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Hunting With My Less Accurate Rifles

Can a guy that hunts a stainless synthetic rifle possess any of those qualities? mtmuley
It depends on what brand of rifle. Sako has proven itself over and over to be a rifle of character, quality and uncompromised safety

.When they had a heat treatment error with stainless recievers on finnights, they completely were a stand up company. They did everything plus to get a new rifle or replace the recievers. They paid for everthing, shipping both ways

Remington tried forever to dodge the safety problem and liability. Did thier walnut and blue rifles have integrity? Did they "stand up"?

I had model 7 stainless,,,the trigger was cheap cast metal with a hard plating which wore out from use. A beer can quality rifle, blue or stainless.

Kimber scaled down what many would call the finest action ever made,,,a model 70 with that highly valued 3 position model 70 safety. That is a bloodline of interity and character stainless or blue

My newer yet still New Haven made CRF stainless model 70 in 6.5x55 is loaded with "short cuts" beyond the barrel and reciever so many smalled parts are not stainless.

With the Sako finnlight every last part and screw is stainless. They even make the coolest sling swivels. Character and integrity all the way

If it came down to just two rifles,,,one would be my made in 1952 Model 70 in 270 and my stainless Sako 75 Finnlight in .308. Not a hint of "beer can" in either. 1000% character and integrity, stainless or blue great bloodlines all the way
It depends on what brand of rifle. Sako has proven itself over and over to be a rifle of character, quality and uncompromised safety

.When they had a heat treatment error with stainless recievers on finnights, they completely were a stand up company. They did everything plus to get a new rifle or replace the recievers. They paid for everthing, shipping both ways

Remington tried forever to dodge the safety problem and liability. Did thier walnut and blue rifles have integrity? Did they "stand up"?

I had model 7 stainless,,,the trigger was cheap cast metal with a hard plating which wore out from use. A beer can quality rifle, blue or stainless.

Kimber scaled down what many would call the finest action ever made,,,a model 70 with that highly valued 3 position model 70 safety. That is a bloodline of interity and character stainless or blue

My newer yet still New Haven made CRF stainless model 70 in 6.5x55 is loaded with "short cuts" beyond the barrel and reciever so many smalled parts are not stainless.

With the Sako finnlight every last part and screw is stainless. They even make the coolest sling swivels. Character and integrity all the way

If it came down to just two rifles,,,one would be my made in 1952 Model 70 in 270 and my stainless Sako 75 Finnlight in .308. Not a hint of "beer can" in either. 1000% character and integrity, stainless or blue great bloodlines all the way
My hunting rifle of choice is a Remington BDL Stainless Synthetic. Chambered in .300 RUM. Carried it for 20 years plus. Want to judge me? mtmuley
Less accurate than what?

Most rifles are more accurate than the guy that shoots them. Learning to shoot will make many guns "more accurate".

Iron sights may be considered "less accurate" but I still take them out to hunt and knowing the rifle's limitations as well as mine, will still make for a successful day in the field...

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Very nice. Much respect sir!
Yeah, a guy that can kill an animal beyond the generally accepted range of "ethical" hunters just "hunts" to be a sniper. mtmuley
Only if someone or something is not shooting back😂 I get tickled at the "Runners and Gunners of today that only think in MOA🤣🤣 Everyone's now a sniper🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
My hunting rifle of choice is a Remington BDL Stainless Synthetic. Chambered in .300 RUM. Carried it for 20 years plus. Want to judge me? mtmuley
If I recall you had all the triggers changed on your Remingtons so they were safe from accidental discharge,,,or was that somebody else.
If your words were bullets, they are so inaccuarte, the best group you could shoot off the bench with a bipod too at 100 yards would be 12"
There’s no need to get offended, I’m not judging him. I’m simply saying that O’Connor wasn’t shy about describing very long range shots for the limited technology of his time. He wasn’t shy about taking running shots either, and he wrote about doing it frequently.
Maybe we forget the very old days "The top" hunters for the most part "Served" this country in war. Men and woman from a conflict tend to think differently than those that judge from their arm chair Barko lounger. Or their bench rest. Or in today's world "Their gaming screen"
Their opinions were from a different
perspective. Their view of "Life" from a different time. Some tried to impart that to the rest of the country.
Now it would seem if you have the $$$ to load up on "Stuff" your "The raining Experts. Get your kestrel, flow charts, ballistic tables, ect. ECT. And sometimes the newest most exotic gizmos.
Don't that make you "The Better" hunter.

Hardly 😎
Perhaps they need to also learn "Habitat, food, water, shelter" how the weather affects animals behavior. How to read sign, what's in scatt so they can locate the browse of the game they hunt. Modern is good, but can they track a creature in the Animals home range. One goes with the other😉
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Perhaps they need to also learn "Habitat, food, water, shelter" how the weather affects animals behavior. How to read sign, what's in scatt so they can locate the brows of the game they hunt. Modern is good, but can they track a creature in the Animals home range. One goes with the other😉
I definitely can’t do that. Actually, the farthest big game animal I’ve ever shot was barely over 400, with a blued and walnut Model 70 in .270. I was wearing a Sitka jacket at the time though, so I’m still a lost cause.
Perhaps they need to also learn "Habitat, food, water, shelter" how the weather affects animals behavior. How to read sign, what's in scatt so they can locate the brows of the game they hunt. Modern is good, but can they track a creature in the Animals home range. One goes with the other😉
I can do all that. Then I kill with my modern "stuff". mtmuley
I can do all that. Then I kill with my modern "stuff". mtmuley
So. Mt Muley,

"I can do all that" you say

If you are looking at a set of deer or elk tracks, in light dust/dirt,,,just barely enough to see a set of indiivdual tracks from just one animal,,how can you determine if those the tracks are a buck or a doe or a cow elk from a bull. Forget size,,,there are big does and cow elk and small bucks and bulls. Forget urine location relative to hoof marks. Forget presence of fawn or calf elk tracks,,,forget dew clawws, forget how blunt the tips are,,,that shows age not sex, how, just by looking at a set of tracks of one individual deer or elk in just light dust/dirt can you dertermine sex and be 100% sure. Riddle me this and i am not joking. I am talking about serious bush craft.

And to other hunters,,if you know,,,do not spill the beans. Mt. Muley has claimed he can "Do all that" Let him prove it

I can do all that. Then I kill with my modern "stuff". mtmuley
And can you do it right now,,,no research,,immediately,,,do you that knowledge right at your fingertips?

Also how tell the tracks of a grizzly from black bear? Also what is the most signifucant feature distinguish any cat track from any canine reack, wild or domestic. Also whatis the major indicator of browsing by deer ot elk.

And to other hunters,,,let Mt Mukey answer thee questions,,,right away first
So. Mt Muley,

"I can do all that" you say

If you are looking at a set of deer or elk tracks, in light dust/dirt,,,just barely enough to see a set of indiivdual tracks from just one animal,,how can you determine if those the tracks are a buck or a doe or a cow elk from a bull. Forget size,,,there are big does and cow elk and small bucks and bulls. Forget urine location relative to hoof marks. Forget presence of fawn or calf elk tracks,,,forget dew clawws, forget how blunt the tips are,,,that shows age not sex, how, just by looking at a set of tracks of one individual deer or elk in just light dust/dirt can you dertermine sex and be 100% sure. Riddle me this and i am not joking. I am talking about serious bush craft.

And to other hunters,,if you know,,,do not spill the beans. Mt. Muley has claimed he can "Do all that" Let him prove it

Is it so important to pin one down? Isn't it just as important to get people thinking in a Broader way and expand their knowledge of things.
When I was in High school in Phoenix I had a few friends that were Native American and I learned more from them about Hunting and tracking than any book would tell me. They had father's and grandfather's that raised them in the "Old" ways. Yet I still learn many thing by keeping my eyes open, my ears tuned and occasionally my mouth shut 🤣🤣
Is it so important to pin one down? Isn't it just as important to get people thinking in a Broader way and expand their knowledge of things.
When I was in High school in Phoenix I had a few friends that were Native American and I learned more from them about Hunting and tracking than any book would tell me. They had father's and grandfather's that raised them in the "Old" ways. Yet I still learn many thing by keeping my eyes open, my ears tuned and occasionally my mouth shut 🤣🤣
Example-- in the era of the 60s & 70s there was a group of people who lived in a less than tropical location shall we say. We referred to them as "Yard's" uneducated by our standards, yet brilliant in the ways of people and there country. They taught us much. They could smell a foe, hear what we could not and move through the jungle without a sound. Yet many called them ignorant.
We were the Ignorant ones because of our superior Attitude towards those we didn't understand. Think about this for a minute 😉

All of us here on “Hunt Talk” to one degree or another are predators. We have a trigger, a switch, a kill button. Then when a prey animal pushes that button,,,predators will try to “pin that animal down”

It is our primal nature.

Mt. Muley has made a huge claim. “I can do ALL that” regarding the bushcraft skills that were listed in the post he responded to. I never met anyone who could “ Do All That” so he has opened the door to being asked to show his knowledge.

The questions I asked were pretty basic, as are these that follow.

What is the preferred gait of wild canines versus wild felines.?

What group of animals uses the side by side trot the most.?

How do you tell what direction an animals was looking when the tracks were made.?

What is the typical distance between the center of the shoulder joint and hip joint of a really mature Rocky Mountain elk. ?

What wild canine has sem-retractable cat like claws and why.?

What are the preferred gait differences between mule deer and whitetails?

What is the maximum height a grizzly can run and slap its way up an aspen with with no branches.?

What is the max width for a black bear track.?

What is the max poop diameter for a black bear.?

How can you tell the difference between the tracks of large dog and wolf.?

What is the key habitat difference between mountian quail and valley quail ?

How can one distinguish rattler snake tracks from other large snake ?

What are the two biggest avantages of carbon steel knives over stainless steel knives?

Any of these questions are part of that ALL , pretty basic bush craft stuff here

I am waiting Mt. Muley for your answers for any these answers

I closing, any hunter who can answer these questions, will do great hunting anywhere with a little 30-30 model 94.


All of us here on “Hunt Talk” to one degree or another are predators. We have a trigger, a switch, a kill button. Then when a prey animal pushes that button,,,predators will try to “pin that animal down”

It is our primal nature.

Mt. Muley has made a huge claim. “I can do ALL that” regarding the bushcraft skills that were listed in the post he responded to. I never met anyone who could “ Do All That” so he has opened the door to being asked to show his knowledge.

The questions I asked were pretty basic, as are these that follow.

What is the preferred gait of wild canines versus wild felines.?

What group of animals uses the side by side trot the most.?

How do you tell what direction an animals was looking when the tracks were made.?

What is the typical distance between the center of the shoulder joint and hip joint of a really mature Rocky Mountain elk. ?

What wild canine has sem-retractable cat like claws and why.?

What are the preferred gait differences between mule deer and whitetails?

What is the maximum height a grizzly can run and slap its way up an aspen with with no branches.?

What is the max width for a black bear track.?

What is the max poop diameter for a black bear.?

How can you tell the difference between the tracks of large dog and wolf.?

What is the key habitat difference between mountian quail and valley quail ?

How can one distinguish rattler snake tracks from other large snake ?

What are the two biggest avantages of carbon steel knives over stainless steel knives?

Any of these questions are part of that ALL , pretty basic bush craft stuff here

I am waiting Mt. Muley for your answers for any these answers

I closing, any hunter who can answer these questions, will do great hunting anywhere with a little 30-30 model 94.

My friend what will be gained? I've been in Construction my entire life and everyone that came looking for a job that said "I can do it All" we never hired. Back when I started a man who was a Craftsman by European standards took me under his wing and taught me on Saturdays on my own time. He said I have no time to waste on someone that only wanted enough Knowledge to go somewhere else for a buck more an hour. I'm of a great age and I am taught everyday something by someone or a book even a Utube video.
I m h o --- It's not ever a good day for me to belabor the obvious. I find most people show themselves for what they are eventually.
But just know, my campfire is always open and warm for anyone to share, that shows themselves to be friendly.
My friend what will be gained? I've been in Construction my entire life and everyone that came looking for a job that said "I can do it All" we never hired. Back when I started a man who was a Craftsman by European standards took me under his wing and taught me on Saturdays on my own time. He said I have no time to waste on someone that only wanted enough Knowledge to go somewhere else for a buck more an hour. I'm of a great age and I am taught everyday something by someone or a book even a Utube video.
I m h o --- It's not ever a good day for me to belabor the obvious. I find most people show themselves for what they are eventually.
But just know, my campfire is always open and warm for anyone to share, that shows themselves to be friendly.
Oh you forgot - is the animal left pawed or right, how much does it weight, if female is she in heat? All good questions 😉
Oh you forgot - is the animal left pawed or right, how much does it weight, if female is she in heat? All good questions 😉
Rereading your post, Predator, yes we all have the DNA to react both ways - example, The Samurai both a docile and a violent being. Capible of Contemplative Thought and extreme war. Then return to enjoying the sunset with tea. How we direct both would depend on!!