Hunting Slang

Where i grew up in sage and rimrock cow calf ranch country, hunters who where not local were referred to as being from, “ down below “. Do not not know if the term referred to Hades or just lower elevation. Kindest Regards
Montana is full of great slang. Mulies, whiteys, lopers, yotes, huns, dumpster would be hard pressed to find an animal we don't have a colloquial name for.
Anything that doesn’t refer to the animal but the surrounding or overall day? “Boy’s today’s gonna be a ___!” “Watch our for that_____”
being from England, can you explain the reason behind the terminology?
It’s derived from amateur or unethical hunters acting like a ‘cowboy’ and taking wild shots on game. No self respecting hunter would take this shot as a first shot. However, it can be useful on a wounded animal that is jumped and running away. But only as a last resort to down an already wounded animal.
Huntiingwife: If time ever permits for you, a trip to the great state of Arizona might be fun for you, as half of North Americas Bird species are in our state. And it is the Humming bird capitol of the world.

I dont hear the words "critters", "talking iron", and several others like I did in the past. I recently had to explain what a "dead mans hand" was and
that "blacksmithing" actually was used in the sex business as well as in the horse shoeing business.

and I am sure noharleyyet knows what a "hillbilly speed bump" is but many dont.

I have used words in jest and been told that in todays world that word is considered racist, sexist, etc etc. But when referring to an nice looking car or boat I still say "she" and in certain circumstances I still use the word "stud" in sentences that are not acceptable today ;)

Harley, recently when I was explaining that Leprosy can be spread to humans via Armadillos . They ask if I had ever seen one ( Armadillos ) and I said "not alive". They didn't understand that joke either )-;

Dirtclod : I miss those guys. Put out some cheap bourbon for them. They will drink it (-; And thanks for occasionally posting pictures of home

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