Hunt Talker 2023 Fitness Goals

As previously posted, I've been weightlifting for the last number of years, and rolled past 72 a couple of months ago now. The little gym that I go to has been busier than normal this summer. That has on occasion had me modify a workout, when the power racks are taken.

Last Friday was another day like that, on another upper body workout day. So the overhead press was scratched and I decided to just bench and do weighted pull-ups. I had done a heavy (for me) single bench the other week when I did 240#. Last Friday, I did 250#. That is getting close to all I have, there may or may not be another 5#, don't think there is 10# at the moment.

When I do weighted pull ups, it is with 45# on the belt. I can get 7 or 8 on the first set. I've had a goal of doing one pull up with 90# on the belt. After the first set, I did a single with 75# on the belt. That was easy enough, so last Friday was the day that I did one pull up with 90# on a belt.

If I was in the younger crowd, there would be video, but I don't take a smart phone with me at the gym. Three things that seem to define the young from the old, at the gym, are ear plugs, smart phones and tattoos. There is however, a kinship across generations when you are shoving some iron around.
have you ever cooked like 5 pancakes in bacon grease tho? and then slather like 3-4 table spoons of butter on each one? then drown it in real maple syrup? and eat all of them yourself?

then do literally all of that on several more but also with peanut butter and eat all of them?

and do that two mornings in a row?

wife left me alone with the baby all last weekend...
See, that's what I mean. If you don't use lard, they aren't pancakes.
Speak for yourself lol I haven’t rode regularly since I lived in Montana in 2016, and haven’t ridden period since 2019.

Plus I’m working on my Midwest dad-bod now, it’s the bushe latte new balance life for this guy, but enjoy.

I’ll tailgate that event

oh i quit mountain biking years ago when i realized it's basically 100% a mid life crisis sport. too much money for a weekend warrior activity.

haven't touched the road bike since the summer before we got pregnant.

western out of shape is midwest in shape tho ;)
oh i quit mountain biking years ago when i realized it's basically 100% a mid life crisis sport. too much money for a weekend warrior activity.

haven't touched the road bike since the summer before we got pregnant.

western out of shape is midwest in shape tho ;)
You guys have $3,000 binoculars... 🤓
My 19 yr old mt bike begs to differ.

i've got a roughly 15 year old mt bike hanging in my garage right now.

but i'd like... have to tune it up and buy some new parts and stuff... bleh.

can barely find time to glue inserts into all my brand spankety new arrows so i can go miss a bunch of elk and deer with em this fall
i guess back to work out updates:

i got some steep running in over 4th of july break. i wish it was easier to do that during the weekdays.

sunday, monday, tuesday. 12 miles running with around 2300 feet of total gain.

did about 1980 feet in 40 minutes over lunch just now on the stair climber. plan to do that about 4 times a week and get some more running in each weekend. it's that time of year to start weaning off lifting and focusing on endurance.

i love sore legs.
Wouldn’t be surprised if that’s a Fisher hardtail with that smooth Shimano XTR.
nope, actually a yeti ALS, but I got it about 7 years ago off CL for $500. But before that, it was a Trek from costco with sweet grip shifters... LOL

So a buddy at work is trying to talk me into some Swedish (or Scandinavian) workout plan were you keep your heart rate relatively low (130 ish), at least compared to my more standard practice, and just keep it in the fat burning zone. I'd previously written off fat burning as a thing, but he swears by it, and certainly lives the part. Any thoughts?
So a buddy at work is trying to talk me into some Swedish (or Scandinavian) workout plan were you keep your heart rate relatively low (130 ish), at least compared to my more standard practice, and just keep it in the fat burning zone. I'd previously written off fat burning as a thing, but he swears by it, and certainly lives the part. Any thoughts?

sounds like the zone 2 training that's all the rage these days.

i dunno, ever since my road racing days i've always thought the place to be was tempo (zone 3) unless you're doing interval days.

who cares, just go do shit outside. though i do tend to focus on easier paces for longer periods.
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