HTer Fitness Goals '24 Edition

  • Thread starter Deleted member 52098
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Broke my fibula in a hockey game and I can't walk or drive for the next two months. In retrospect, I'm a little glad I didn't draw any tags this year but also probably going to get a lot of cabin fever and flabby lol. Gonna be a book readin' fall

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That sucks man, get well soon! In high school I tore my ACL playing football days before a hunting trip. I was able to go and barely participle. Taught me to avoid anything that may compromise my hunting, cuz Hunting > football.
That sucks man, get well soon! In high school I tore my ACL playing football days before a hunting trip. I was able to go and barely participle. Taught me to avoid anything that may compromise my hunting, cuz Hunting > football.
I've been dreading the long term damage ever since, but the healing is going surprisingly well. I was sure I'd be slated for surgery or hardware but so far it's not on the table. Doctor said I could consider getting back on the ice in October, though I'll probably wait til November or December. Mentally, I just can't not play. If I lost the leg, I'd be on the sled hockey team in a heartbeat.

That ACL still give you trouble or did you PT your way out of it?
I've been dreading the long term damage ever since, but the healing is going surprisingly well. I was sure I'd be slated for surgery or hardware but so far it's not on the table. Doctor said I could consider getting back on the ice in October, though I'll probably wait til November or December. Mentally, I just can't not play. If I lost the leg, I'd be on the sled hockey team in a heartbeat.

That ACL still give you trouble or did you PT your way out of it?
That good news! Might consider some good high ankle boots in the hills while that ankle gets strengthened as well.

With my knee happening when I was young i recovered really quick and have no issues other than nerve pain if I kneel/crawl and slightly less range of motion. I don’t need to kick my own behind though and can use insertable knee pads so never a problem.
When I got done with a 5 mile hike with 40lb s in my pack yesterday I sat in the chair covered in sweat and was drinking water. I told my wife that that sucked. She asked if I thought my brother, who is going hunting with us this fall, is doing anything to prepare. I responded with, I don’t do this just for hunting you know, it’s so I can protect my family if the time ever arises and so I look like the svelte stud you married. She just laughed.
I guess my thought from last year was this. Dropping from 190 to 165 helped a hell of a lot going up hill. Had no issues while my brother was sucking wind.

Then he shot an elk and I had to help sherpa it down the mountain. He was 1/4 mile ahead of me.

Takeaway: cardio rocks, but don't forget strength training to get back down. My legs were jello.
I guess my thought from last year was this. Dropping from 190 to 165 helped a hell of a lot going up hill. Had no issues while my brother was sucking wind.

Then he shot an elk and I had to help sherpa it down the mountain. He was 1/4 mile ahead of me.

Takeaway: cardio rocks, but don't forget strength training to get back down. My legs were jello.
I just listened to what I thought was an interesting podcast about building muscle endurance on the Hunt the Back Country Podcast. The gist of it was the guy they interviewed trained many successful endurance athletes and special forces operators. all of them improved tremendously when strength training was incorporated with traditional endurance like hiking and running. They were not building muscle to benchpress 300lbs once but strength to do repeated movements over and over, like carrying a heavy pack during a hunt and at the culmination of a successful hunt increasing that load even more carrying out an animal.
A little late to the party here, but better late than never. Around February I finally landed on a combination of bipolar meds that keeps my mood stable. The downside to that is I can no longer ride the waves of manic energy with a ton of physical activity to stay in good shape. By April I had gained 15 lbs and I was the heaviest and worst physical condition of my life. Through mid-August my energy and motivation stayed low, and I spent a lot of time on the couch.

Opportunely, motivation/energy gradually returned, and I’ve been taking advantage of it over the last month. I’ve built myself back to my normal 4-6 one-hr workouts/wk. I also started high protein keto a couple weeks ago.

I signed up for a 12-wk competitive fitness/diet challenge beginning next Tuesday. I’m playing to win. Current BMI is about 26, and I’m aiming to get to 21.
I signed up for Mtn Tough back in January and I have been doing that 3-4 times a week along with running 2-6 miles a week and rucking once a week. I feel as though I'm in the best shape I have ever been in but I haven't lost as much weight as I was planning on. Prior to starting Mtn Tough I was 230 and now on most days I'm 232-235. My clothes still fit fine except my pants sometimes are tighter in my thigh area but this could probably be attributed to building muscle from all of the weight step ups, lunges, etc that I have been doing with Mtn Tough. I'm going on my first elk hunt next month for 2nd rifle season and I'm hoping all the prep paid off in addition to being in good shape and prepared for things, especially the way the world is nowadays.
165 steady.
PSA still low,.04.
Others in the marks except a smidge low on sodium and high on glucose.
See what the oncologist says on the 7th.

Feel great.
Have covered porches built.
Good dobie next to me.
69 and alive.
Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

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