Caribou Gear

Health Care??????

One good way to start saving the system a ton of money is getting more patients and families to understand and use DNR forms and living wills. Many times a complex procedure that only delays the inevitable is not the way to go. I think I read somewhere that more money is spent on a persons healthcare In their last 30 days of life than I their entire life beforehand combined, and as a medical professional, I could easily see how this is possible.
The business that I belong to instituted a "wellness" program. It rewards people for doing things they should do anyways with monetary going to the doctor for an annual physical, doing a blood draw, eating right, getting proper sleep, etc. etc. The first year it cost the company quite a bit of money, in fact it exceeded the budget by quite a bit on their self insured health insurance policy. Between the wellness program along with paying out extra claims, the program was looking really bleak. But they were invested in seeing it through. The second year something odd happened...the claims have went down significantly, the rate of absenteeism (sick days) have decreased, and a fairly major surplus in the self-insured healthcare plan. We have had an 80% participation rate on the program. I'm not positive if this will continue but there are more than a couple people who feel this plan worked great...they are in cancer remission that was found during their annual physical which they probably wouldn't have figured out until it was too late or the costs would have been much greater. Again, this model may not work for everyone but if it is any indication on the possibility of success on a large scale...the ACA does have a possibility to decrease costs by prevention vs emergency. Another lesson that can be learned here is for individual responsibility. If you want the cost of insurance and healthcare to decrease...over-all people need to start taking better care of themselves. My hope is that if people are more invested in the system, they will become more healthy and the costs will eventually decrease. I know it has happened on a small scale...
Marshian- In theory, your comment makes a lot of sense. The problem is this...if it's your loved on laying on an operating table or in the emergency room with only a 1% chance of living...would you be the one saying don't try, the cost is just too much or would you be willing to do just about anything in the chance that you could spend an extra month with that person? My answer would be easy, the money wouldn't mean anything to me at that point in time (even knowing the dollar amount would be really high). My thought is most people would think the way I do and I doubt that cost will ever disappear.
They have been forcing me to pay into social security and medicare since I started working. Isn't this the same thing?

not the same at all. you can opt out of paying both of things you mention, and taxes. lose the social security number and you're free and clear of the government.
Another lesson that can be learned here is for individual responsibility. If you want the cost of insurance and healthcare to decrease...over-all people need to start taking better care of themselves
I agree with this, but this dim-wit thinks it really needs to go a step further. Folks should take responsibility for being able to provide for or pay for the health care they and their family need. If you can't afford the care for a family of four don't make a family of four.
I agree with this, but this dim-wit thinks it really needs to go a step further. Folks should take responsibility for being able to provide for or pay for the health care they and their family need. If you can't afford the care for a family of four don't make a family of four.

Yes. If you can't afford to treat your kid for cancer out of your own pocket, don't have kids. It's only going to be around a million bucks. :)
not the same at all. you can opt out of paying both of things you mention, and taxes. lose the social security number and you're free and clear of the government.

Do we have a tax protester in our midst?
This is far from over

I wanna hear the gnashing of teeth when./if big brother mentions docs, pharma, research, and insurance providers cutting their fees, gov't grants, and commission structures.

I suppose granting a select few (unions, congress, Obama's numerous fluffers) exemption is rationalized under the sausage making means to an end analogy.

..and yes, I do find the grand ol party equally culpable for this frickin mess.
We now have with Roberts voting the way he did to actually have a Debate on what this Tax will do for us and what it will cost us as a Nation. Everyone has had time to Disect the Bill, so we can ask the right questions without having to "Vote for it to find out what is in this". If it comes down to voting Obama out to get rid of Obamacare, so be it. John
Not sure I buy in to the 'Robert's Evil Genius' theory. The spin docs are working overtime.
MattK-of course in most situations you are right and I would do everything. The frequent problem is elderly patients with end stage diseases such as chronic heart failure, dialysis, Alzheimer's, etc who already have a poor quality of life and then spend their final days undergoing painful procedures. So yes, I would compassionately sign on a DNR if one of my loved ones was in a position as this rather than watch them repeatedly be poked, tracked, ventilated, shocked, etc. Sometimes dying with dignity is best.
Nemont does own this thread and he owned it with one simple line. This plan is fraught with problems but it will get the ball rolling on system change, which is necessary.

Please don't be so insulting as to try to move the goalposts on the thread issue. Especially by throwing out a blanket statement which is factually baseless. Last I checked, the White House (or even the guy living in it) hasn't done anything against hunting or taken gun rights. There are plenty of people inside and outside the government--some with (D) and some with (R) after their respective names--who are posing real threats to hunting (read: sweeping access issues). It's not necessary to falsely demonize anyone and actually works against hunters.

FACT is that Sec of State Clinton is on record saying she wants "All guns out of all homes" Secondly in the past 3 years have you noticed the restrictions on business selling ammo? The NRA supports most people who agree with common sense gun laws and does not support this administration. I am very knowlagable on this matter and can send you all the FACtUAL public gov't info to back my claim name is Ken, I like hunting, I like guns, I vote-- and I'm a hippie.
I am a nurse at a large university medical center and we treat a large population of uninsured patients. I think greater access to healthcare for all US citizens will, in the long run, decrease the financial burden to everyone. In my experience, the uninsured sit at home with that festering wound until it is too late and they spend a few days and a few thousand dollars as an inpatient--those costs have to be recouped somewhere. The way I see it more access equals more healthy people and reduces big ticket expenditures.

Ken where I am from it's full of Hippies
We do not consider Hippie a bad word, Just one we use for an extra sensitive man.
Nothing wrong with being a hippie as long as you shower! lol
I hate to sound like a complete political cynic, but I wish I could believe that the real reason this bill was created was to fix the health care system and not to secure more votes for one political party. I think most would agree that if they really wanted to fix health care there were alot better ways to attack the problem, from what I have read here Nemont could have done a much better job.

I am sorry, if you think Obama cares about your right to hunt or own firearms, you are fooling yourself. I appreciate the fact that he hasn't done anything to infringe on them, but I am certain that If he thought taking away our hunting/firearms rights would get him re-elected in November he would do it in a heart beat.
I hate to sound like a complete political cynic, but I wish I could believe that the real reason this bill was created was to fix the health care system and not to secure more votes for one political party. I think most would agree that if they really wanted to fix health care there were alot better ways to attack the problem, from what I have read here Nemont could have done a much better job.

I am sorry, if you think Obama cares about your right to hunt or own firearms, you are fooling yourself. I appreciate the fact that he hasn't done anything to infringe on them, but I am certain that If he thought taking away our hunting/firearms rights would get him re-elected in November he would do it in a heart beat.

AGREED! The health care "LAW" is about getting the poor, the class enious, and young to vote Democrat. I am a far right conservative and if one of my Reppublican officials thought this junk up I would call him or her out and be just as angry. I became a conservative at a young age because most all the class warfare, social engeniering, and race card politics are used by and were created by Liberals

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