Hunting Gemsbok


New member
Nov 22, 2001
Tooele Utah
I have seen pics of Gemsbok here and on a couple of other sites. I was wondering if some of you experienced exotic hunters can tell me more about hunting them. I have read some about a Missle range in NM. Is this the only opprotunity, or are there other places, ranches? Can Non-res apply, point system, draw odds? You know, all the general info, or some place that I can go on the web and get lots of info. Thanks in advance for your help.

Todd :confused:
New Mexico has pretty good odds I think, friends have got drawn there from out of state, its a $1500 tag once drawn. I think I read they changed the odds to make it fairer to out of state hunters of federal lands based on a law suit a few years ago. Texas ranches, e.g. Thompson Temple(830)234-4120, have those to hunt with no draw, year round but probably for more money, unless you took a smaller one. They have oryx too, the lighter colored ones. That's some info. anyway.

White Sands Missle Range is the range in southern NM you are talking about. You can log on the NM Game and Fish web site and get the info you need. it is If you click on the hunting icon on the left side it will give you the draw statistics for all the hunts in nm. If you decide it is worth the effort to hunt, then it would be no problem for me to go with you on your hunt. i just took a friend on the 1st of dec. he shot a 36in bull after blowing a stalk on a really big cow. she had at least 38 to 40 inch horns. he got 252lbs of meat back from the butcher. they also have depradation hunts off the missle range that last all year long starting in april. If you have any other questions you can ask me or the gila monster we have been on a total of nine hunt for them

Mitch :D :D :D
UTBowman -

You've gotten good info about the White Sands NM herd. There are MANY ranches in Texas that have Gemsbok - the usual trophy fee for them being in the $4000 area - HOWEVER the Scimitar Horned oryx is much more common and trophy fees there start at ~$1500 and go up to the $2500 area for bulls with 40"+ horns. Both sexes have horns with females having longer(but thinner) horns. Bulls and cows are hard to tell apart, so look for penis on the bulls for positive ID. Both species are excellent table fare and weigh over 300 lbs. I've taken 2 Scimitar horns so far - I used a .338 on one (too much gun) and a 6.5X55 on the other. I'd use something in the 7mag or 300mag range - flat shooting and hard hitting. Shots will tend to be long range because Oryx have great eyesight and like to stay in open areas. Best of luck....and BTW fair chase hunting is possible on fenced operations. It is just a question of enough acreage and cover.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-21-2001 09:15: Message edited by: Raveneaux ]</font>
I might agree that it's possible for the 338 to be "too much" for the "smaller" Scimitar Horned oryx, but it works fine on "the much larger" Gemsbok or Giant Oryx. Actually a 375 isn't overgun for the Gemsbok. They're really tough to put down and keep down. Of course, you must realize there aren't any fences to keep these in at White Sands. If you wound one, he can go for a lot of miles!

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-29-2001 12:52: Message edited by: GilaMonster ]</font>

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