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Hornady 7 PRC a Lie?

im a magnum slut but my 300 wsm is a proven killer so why chase a 300 prc, all the prc are just a gimmick in my opinion. my 2c
Dumb question, but how long does it usually take newfangled US cartridges to hit the market in NZ? Are you typically seeing US cartridges in hunting rifles or European ones?
Dumb question, but how long does it usually take newfangled US cartridges to hit the market in NZ? Are you typically seeing US cartridges in hunting rifles or European ones?
us of a. in reality there are no new cartriges coming out of europe, they stay with tradition which is a proven formula.
was reading the other day of a new world record at 1k of something like 2.6 n change, all 10 shots in the 10 with a 300 wsm,
weve just jumped on the bling bandwagon for no gain really, the us no 1 seller is probably a 30.06, so enough said
To much woo number crunching for the prc. As an American I’d rather put more powder behind the bullet. 28 nosler also sounds more American. prc sound communist to me
Had the opportunity to mess with a 7 PRC now. It’s aight. Almost seemed gimmicky to me, like it’s a one trick pony.
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Had the opportunity to mess with a 7 PRC now. It’s aight. Almost seemed gimmicky to me, like it’s a one trick pony.
There exists no self flagellating hair shirt like a 7 Supa Mashburn's like a trips trick pony from necked & fireformed case to chamber.
Loaded one with a friend, shot it afterwards. We used 120-175 gr bullets of various types and, in my opinion, the PRC is underwhelming with the lighter stuff and very good with the heaviest. Like I said, one trick pony.

Did accuracy with the light ones leave something to be desired or something? I'd think it'd basically do the same thing as a 7 RM, maybe a hair slower.
Loaded one with a friend, shot it afterwards. We used 120-175 gr bullets of various types and, in my opinion, the PRC is underwhelming with the lighter stuff and very good with the heaviest. Like I said, one trick pony.
Do you like different loads for different game?

I dont see much benefit to changing bullets/ammo. A good bullet works well from prarie dogs to elk.
Did accuracy with the light ones leave something to be desired or something? I'd think it'd basically do the same thing as a 7 RM, maybe a hair slower.
Accuracy and velocity was poorer than I was realistically expecting. Again, the heavy bullets were great. The 169gr Hammer Hunter was the best of the tests from that particular rifle.

Do you like different loads for different game?

I dont see much benefit to changing bullets/ammo. A good bullet works well from prarie dogs to elk.
Yeah, if I’m hunting in western KS then I prefer a light bullet going fast and flat. For the east I’ll bump it up in weight. Just how I prefer to do it.
Ron Spomer has a couple videos about it including one with someone from Hornady.

Box velocities are generally exagerated some. Where I critisize Hornady is not updating their velocities when they had the powder issue come up.

It seems like a fine cartridge but not one that interests me.

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