Hows your workouts goin?

Bench press, lat pulls, core exercise and ruck marching. I'll add some more stuff as the season gets closer.
Life got real busy this summer, but I'm generally getting up early enough for about a 3 mile jog and some pushups and situps. I'm doing this about 5 days a week. I'm not in as good condition as I generally am at this point in the summer, but I'm doing ok. I've been mixing in some hikes and pack-weight training. Last Sunday I plowed straight up a mountain about 2 miles to glass some elk in a little park at the end of the day. It's steep, difficult hike, but I felt pretty good.

I get this weird hitch in my back every so often just to the left of my spine. I was picking up a laundry basket this morning and that thing went off. I'm just going to have to keep it loose. Bow season opener is only 8 days away. Kind of worrisome.
I'm up to hiking 2.5 miles with all my hunting stuff in my pack plus a 3 liter water bladder and 2 gallon jugs of water inside my pack. I'm doing that twice a week over some pretty good hills. Plus I am walking 3 miles at the track about 3 mornings a week. This week I added in about 20 minutes on the elliptical. 44 days to go!!!
I get this weird hitch in my back every so often just to the left of my spine. I was picking up a laundry basket this morning and that thing went off. I'm just going to have to keep it loose. Bow season opener is only 8 days away. Kind of worrisome.

This happened 5 days ago and it's been a long 5 days. My back and neck have gotten all knotted up up and I can barely turn my head now. I'm not happy about it, but I gotta hund this weekend, so I'm just trying to cowboy up a little. I'm actually considering going to a Dr. or a chiropractor. Something I seldom do.
This happened 5 days ago and it's been a long 5 days. My back and neck have gotten all knotted up up and I can barely turn my head now. I'm not happy about it, but I gotta hund this weekend, so I'm just trying to cowboy up a little. I'm actually considering going to a Dr. or a chiropractor. Something I seldom do.

Brian in Montana- I had something like this happen swapping out giant wheels and tires on our big tractor a few months ago. I had a hard time sitting down it was so bad. One visit to Dr Welker Chiropractor in Butte and was immediately fixed. Paid $40 or so and have been fine ever since. Day and night difference in about 15 minutes. I recommend a Chiro for you.
It's actually a little better this morning, but if it's not significantly better by tomorrow I'll see if I can get into Dr. Welker. Or somebody. My hardest thing is sitting up straight. It's frustrating. Thanks for the recommendation.
Running 4-6 miles three times a week. Lifting twice. Nothing extreme. Squat/press day. Bench/deadlift day.
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