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Health Care??????

The system is going to change and has to change in order to keep our country competitive and viable.


Nemont does own this thread and he owned it with one simple line. This plan is fraught with problems but it will get the ball rolling on system change, which is necessary.

You do understand people that Liberals like the one's in the Whitehouse now hate guns, Hunting, and would love to see both go away!

Please don't be so insulting as to try to move the goalposts on the thread issue. Especially by throwing out a blanket statement which is factually baseless. Last I checked, the White House (or even the guy living in it) hasn't done anything against hunting or taken gun rights. There are plenty of people inside and outside the government--some with (D) and some with (R) after their respective names--who are posing real threats to hunting (read: sweeping access issues). It's not necessary to falsely demonize anyone and actually works against hunters.
They may run under the title Republican but don't let that fool you. They are all Liberal, wimpy, girly men and have about as much backbone as a door matt. Judge Robert's is a Liberal as are all the other justice's. See a real conservative can;t get elected. !

Just to clarify, you do understand that Supreme Court Justices are appointed not elected right?

What does a real conservative believe? Was Reagan a real conservative?

I thought conservatives believed in small government, States Rights advocate, keep the government out of people's lives, run a fiscally sound government and have a humble foreign policy by avoiding foreign entanglements, no nation building etc.

I am a conservative.

Because some State Legislators third cousin had some unknown syndrome does not justify disallowance of menu policies or competition across state lines! If you want to pass a mandate, mandate that Health Ins companies can actually compete without Feds or State Legislators deciding what shud be in ALL policies!!! They don't dictate homeowners, car or life insurance----why health insurance???
Maybe Nemont will pay for the portion of my Part D that covers contraception but not my Little Blue Pills....
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Because some State Legislators third cousin had some unknown syndrome does not justify disallowance of menu policies or competition across state lines! If you want to pass a mandate, mandate that Health Ins companies canactually compete without Feds or State Legislators deciding what shud be in ALL policies!!!
Maybe Nemont will pay for the portion of my Part D that covers contraception but not my Little Blue Pills....

Maybe we should just quit having elected representatives and go to a fuedal system of lords, princes and kings.

So you think your hard on pills should be covered but other conditions shouldn't have a mandate?

Perhaps we should not have part D at all and let you find coverage for your drugs in an interstate market. Why do you need your health insurance subsidized by the taxpayers? What is so magic about turning 65?

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The unfortunate fact is that we have ZERO CONSERVATIVE representation in Washington. They may run under the title Republican but don't let that fool you. They are all Liberal, wimpy, girly men and have about as much backbone as a door matt. Judge Robert's is a Liberal as are all the other justice's. See a real conservative can;t get elected. They would be given the title of racist or worse the first time they gave a common sense answer to a question or problem. For those who have faith in Mr.Romney...He says he will repeal Obama care but wait till just one poll suggests independants,Latino, or Woman like the law and see ya Conservative values Romney. We live in such a great country, But people are scared. Scared to think free, speak their minds, and God forbid offend a hippie! Obama is the worst US President in modern history, And remember we had Jimmy Carter! All we can hope for is that the age group of 30-99 vote him out. REMEMBER if you DO NOT vote you have lost your right to complain, chime in, and it's partly your fault the wrong man won. You do understand people that Liberals like the one's in the Whitehouse now hate guns, Hunting, and would love to see both go away!

Racist post is racist. name is Ken, I like hunting, I like guns, I vote-- and I'm a hippie.
I am a nurse at a large university medical center and we treat a large population of uninsured patients. I think greater access to healthcare for all US citizens will, in the long run, decrease the financial burden to everyone. In my experience, the uninsured sit at home with that festering wound until it is too late and they spend a few days and a few thousand dollars as an inpatient--those costs have to be recouped somewhere. The way I see it more access equals more healthy people and reduces big ticket expenditures.
I paid max Medicare from the day it was invented til the day I retired----now I pay over $100 a month deducted from from MY SocSec (which I also paid max on) to cover the costs and you don't want to know what a 69 year old pays for Part D----Oh, and then there is the deductible! Along with being taxed on my after tax "contribution" for 85% of my SocSec
You got your head up your arse! But it is okay to me if you have to pay way more taxes to support increased Medicaid under Lib definition of who shud be on it.....
I paid max Medicare from the day it was invented til the day I retired----now I pay over $100 a month deducted from from MY SocSec (which I also paid max on) to cover the costs and you don't want to know what a 69 year old pays for Part D----Oh, and then there is the deductible! Along with being taxed on my after tax "contribution" for 85% of my SocSec
You got your head up your arse! But it is okay to me if you have to pay way more taxes to support increased Medicaid under Lib definition of who shud be on it.....

And yet, you can still afford to hunt in Africa every year, lease prime duck hunting country in Arkansas....

Congrats to you for living a good life and being able to enjoy the benefits of having YOUR government pay for the majority of your healthcare.

God Bless 'Merica
I paid max Medicare from the day it was invented til the day I retired----now I pay over $100 a month deducted from from MY SocSec (which I also paid max on) to cover the costs and you don't want to know what a 69 year old pays for Part D----Oh, and then there is the deductible! Along with being taxed on my after tax "contribution" for 85% of my SocSec
You got your head up your arse! But it is okay to me if you have to pay way more taxes to support increased Medicaid under Lib definition of who shud be on it.....

You want a medal or a chest to pin it on.

I have a pretty fair idea how much a 69 year old pays for part D. I am here to tell you that what ever the rate you pay isn't close to the true cost. You never paid a dime of tax into the part D system only premium. Part D was passed during GWB first term without a funding source, so the source is my kids and grand kids because our government borrows to subsidize your Part D.

Also Soc Security is a pay as you go system so you while there may be a surplus, it is not "yours" in the sense that there is a fund with your name attached.

I don't begrudge you either program but please don't pretend that you are somehow superior to anyone else or that others are not contributing as much or more.

Again what is magic about turning 65 and going into a government sponsored system where there are not preexisting conditions, there is guaranteed issue supplements or you can opt out and into a Medicare Advantage (which is subsidized further by the taxpayers).

As far as where my head it, well it is not where you implied.

Would you be willing to take cuts to both of your programs or make Medicare a voucher system where the voucher loses value over time and you have to pay more each year?

Let me ask you this question, why did your Part B deductible go down last year?


As a guy who knows what he's talking about, what do you see coming down the pipe now that ACA has the ball rolling on health care reform?

My sense is that even though the quality of health care provided is very high in the US, the cost for it is disproportionately high in comparison to other nations. If that's a fair statement what do you think needs to be done to get us a better value?

As a guy who knows what he's talking about, what do you see coming down the pipe now that ACA has the ball rolling on health care reform?

My sense is that even though the quality of health care provided is very high in the US, the cost for it is disproportionately high in comparison to other nations. If that's a fair statement what do you think needs to be done to get us a better value?

I am not certain but I think there are a couple of things that will become pressing in the coming years. First I suspect that the employer based system will come under some real stress and people will migrate off of small employer groups first and then off the bigger groups later.

Our taxes will increase, the penalties will increase and over all costs will continue upward.

We are going to see continued consolidation in providers with Hospital increasingly dominating the land scape and doctors have less power.

Other than that I am uncertain as of right now.

several random points;
after hearing an interview in detroit WWj 760 this noon, The poor people dont understand they will have to purchase health care they cant afford now, IE: forced or fined, Hmmm,, cant afford it now but now have to find a way :) they think its free !!!!

Just another reason why those who do not work or are on public assistance should not vote, ( retired is exempt, you earned the right! ) on how the working mans money is spent! raise the voting age to "employed" leaving all the occupie scum out of the matrix.

include the president, congress and the senate in Obama care erasing thier present health care if they think its Such a good deal!,, seems they excluded them selves in the first chapter,,

ban all firearms from washington DC,,,,,,, to include the police and secret service :)

And last I heard a qoute from the supreme court, didnt hear who wrote it; The supreme court is not here to protect the citizens from the consequenses of thier political choices,, see thought 2,,,,, sigh,,
retiring in Panama is looking better and better
I think the biggest problem is people think health insurance is health care. I can't see why I should pay $31,380 for insurance over the last five years when I haven't been to a medical care facility once during that period. That money going into a treasury fund could be making more money for me instead of paying for health care for the voluntarily indigent or people less healthy than me. If someday in the future I should be victim of some catastrophic illness, I will have the funds in my bank account to pay my own bills until I can't afford to be kept alive anymore. When my great great grandfather cleared his land in Ohio, planted his crops and raised his livestock, he didn't put his money into a pool of funds to pay doctor bills for his neighbors. Today, we have health care available to address heroic circumstances. Because its available doesn't mean everyone has a right to it. Our motor companies manufacture deisel 4X4 trucks and little economy cars. Just because they make big 4X4's doesn't mean that everyone born here, or anyone that sneaks into the US, is entitled to a big 4X4. I think people are entitled to the health care they can afford, not to every procedure and treatment available. Where do we draw the line? Should every woman be entitled to a face lift and breast augmentation? Should every man be entitled to hair transplants and ED medication? How about the most advanced treatment for a terminal disease? What about the patient that wants to see the doctor every month because "I don't feel so good"? Make people pay as they go, or borrow what they can, to pay for medical expenses and you will see the costs for health care drop dramatically. Health insurance is a scam. The total cost of medical care for everyone seeking it in a set universe is X dollars. The insurance companies must collect X plus overhead and profit, then redistribute X to pay those medical care costs. Most people end up paying much more than the benefit they will ultimately receive. Everyone keeps saying the cost of health care is out of control when what they really mean is the cost of health insurance is out of control. What really drives the cost of insurance is the procedures and treatment people receive that they cannot afford on their own. Its the ultimate in the redistribution of the wealth of the common man. Flame away. name is Ken, I like hunting, I like guns, I vote-- and I'm a hippie.
I am a nurse at a large university medical center and we treat a large population of uninsured patients. I think greater access to healthcare for all US citizens will, in the long run, decrease the financial burden to everyone. In my experience, the uninsured sit at home with that festering wound until it is too late and they spend a few days and a few thousand dollars as an inpatient--those costs have to be recouped somewhere. The way I see it more access equals more healthy people and reduces big ticket expenditures.

I like hunting, I like guns I vote I'm a hippie and I think you're right!
I think the biggest problem is people think health insurance is health care. I can't see why I should pay $31,380 for insurance over the last five years when I haven't been to a medical care facility once during that period. That money going into a treasury fund could be making more money for me instead of paying for health care for the voluntarily indigent or people less healthy than me. If someday in the future I should be victim of some catastrophic illness, I will have the funds in my bank account to pay my own bills until I can't afford to be kept alive anymore. When my great great grandfather cleared his land in Ohio, planted his crops and raised his livestock, he didn't put his money into a pool of funds to pay doctor bills for his neighbors. Today, we have health care available to address heroic circumstances. Because its available doesn't mean everyone has a right to it. Our motor companies manufacture deisel 4X4 trucks and little economy cars. Just because they make big 4X4's doesn't mean that everyone born here, or anyone that sneaks into the US, is entitled to a big 4X4. I think people are entitled to the health care they can afford, not to every procedure and treatment available. Where do we draw the line? Should every woman be entitled to a face lift and breast augmentation? Should every man be entitled to hair transplants and ED medication? How about the most advanced treatment for a terminal disease? What about the patient that wants to see the doctor every month because "I don't feel so good"? Make people pay as they go, or borrow what they can, to pay for medical expenses and you will see the costs for health care drop dramatically. Health insurance is a scam. The total cost of medical care for everyone seeking it in a set universe is X dollars. The insurance companies must collect X plus overhead and profit, then redistribute X to pay those medical care costs. Most people end up paying much more than the benefit they will ultimately receive. Everyone keeps saying the cost of health care is out of control when what they really mean is the cost of health insurance is out of control. What really drives the cost of insurance is the procedures and treatment people receive that they cannot afford on their own. Its the ultimate in the redistribution of the wealth of the common man. Flame away.

I am dizzy.

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