Hows your workouts goin?

I can't get my foot to feel good enough after working construction all day.I have to get on the stepper and treadmill asap.I'm down to just under 2 months.Trying to get in to a physical therapist for this foot.An old friend who does massage said that he may be able to help it.Going on 6 months of daily pain.Some days are just more bearable
Mine took a down turn these last few days. We have has a lot of conferences this summer and that really makes it hard when you are not at home. I was able to hit the treadmills at the hotel. 15% incline for 30 minutes. Went 1.5 miles horizontally and 900 feet vertical and that is a huge accomplishment since we have ZERO terrain over here that is not flat. The heat and more so the humidity has been brutal this summer so it is harder and harder to get motivated to be outside. We were doing 3 miles at a time before this oppressive heat set in. 58 days to go.
I was crushing it until about a month ago when I aggravated a disc in my neck. I took a few weeks off and then I probably went back to (too)heavy weights too quickly resulting in a small setback. I had surgery five years ago and everything felt great until just last month. Right now, everything feels about 85% of normal. I'm still hitting the stairmaster (unweighted) with some core and bodyweight work. I was planning on switching to lighter weights and upping the cardio this month anyway. I just won't be able to ramp up as much as I had planned to before September.
Well I ended up with runners knee after the first hard run of the year about a month ago. Seems to be getting better but really frustrating that i can't really do any hiking or running when i have a elk hunt in September. Especially since Im a flatlander from Kansas. Been working on upper body strength and eating well, but I may be in for a grueling hunt if i can't train.
Time to see where everyone workout hasn't been great the last month as I've been traveling for work. It's tough when the workday doesn't end until a working dinner. My "coach" is visiting Spain so I've been focusing on body weight workouts (air squats, dips, situps, lunges, rowing). Last week I got in about 30 trail miles in the Madison range and lost 4 pounds. Last night I got some help with weighted squats but my legs are weak so I was only able to work up to 225 (in 5 rep sets) before I stalled out. I think we had too many sets and I burned myself out. I'm getting some cheater bands to help with pull-ups since I still can't do one and I'm hoping a little assistance will help.

Admittedly I cheat on my diet with alcohol so I'm going to reduce my beer intake while trying to maintain my social interactions but as of this morning I'm officially down 35lbs. I'm hoping to clear 40lbs by Labor Day now that my work travel has been reduced and I can eat a little better and get a workout everyday. ALL of my hunting clothes are now too big.
Been recovering from back surgeries in April and May, with things improving much faster than I anticipated. Primarily just doing a lot of hiking, been adding more elevation gain and more weight to the pack. So far, so good. Down about 10 lbs from where I was at this point last year, feel like 185 lbs is a good spot for me.
Spent too much time driving the end of July and first of August. Also up about 10 pounds from where I should be.

Got in a solid hike the first of August at just over 14 miles and almost 5,000' of elevation gain with most of the elevation gain coming off trail over just a couple miles.

Running has been a little off, my average is down to only 5.7 miles per day now. Picking things back up now with all the summer travel over and getting back into a routine.
Tired of the fitness cener I decided to switch it up. Just this week I started the T25 videos. Really excited for the change.
Been recovering from back surgeries in April and May, with things improving much faster than I anticipated. Primarily just doing a lot of hiking, been adding more elevation gain and more weight to the pack. So far, so good. Down about 10 lbs from where I was at this point last year, feel like 185 lbs is a good spot for me.

Rehab - gets ya going! Grats on the recovery.
I'm about 40lbs over what I want to be, started on the elliptical 15 min 2 times a day a few months ago.

Hand splitting and stacking 3 cords of seasoned hardwood 2 hours everyday. and some free wight work outs.

then last week I was hit with a bout of gout, never had it before and never felt pain like this before.
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Feeling pretty good. Dropped 10 pounds, lots of walking-hiking so cardio stronger. Quit soda last year, frugal on alcohol, and eating much better. Haven't had a donut in 3 months.

Of course my boy 28 is in incredible shape so next week I'll have a different perspective. Only advantage I have is he's a flatlander now in Dallas so the altitude will kick his butt for a day or two.
i started running again and doing construction on the side. I'm 199 now but want to drop to 190 by Oct 20th. As I'm writing this Im drinking my third light beer and planning my workout tomorrow.
then last week I was hit with a bout of gout, never had it before and never felt pain like this before.
Gout sucks. I've had it off and on since I was 28 and just out of the military and in great shape. I'm just predisposed to it I guess. I have found that concentrated tart cherry juice (an old timey remedy) works wonders for me. If I feel an attack coming on, I drink a bunch of the juice and within 12-24 hours my symptoms are gone. May not work for everyone.

Workout wise, I spent the first half the year getting strong through deadlifts, squats, etc plus the stairmaster twice a week. Tweaked my back in June (doing a very stupid thing that I know not to do) and took six weeks off. Back at it in July and recently ceased the stairmaster and added HIIT cardio (basketball court suicides) for 20 minutes followed by 10 minutes of +50lb weighted stepups. I feel really good right now.
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Lifted hard all spring and summer with a good amount of cardio mixed in. Actually gained 6-8 lbs to 212 but I feel like I am in pretty good shape this year for the opener. I wanted to actually be in shape for hunting season when it started instead of getting in shape during the season.
Exercising with a 20 lb pack up and down some hills, core exercises, pushups, light free weights and the Chuck Norris Total Gym 4-5 times a week. In fair shape, but still no beard. The Chuck Norris Total Gym isn't helping at all.
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