my family’s way.
My little brother isn’t going to make it.
This is beyond #@)(*%* up.
If anyone wants to pray for my mother and father to be able to find peace with this that would be great.
Besides having a pacemaker and not being able to rough house he was always a normal kid. He’s had bumps in the road in the past, but he always pulled through.
As they say, this just doesn’t seem real.
I don’t know what I’m supposed to do right now.
Be thankful for the present.

So sorry to hear this.
Be thankful for what you have, and pray for all who are on the frontlines risking their own health to help others. Pray for all who are separated from their loved ones. God bless.
Thank you everyone for all of the support.
Tonight’s the first night that I’ve been able to log in and read these.
I’m probably in the denial stage of grief right now.
Obviously this is the kind of thing that’s gonna take a long time to process and deal with.
Idk if this is the proper way to handle this, but I’ve just been trying to keep my mind and hands busy and avoid the bigger thoughts that come to mind in times like these.
Thank you to everybody on here for being an awesome and interesting community.
Before getting back into hunting I’d spent like a solid 8-10 years post high school looking for something to do.
Then I found this website full of all you enablers, got into backpacking and skiing and I’ve actually really been enjoying life as of late.
Thanks again for the support, thoughts and prayers to all of you!
Thank you everyone for all of the support.
Tonight’s the first night that I’ve been able to log in and read these.
I’m probably in the denial stage of grief right now.
Obviously this is the kind of thing that’s gonna take a long time to process and deal with.
Idk if this is the proper way to handle this, but I’ve just been trying to keep my mind and hands busy and avoid the bigger thoughts that come to mind in times like these.
Thank you to everybody on here for being an awesome and interesting community.
Before getting back into hunting I’d spent like a solid 8-10 years post high school looking for something to do.
Then I found this website full of all you enablers, got into backpacking and skiing and I’ve actually really been enjoying life as of late.
Thanks again for the support, thoughts and prayers to all of you!
Hang in there, bud we are here to message you! PM me whenever you want!
Received some unfortunate news this morning. Thank you to all who prayed.

Evangelist Eli Hernandez went to be with the Lord at 10:25 pm last night. He was surrounded by the pulmonary staff at the Las Vegas VA hospital.
Thanks for any thought, prayers or well wishes that were sent my family’s way.
My little brother isn’t going to make it.
This is beyond #@)(*%* up.
If anyone wants to pray for my mother and father to be able to find peace with this that would be great.
Besides having a pacemaker and not being able to rough house he was always a normal kid. He’s had bumps in the road in the past, but he always pulled through.
As they say, this just doesn’t seem real.
I don’t know what I’m supposed to do right now.
Be thankful for the present.
@DouglasR Praying and thinking of you and your mom and dad. I’m sorry to hear about your brother.
Update on my wife’s workplace - on 4/24 she was told not to work any more shifts for the time being since she only had 2 shifts per month, and admin thought that would help minimize virus exposure and spread. We affirm the wisdom of their decision, although it’s been very hard to see the outbreak unfold from afar. As of yesterday half of her patients are now dead from COVID-19. Her uncle gets his test results tomorrow. It will be a very different place to return to work when she is allowed back.
If y’all could add my cousin to this, yesterday morning he was on a family camping trip up above forest hill in Northern California and went over the handlebars of his dirt-bike. Air lifted to the hospital with 8 broken ribs, ruptured spleen, punctured lung and broken collarbone. Just went in to emergency surgery this morning because his lung keeps filling with blood. He is completely alone, hospital won’t allow any family in because of the virus. Father of 3 kids. This is him with his son on his first deer hunt in Montana this past year. We were like brothers growing up.. prayers please.BA97F6CB-4A7B-4112-9F27-38B20103BBE8.jpeg