Yeti GOBOX Collection

New Coyote Rifle On The Way!!! Ammo Advice?

Not always fur friendly but laser accurate. Cheap too, compared to a lot of the other options out there.
I use 50 grain Nosler ballistic tips with H380. Good load usually fur friendly unless you hit a bad spot like any of the varmint bullets. Not a fan of the vmax they seem to splashy for 22-250
1-9" will easily stabilize 62's. I have a 1-9" on one of my 22 CM's with a 17" barrel that shoots 75 ELDM's into tiny groups at 3250fps.

After a little research I’m leaning to the 62 grain ELD VTs. The Bergara Squared Crest has a 1:9 twist, and it has an M5 AICS style magazine. I haven’t been able to find the internal length anywhere yet to determine how long you can load the sucker. It is a 22-250 though, and the short action is also loaded in 6.5 PRC. Does this mean I should plenty of room in the clip? What about in the barrel? I’m learning here. Questions? No, why am I so dumb isn’t a valid quandary. Thoughts? I’m leaning toward purchasing some Browning BXV ammo for break in and shooting fun from Midway. Then I’ll use the brass to reload the ELD-VT’s over some Varget to start. More thoughts???
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After a little research I’m leaning to the 62 grain ELD VTs. The Bergara Squared Crest has a 1:9 twist, and it has an M5 AICS style magazine. I haven’t been able to find the internal length anywhere yet to determine how long you can load the sucker. It is a 22-250 though, and the short action is also loaded in 6.5 PRC. Does this mean I should plenty of room in the clip? What about in the barrel? I’m learning here. Questions? No, why am I so dumb isn’t a valid quandary. Thoughts? I’m leaning toward purchasing some Browning BXV ammo for break in and shooting fun from Midway. Then I’ll use the brass to reload the ELD-VT’s over some Varget to start. More thoughts???
You'll have more room in those AI mags than you'll ever need, even if you chase lands as the barrel wears...

Even with my 22 CM's loaded with 90 grain Atips, or 88 grain ELD-M"s my COAL is only 2.685". I use the same seating depth on those same three rifles. Max COAL with AI mags is 2.890".

FYI, .22 Creedmoor is a modified .22/250 case. I've fire formed .22 CM using factory 22/250 rounds.
Imr 4064 for powder, been loading it for 50 years in multiple 22-250's. Worked in every one. 52 grain match Sierra is the bullet I have been using for coyotes. 3700 ft/sec gets the job done.
Update… the good, the bad, and the ugly. The good! I got some goodies! Freedom seeds and die set for the new yote blaster. The bad… Washington State House Bill 1143.

The bad… I should have researched more. I usually order rifles into Missoula and pick them up there. I skirt sales tax, but now there are more reasons. HB 1143 requires a $20 fee, background check, firearm safety class, and minimum 10 day waiting period. I received a 15 day waiting period. Why? I assume a backlog. I won’t be buying firearms in Washington at this time, and apparently others won’t also. The owner at the shop said that since January 1st sales have plummeted. He knows of multiple businesses that have pulled back, and many that are on the verge of closing including his.

As a Washingtonian, we either need to stand up, be heard, or leave. I will be fighting for 5 years, and then leaving when my youngest graduates high school. My values do not align with Washington’s overall stances on wildlife management and the 2nd Amendment.

So, I will be waiting on my rifle that is sitting in a safe being safe. The streets of Spokane will be safe from the terror of the 22-250 for a couple of weeks.

The ugly… Washington House Bill 1143

My 22-250 is a 1:12 twist. I shoot primarily 50gr projectiles out of it. Super fast and flat shooting. My go to is vmax for coyotes. 22-250 isn't a fur saver, dang near rips them in half sometimes. Really a fun cartridge for coyotes and also deer hunting. My brother has a 1:9 twist on his 22-250, we load him 60gr vmax. His gun shot the 60gr really well. It's a fun round to load up and a dang good coyote round. When I'm saving fur I either use my 223 or 204. Much more pelt friendly than the 22-250.
My 22-250 is a 1:12 twist. I shoot primarily 50gr projectiles out of it. Super fast and flat shooting. My go to is vmax for coyotes. 22-250 isn't a fur saver, dang near rips them in half sometimes. Really a fun cartridge for coyotes and also deer hunting. My brother has a 1:9 twist on his 22-250, we load him 60gr vmax. His gun shot the 60gr really well. It's a fun round to load up and a dang good coyote round. When I'm saving fur I either use my 223 or 204. Much more pelt friendly than the 22-250.

Nice! I’m so excited! Still waiting on the damn “waiting period,” and the scope.
My 22-250 is a 1:12 twist. I shoot primarily 50gr projectiles out of it. Super fast and flat shooting. My go to is vmax for coyotes. 22-250 isn't a fur saver, dang near rips them in half sometimes. Really a fun cartridge for coyotes and also deer hunting. My brother has a 1:9 twist on his 22-250, we load him 60gr vmax. His gun shot the 60gr really well. It's a fun round to load up and a dang good coyote round. When I'm saving fur I either use my 223 or 204. Much more pelt friendly than the 22-250.
Any load data on that 60gr V-Max? Just got my barrel delivered in a 1-9 twist and will be doing load work soon. Starting with the 62gr ELD-VT and hoping it will work, otherwise the 60gr is my backup.
Any load data on that 60gr V-Max? Just got my barrel delivered in a 1-9 twist and will be doing load work soon. Starting with the 62gr ELD-VT and hoping it will work, otherwise the 60gr is my backup.

Make sure to share and I will too. What powder are you burning? I’m starting with Varget due to having it. My 6.5 cm loves the stuff.
25.5 gr cfe 223. Works really good out if my brother's rifle. Cfe 223 was and still is easier to get here than any other powder. I shot h380 with the 50gr from my rifle. Will likely switch to cfe out of mine once I finish off the h380. I do enjoy varget just really pricey and for me have to order online. Cfe I can find on the shelf at my local shop. Havent chronograph that load yet, but it put a hurting on coyotes. Hit one around 240yards and was no saving that pelt.
25.5 gr cfe 223. Works really good out if my brother's rifle. Cfe 223 was and still is easier to get here than any other powder. I shot h380 with the 50gr from my rifle. Will likely switch to cfe out of mine once I finish off the h380. I do enjoy varget just really pricey and for me have to order online. Cfe I can find on the shelf at my local shop. Havent chronograph that load yet, but it put a hurting on coyotes. Hit one around 240yards and was no saving that pelt.

What bullets do you guys use?

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