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NM Coyote Hunting Assistance


Aug 20, 2022
East Texas
I just returned from a 2 day coyote hunting trip in the Socorro, NM area. We did approximately 14 stands in that time. We saw 1 coyote, and of course I missed him at about 100 yds. with my 22-250. We used two different e-callers (Lucky Duck, FREQ) and mouth calls. We paid attention to: car noise, hide sillohuetes, wind and sun direction, changed calling sequences, etc. Does any one have a few "hints" of wth went wrong? I've been skunked before, but wow. I drive about 800 miles to play in the NM deserts to do this. Wifey things she has an (.......) for a partner. Thanks in advance for any suggestions. R
Maybe there just weren't any coyotes in the area.
14 sets sound like a lot but not really.
I don't want to hijack your request, but I'm going to order a freq this week. your thoughts on it would be great. Private message me if you want to talk about it.
First depends if there were many coyotes where you were hunting. Also hunting pressure and types of calls you were using can factor.

If they have been pressured distress calls can be less effective. They can still work. The coyotes come in much slower and warily. Instead of looking for a coyote running in you sometimes are looking for just a little movement or part of a coyote in the sage.

Also how long were you on each stand? Generally my friend will stay 45 minutes on each stand. If you only do 20 minutes you may be walking out as a coyote is coming in. Early season or if the coyote population is really dense you can do shorter sits. Otherwise stretch them out.

Feel free to message me if you want.
Needed to be about 80 more miles west. Lots around here...just sayin.
I know nothing about coyote hunting.
I can attest to the population - lots of tracks.
We did see lion tracks on one of the two-tracks, too.
Only saw one with our eyes, but there were many singing on Tuesday morning.

There could be lots of reasons you weren’t getting responses or didn’t see coyotes. It doesn’t take much hunter pressure at all to wise up the Wiley coyote. If you have solid coyote hunting fundamentals than it might have been the coyotes or lack there if issue. Sometimes if I am in an area getting beat up, I throw the truck in drive and hammer down a hundred or more miles. You might have vastly different results in a totally different area.
There could be lots of reasons you weren’t getting responses or didn’t see coyotes. It doesn’t take much hunter pressure at all to wise up the Wiley coyote. If you have solid coyote hunting fundamentals than it might have been the coyotes or lack there if issue. Sometimes if I am in an area getting beat up, I throw the truck in drive and hammer down a hundred or more miles. You might have vastly different results in a totally different area.
I agree. Pressure is number 1. Nothing as fun as calling an u pressured area. Since E callers, those places are harder and harder to find. Everybody is coyote expert with there caller now.
Thanks to all of the help. I imagine it is the pressure, should have gone "west old man, go west". Will give it another shot in a few weeks. R
Great ideas and questions. Did you hear any howling or other vocals? Did you see any prey species? Scat? Tracks?
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