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Here are a few new pics


Active member
Sep 26, 2006
Kalispell/Helena, MT
Had a couple hundred pics of mulies and some small bulls here and there. Saw a real-life 300 class bull going in to one camera. LOL I hope I can find its sheds. Other than that, I just got some good predators.





Is there anyway you can hook your camera to some sort of claymore mine to take care of those preditors? The pictures are cool though. What kind of trail cam do you have and does it have a flash or do infrared? It takes great pictures
That dark faced gray is a pretty wolf.
Awesome pictures buddy.
I need to figure out a weather proof system. I gave up on the cheap box store cams in winter, they're just not built for it.
Wow,how many different wolves do you have pictures of ?

It gets hard to tell, but I think I get 7 different ones at different times. This pack had 4 or 5, added 3 pups, then two were shot this last year, one before the season, and one got whacked during the season. Maybe there are a few dispersers cruising around as well. Give or take, more or less. And you never know if some are poached either. The wolf guy told me he has a hard time with numbers on this pack for two reasons, its so close to BC, where they can be hunted year round below 1100 m elevation. And two, because he can't keep a collar in this pack, he had two, one was killed somehow, I found the collar, and the other dispersed to BC and was legally harvested this year.
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Is there anyway you can hook your camera to some sort of claymore mine to take care of those preditors? The pictures are cool though. What kind of trail cam do you have and does it have a flash or do infrared? It takes great pictures

Sure, and I know you could. It might get hard on motion sensors though, and I sure the collateral damage on other species would be rough too. LOL. Tresspassers would really think twice.

The cams are homebrews, you can build either flash or infared. I have one IR, just don't use it that often, unless I think people might be a problem.

I put them in pelican cases, impermeable to weather, bears(although they have broke some glass), etc. I don't know anything about the commercial cases, they shouldn't be that bad though randy11??? You have had lots of problems?
Don't know much about wolves but I assume its the breeding season now like yotes and fox.Do you see an increase in wolve pictures this time of year?
They aren't getting water damage, they're just flaking out from the cold. They're rated to work above 12 degrees, but don't work right under thirty or so.
What do you figure it cost you to build yours?
Don't know much about wolves but I assume its the breeding season now like yotes and fox.Do you see an increase in wolve pictures this time of year?

Pretty much consistent all year in this area, this is their core, they are here year-round, in July I suspect i will get the pups on camera again. Almost run in 2 week intervals, in this area, then head north to the border, then back. When I don't find sign of them here, I go up there and can usually find tracks there. Next check I don't expect to see much for wolves, we'll see. I have always heard people say that you know the wolves are around when the yotes are gone, I don't see that at all. If someone were to ask me my opinion, I think the yotes follow the wolves around and clean up the scraps or finish off the wounded if there is any. When I am getting wolves on camera, I also get yotes. The last time I checked, didn't get either one. Purely unscientific, I know.
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They aren't getting water damage, they're just flaking out from the cold. They're rated to work above 12 degrees, but don't work right under thirty or so.
What do you figure it cost you to build yours?

Depends on what I get the cam for off ebay. For everthing, average is probably, 100-130 bucks.
Have you ever thought about selling a few of your home brew trail cams? I 've thought about trying to put together a home brew cam but need some serious guidance. If you ever post a recipe I'm sure a few guys would try it.


Here are a couple places to start.

Best thing to do is start reading and get the "language", then get some parts and go for it.

Be warned though, when the new regs come out, MT will be completely restrictive in the use of trail cams at all. From what I understand, it will boil down to being able to use one in July maybe August if you don't have an Antelope license. F@#$%%& ridiculous. It won't be worth it to even have one any more. I have written everyone I can think of from all 5 comissioners, to biologists, supervisors, to Jim Kropp, and the only person to even say boo back to me was Jim Kropp, he called me on the phone and talked to me. Basically, one of my favorite hobbies and a lot of fun is coming to a grinding halt.
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