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Hows your workouts goin?

core exercises, walking hills, pushups, squats with little weight, Chuck Norris total gym, and still can't grow a goatee, but hope to be in decent shape for hunting season.
Going well at Golds

Body Attack
Body Pump
Body Combat

Its just by chance, but work out matches up very well with fitness section in latest issue of Western Hunter.

Need miles under the pack and will be good.

I've started with some friends doing crossfit-like workouts. I'm down 14lbs and have improved my range of motion quite a bit. It's a lot of fun with a mixed gender group and having good looking fit gals around is always a plus. I also row 1-2 km as hard as I can before and after each workout to get the heart racing...I've cut about 20 seconds off my time in the last month. We backpacked 10 miles in to an alpine lake last weekend as a "reward"...the girls made me and my buddy carry a bunch of extra crap so it was like packing in and out a boned out deer.

I'm not in the shape I was 2 years ago but I'm on track to kick ass later this season. I have 2 backpack trips planned into the Madison range for work next month.
I backpacked about 60 miles in the last week. Now I get to spend a week in lovely summertime Ohio and gain back everything I lost.
Been doing some hiking, although I have slowed down due to our oppressive summer heat!
Just upped my pack weight to 22 lbs. with work it is hard to get out everyday but get an hour plus 3-4 days a week hiking with weighted pack. Not a ton but better than complaining
I hike with a pack 3-4 days a week, 3-4 miles each time. Lately, we've had so many downed trees that my muscle work has been hand-sawing ("Man-sawing" is what I call it to my kids) the big logs, throwing them over my shoulder and walking them to the woodpile. Otherwise I try to do an assortment of pushups, squats, lunges, etc. Living in North Texas, it's hard to find hills but when I do, I pack it up down constantly. The near 100 temps aren't helping right now but I'm hanging in there... just not into using a gym, I've "donated" to way too many in my past.
I am in a workout funk and just have to vent! Sorry. I try to improve my overall strength and maintain my cardio throughout winter by lifting a few weights and snowshoeing. Spring time rolls around and I ramp it up hitting the local trails at the state forest run/walking about 25 miles a week and gradually increasing. Just before hunting season, when I should be ramping it up I always get in a funk and loose my motivation and don't hit it as hard as I know I should be. I still do workouts and get plenty of miles walking in just at work, but nothing over the top. I blame it on the heat and humidity, but sometimes I feel it is from seeing the same three or four trails all Summer long and I just need change! Anyone else feel that way?
I get in a funk sometimes when I don't have a specific goal lined up. If I don't have a training schedule planned out I will find myself skipping days as well.

Having a specific goal race coming up or a weight loss goal or something like that always helps motivate me personally.

Maybe find a trail race that you can sign up for just a little bit before the start of hunting season.
I am a Peloton fan and like the hour long rides. I plan to switch to hour and a quarter this week. I have also started climbing the stairs in my house with 55lbs in my pack. Yesterday I did 50 flights so I am getting stronger. Its a bitch living somewhere so flat. You can travel 30 miles from the beach and only gain 20' of elevation...
Plateaus and ennui are normal. Keep grinding, avoid strains and injury..it's all worth it.
I lift light (avoiding injury) until muscle failure everyother day (minimum). And do HIIT on days I lift to finish it off. I will be heading straight to the woods when I get back from my involuntary journey abroad, much to the dismay of the spouse. I started a ketogenic diet in January and I'm down to 185 from 220. Now don't get me wrong, I was a fit 220, but I just wanted to be smaller. I get around in the woods better when I'm below 200lbs. This will be the first time I've hunted this light since high school lol. But, it was an "easy" way to lighten my load by 35#.
What we think we are doing to get ready - listed within this thread.

What we are really doing...

12 ounce curls while watching Big Fin's elk hunts on YouTube.

el unit, I regret to inform you, CNN H.R. shredded you application.
12 ounce curls while watching Big Fin's elk hunts on YouTube.

We had some people out for a boat ride last night and they left their beer in our cooler. Potosi Lemon shandy. I tried to drink one today after work, but i would stop drinking before I drank another one. Now I am in the middle of a kettleball workout to offset it! Lol
We are camping on Lake Seminole this weekend and I got in a 2 mile hike with my pack and bino harness. I used my trekking poles for the first time and I can't believe what a difference they made. Here's a few pictures from this morning.



Envy those who can still run. Knees just can't take it any more. Love to bike but it takes longer for good workout.

Rehab from rotator cuff surgery slowed workouts down. But back at the gym regularly now 4-5x week but working back up on the strength scale. Try to get a 30 minute walk in with 50+ lb pack 2-3x week. This AM was able to get a hour in at dawn. Bike when schedule permits, but goal is 3-4x week.
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