
How old is too old to hunt?

An old codger I knew hunted until he was 90. He had a touch of "Old Timers" and wasn't really safe. He would fall over backwards after shooting at a bird. He had the will, but the family had to put a stop to it before he hurt someone.
25. So if you’re older than that stop applying for hunts and make sure your friends stop too
I'm hoping to find out this fall that at 64 I'm not too start hunting,
My buddy drew a Cow Elk tag & I am hoping to tag along & learn.
I have most of the gear, but no experience, Id rather have the latter.
Wife thinks I'm nuts, no tradition on my side of the family of hunting.
I had L5S1 back surgery 20 yrs ago & my back is still fragile so she worries.
I'm not in great shape & my Bergara .300 WM Elk Gun weighs in the low its hard not to see her point,
but i want to alleviate her concerns & return un injured & with more knowledge than when i left.
For the first time in forever, I don't plan on hunting elk this year. I've lost my last hunting buddy and with my broken-down body I couldn't pack an elk out if I killed it. I would have to just build a fire and start cooking, I guess. I think I can still wrestle a blacktail deer out of the woods, so I'll hunt them, and birds aren't too big a problem.
My old man finally called it quits when he started seeing multiple crosshairs at 83 years old. Unfortunately he gave up shootgun shooting last year as his eyes went to crap. He still sits in the blind and gives us hell when we miss!
For the first time in forever, I don't plan on hunting elk this year. I've lost my last hunting buddy and with my broken-down body I couldn't pack an elk out if I killed it. I would have to just build a fire and start cooking, I guess. I think I can still wrestle a blacktail deer out of the woods, so I'll hunt them, and birds aren't too big a problem.
Any more Id be happy as heck to cook for the young guys before dawn-and then go hunt grouse for a while. I’ll have the drinks cold and steaks ready for the fire when they show back up at night!
At my wi. Whitetail property now. 2 days of treestand work, off to ont. For fishing, then back in the fall for woodcock.. grouse and monster wt. Bowhunt.
The man that built my house was packing in fifteen miles on horseback, ALONE to hunt elk and was very successful. He finally got his bighorn ram in the fall of 2022.
That man is in his early seventies and the only reason he is dropping out now is due to his wife's health in order to take care of her.
If one is fundamentally healthy and can deal with all the things that crop up with old age, then it shouldn't be a problem. How old is the oldest hunter you know?
My dad was still doing packin Elk hunts at 85. I just turned 80 and will be going on a moose hunt and later a grizzly hunt. Have been hunting almost every year since I was 10. My younger “65” hunting partners are great!