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Health Care??????

Link or it didn't happen, all caps or not. You want to continue to address something that has nothing to do with the topic of this thread, so have at it.

Responding to comment amde by another member,
Maybe they should be told the same thing, Or accept a converstion evloves as people contribiute and expand on a topic.
I have not noticed any restrictions on business selling ammo but I have noticed more are selling tin foil hats.
So... No link then. Guess it didn't happen.

In 1992 Hillary Clinton supported a federal ban on semi-automatic firearms before the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act was passed in 1993 and signed by President Clinton.[123]

During a 1999 press conference at the White House, First Lady Hillary Clinton stated, "And since the crime bill was enacted, 19 of the deadliest assault weapons are harder to find on our streets. We will never know how many tragedies we've avoided because of these efforts."[124] During the time period referenced by Clinton, handguns accounted for over 2/3 of firearm mortalities in the US.[125]

In the 1999 Proposition B in Missouri campaign, Robin Carnahan's Safe Schools and Workplaces Committee, on the weekend prior to voting day, coordinated a taped phone message from Hillary Clinton that automatically dialed 75,000 homes statewide with the message, "Just too dangerous for Missouri families." [126]

Hillary Clinton favors "sensible gun control legislation" and not limiting gun control lawsuits.[127] She made gun licensing and registration a part of her 2000 Senate campaign.[128]

Hillary Clinton was one of 16 Senators who voted against the 2006 Vitter Amendment, which prohibits the funding of the confiscation of lawfully-held firearms during a disaster.[129]

Hillary Clinton was taught to shoot and hunt by her father. Clarifying her position on gun rights, she said "It's part of culture. It's part of a way of life. People enjoy hunting and shooting because it's an important part of who they are."[130] She made gun rights a part of her 2008 Presidential campaign, despite her previous attempts to introduce strict gun-control laws at a federal level.[131][132][133]

The National Rifle Association gave Clinton an 'F' (failing) rating in 2006 for her stance on Second Amendment issues.[134]
Link or it didn't happen, all caps or not. You want to continue to address something that has nothing to do with the topic of this thread, so have at it.

Rumor has it a plan was hatched to allow a bunch south of the border upstanding citizens to obtain mill style weapons, then track them back the sellers, all under the guise of liberal 2nd amendment support.

....see Eric Hoilder for link
Yes. If you can't afford to treat your kid for cancer out of your own pocket, don't have kids. It's only going to be around a million bucks. :)
My insurance costs much less than a million bucks. Don't have to afford the treatment, just the insurance. If you can't afford either the insurance or to foot the bills out of pocket I do fully think you should re-consider bringing kids into the world. I'm far from a silver spooner, but I've only not been covered by insurance for 3 weeks of my life and that was my choosing and not the doing of my parents. My wife and I waited 6 years after we got married to have kids so that one of us had a job with benefits that allowed us to afford a family insurance plan. The plan we were paying for out of pocket prior to that was too expensive for us if we had to cover kids as well If you can't or won't I'm not sure why I should have to foot your bill...but again I'm an admitted dimwit when it comes to these types of issues.
Heres how you kill a thread that blames Democrats for "gun control"...and also how you shut up a yankeebucktracker.

Fuggin' hypocritical Republicans...

In 1969, journalist William Safire asked Richard Nixon what he thought about gun control. "Guns are an abomination," Nixon replied. According to Safire, Nixon went on to confess that, "Free from fear of gun owners' retaliation at the polls, he favored making handguns illegal and requiring licenses for hunting rifles."

It was President George Bush, Sr. who banned the import of "assault weapons" in 1989, and promoted the view that Americans should only be allowed to own weapons suitable for "sporting purposes."

It was Governor Ronald Reagan of California who signed the Mulford Act in 1967, "prohibiting the carrying of firearms on one's person or in a vehicle, in any public place or on any public street." The law was aimed at stopping the Black Panthers, but affected all gun owners.

Twenty-four years later, Reagan was still pushing gun control. "I support the Brady Bill," he said in a March 28, 1991 speech, "and I urge the Congress to enact it without further delay."

One of the most aggressive gun control advocates today is Republican mayor Rudolph Giuliani of New York City, whose administration sued 26 gun manufacturers in June 2000, and whose police commissioner, Howard Safir, proposed a nationwide plan for gun licensing, complete with yearly "safety" inspections.

Another Republican, New York State Governor George Pataki, on August 10, 2000, signed into law what The New York Times called "the nation’s strictest gun controls," a radical program mandating trigger locks, background checks at gun shows and "ballistic fingerprinting" of guns sold in the state. It also raised the legal age to buy a handgun to 21 and banned "assault weapons," the sale or possession of which would now be punishable by seven years in prison.
Heres how you kill a thread that blames Democrats for "gun control"...and also how you shut up a yankeebucktracker.

Fuggin' hypocritical Republicans...

In 1969, journalist William Safire asked Richard Nixon what he thought about gun control. "Guns are an abomination," Nixon replied. According to Safire, Nixon went on to confess that, "Free from fear of gun owners' retaliation at the polls, he favored making handguns illegal and requiring licenses for hunting rifles."

It was President George Bush, Sr. who banned the import of "assault weapons" in 1989, and promoted the view that Americans should only be allowed to own weapons suitable for "sporting purposes."

It was Governor Ronald Reagan of California who signed the Mulford Act in 1967, "prohibiting the carrying of firearms on one's person or in a vehicle, in any public place or on any public street." The law was aimed at stopping the Black Panthers, but affected all gun owners.

Twenty-four years later, Reagan was still pushing gun control. "I support the Brady Bill," he said in a March 28, 1991 speech, "and I urge the Congress to enact it without further delay."

One of the most aggressive gun control advocates today is Republican mayor Rudolph Giuliani of New York City, whose administration sued 26 gun manufacturers in June 2000, and whose police commissioner, Howard Safir, proposed a nationwide plan for gun licensing, complete with yearly "safety" inspections.

Another Republican, New York State Governor George Pataki, on August 10, 2000, signed into law what The New York Times called "the nation’s strictest gun controls," a radical program mandating trigger locks, background checks at gun shows and "ballistic fingerprinting" of guns sold in the state. It also raised the legal age to buy a handgun to 21 and banned "assault weapons," the sale or possession of which would now be punishable by seven years in prison.

This is the only way a LIBERAl can communicate..
1. Call someone a name, Or pick on their name, Get personal with those you do not agree with
3. Always use language as to dismiss or degrade the conservative point of view.
4 AND MOST IMPORTANTLY NEVER engage in a civil conversation. Always jump to an angry tirade inwhich you look like a radical in hoped to scare the conservative away. The only thing a conservative need remember is...

NEVER TALK TO A LIBERAL UNLESS THEY IN PERSON BECAUSE THEY NAME CALL, THROW A FIT LIKE A CHILD AND WILL NEVER FAIL TO INSULT YOU AS A PERSON OR THOSE NEAR AND DEAR TO YOU. your quest to be "not someone who states without backing it with cold hard facts"...did you stumble across the fact that Obama signed legislation to allow loaded guns in National Parks? Probably just "slipped your mind" to state that inconvienent fact...along with the gun control passed by Reagan, Bush, etc.

Obama signs bill allowing loaded guns into national parks

posted bySusan Johnson

So, who knew Obama would be such a pro-gun president? Everyone is out buying guns because they think he’s going to confiscate them but here he is signing a bill that allows gun owners with carry permits to carry loaded guns into national parks:
And FYI Reagan was a Democrat in his early years, Bush 1 and the NY Mayors are far from conservative and in the Nixon years after Viet Nam the country was shifting and many changed their views on guns because for the first tme many guns had gone mainstrean for the first time. AND NY city was, is, and always will be the #2 LIBERAL city in America next to San Fran CA. Nice try but your incorrect on all fronts sir.

If you're going to piss and moan about gun a little courage and place the blame where its due.

Nice to see that you give Reagan a completet pass...because he "felt" he owed someone something. Yeah, great leader, piss on the Second and every citizen in the U.S., I have a friend I owe...typical politician. Also nice to see you're making excuses left and right for the BS gun laws passed by Republicans.

Its funny to watch a Republican make excuses for their own party when they trounce the Second....laffin'.

BTW, I never called you a name...yet.
Last edited: your quest to be "not someone who states without backing it with cold hard facts"...did you stumble across the fact that Obama signed legislation to allow loaded guns in National Parks? Probably just "slipped your mind" to state that inconvienent fact...along with the gun control passed by Reagan, Bush, etc.

Obama signs bill allowing loaded guns into national parks

posted bySusan Johnson

So, who knew Obama would be such a pro-gun president? Everyone is out buying guns because they think he’s going to confiscate them but here he is signing a bill that allows gun owners with carry permits to carry loaded guns into national parks:

Ugh...You fail to mention WHY he ket's loaded guns in National parks...For self protection against predators and ONLY IF SAID STATE LAW ALLOWS IT! The law has been this way forever with the exception some had to have locks or be kept in a glove box while driving. Are you getting your info dirrect from " your quest to be "not someone who states without backing it with cold hard facts"...did you stumble across the fact that Obama signed legislation to allow loaded guns in National Parks? Probably just "slipped your mind" to state that inconvienent fact...along with the gun control passed by Reagan, Bush, etc.

Obama signs bill allowing loaded guns into national parks

posted bySusan Johnson

So, who knew Obama would be such a pro-gun president? Everyone is out buying guns because they think he’s going to confiscate them but here he is signing a bill that allows gun owners with carry permits to carry loaded guns into national parks:

Almost followed my Liberal conversation text to a tee!
Sight Reagan, Get angry though the word piss is hardly a bad word but you still felt the need to swear, and only sight the outlines of a pint. Not the meat of the laws
Does it make sense for a gun grabbing liberal to pass legislation that EXPANDS where you can have them? Also, you're wrong, prior to Obama passing the legislation, you were banned from having a firearm in any national park...period.

BTW, what laws has Obama passed that have slowed down your ability to buy firearms? Just curious?

Oh, I'm not a liberal, I fully support the second and dont care for anyone that treads on same. The difference is, I actually look at the FACTS and dont make excuses for either party.

Precisely why I'm a registered Independent...

Sorry to get in the way of your "cold hard facts"...
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