Health Care??????

Sweet greasy Jesus...I'm now accused of being over 50, and having everything figured out! Wish I could figure out how to draw a sheep tag before I'm 50.

NHY, Nemont answered the question adequately for you...yes?

I'm sure he's a lot more up to speed than 99% commenting on any health care issue.
FACT is that Sec of State Clinton is on record saying she wants "All guns out of all homes"
This does not equal...
In 1992 Hillary Clinton supported a federal ban on semi-automatic firearms before the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act was passed in 1993 and signed by President Clinton.[123]

During a 1999 press conference at the White House, First Lady Hillary Clinton stated, "And since the crime bill was enacted, 19 of the deadliest assault weapons are harder to find on our streets. We will never know how many tragedies we've avoided because of these efforts."[124] During the time period referenced by Clinton, handguns accounted for over 2/3 of firearm mortalities in the US.[125]

In the 1999 Proposition B in Missouri campaign, Robin Carnahan's Safe Schools and Workplaces Committee, on the weekend prior to voting day, coordinated a taped phone message from Hillary Clinton that automatically dialed 75,000 homes statewide with the message, "Just too dangerous for Missouri families." [126]

Hillary Clinton favors "sensible gun control legislation" and not limiting gun control lawsuits.[127] She made gun licensing and registration a part of her 2000 Senate campaign.[128]

Hillary Clinton was one of 16 Senators who voted against the 2006 Vitter Amendment, which prohibits the funding of the confiscation of lawfully-held firearms during a disaster.[129]

Hillary Clinton was taught to shoot and hunt by her father. Clarifying her position on gun rights, she said "It's part of culture. It's part of a way of life. People enjoy hunting and shooting because it's an important part of who they are."[130] She made gun rights a part of her 2008 Presidential campaign, despite her previous attempts to introduce strict gun-control laws at a federal level.[131][132][133]

The National Rifle Association gave Clinton an 'F' (failing) rating in 2006 for her stance on Second Amendment issues.[134]

These. You quoted "All guns out of all homes" and I'm just not seeing that at all. If you can't figure that out, you need help that is probably available through some sort of social program.

As noted, the track record of many individual elected officials--whether their name was followed by a (D) or an (R)--is spotty when it comes to Amendment #2.

For the record, I am a registered Independent and have as much use for either party as they do for me = very little.
back on the topic...........wish I knew the author

Dear Friends,

Attached is my optimist’s analysis of the Supreme Court’s decision today. Please let me know what you think. Also please feel free to post this on your website or blog if you are so inclined. I have also pasted it below.

To all my friends, particularly those conservatives who are despondent over the searing betrayal by Chief Justice John Roberts and the pending demise of our beloved country, I offer this perspective to convey some profound hope and evidence of the Almighty’s hand in the affairs of men in relation to the Supreme Court’s decision on Obamacare.
I initially thought we had cause for despondency when I only heard the results of the decision and not the reason or the make-up of the sides. I have now read a large portion of the decision and I believe that it was precisely the result that Scalia, Alito, Thomas, Roberts and even Kennedy wanted and not a defeat for conservatism or the rule of law. I believe the conservatives on the court have run circles around the liberals and demonstrated that the libs are patently unqualified to be on the Supreme Court. Let me explain.
First let me assure you that John Roberts is a conservative and he is not dumb, mentally unstable, diabolical, a turncoat, a Souter or even just trying to be too nice. He is a genius along with the members of the Court in the dissent. The more of the decision I read the more remarkable it became. It is not obvious and it requires a passable understanding of Constitutional law but if it is explained anyone can see the beauty of it.
The decision was going to be a 5-4 decision no matter what, so the allegation that the decision was a partisan political decision was going to be made by the losing side and their supporters. If the bill was struck down completely with Roberts on the other side there would have been a national and media backlash against conservatives and probably strong motivation for Obama supporters to come out and vote in November. With today’s decision that dynamic is reversed and there is a groundswell of support for Romney and Republicans, even for people who were formerly lukewarm toward Romney before today, additionally Romney raised more than 3 million dollars today.
Next, merely striking the law without the support of Democrats and libs would have left the fight over the commerce clause and the “necessary and proper “ clause and the federal government’s role in general festering and heading the wrong way as it has since 1942. As a result of the decision the libs are saying great things about Roberts; how wise, fair and reasonable he is. They would never have said that without this decision even after the Arizona immigration decision on Monday. In the future when Roberts rules conservatively it will be harder for the left and the media to complain about the Robert’s Court’s fairness. That’s why he as Chief Justice went to the other side for this decision not Scalia, Alito, Thomas or Kennedy, all of whom I believe would have been willing to do it.
Next let’s look at the decision itself. Thankfully Roberts got to write it as Chief Justice and it is a masterpiece. (As I write this the libs don’t even know what has happened they just think Roberts is great and that they won and we are all going to have free, unlimited healthcare services and we are all going to live happily ever after.) He first emphatically states that Obamacare is unconstitutional under the Commerce Clause saying you cannot make people buy stuff. Then he emphatically states that it is unconstitutional under the “necessary and proper” clause which only applies to “enumerated powers” in the US Constitution. Justices Ginsberg, Breyer, Sotomayor and Kagan all went along with these statements. They never would have gone along with that sentiment if that was the basis for striking the law in total. This is huge because this means that the Court ruled 9-0 that Obamacare was unconstitutional under the Commerce clause which was Obama’s whole defense of the bill. They also ruled 9-0 on the “necessary and proper” clause. Even better both of these rulings were unnecessary to the decision so it is gravy that we got the libs to concede this and it will make it easier to pare away at both theories in the future, which we must do. Well done.
Roberts, through very tortured reasoning, goes on to find that the taxing law provides the Constitutionality for the law. Virtually everyone agrees that the Federal government has the power to do this as it does with the mortgage deduction for federal income taxes. This too is huge because Obama assiduously avoided using the term “tax” and now he has to admit this law is a tax and it is on everyone even the poor. That will hurt him hugely in the polls and will help Romney. More importantly though is the fact that this makes this a budgetary issue that can be voted on in the Senate by a mere majority instead of 60 votes needed to stop a filibuster. That means that if the Republicans can gain a majority in the Senate, it can vote to repeal Obamacare in total.
Finally the Court voted 7-2 to strike down the punitive rules that take away money from states that do not expand Medicare as required in Obamacare. This too is huge because we got Kagan and Breyer to join this decision and it can easily be applied to many other cases of extortion the Federal government uses to force states to do things they don’t want to. This is also amazing because Obamacare has no severability clause so by striking the Medicaid mandate portion as unconstitutional the whole bill should have been struck. If that happened none of these other benefits would have been accomplished. I haven’t read far enough to know how he did it but I am sure it is brilliant.
So to recap the Roberts court through a brilliant tactical maneuver has: strengthened the limitations of the commerce clause and the necessary and proper clause by a unanimous decision, made Obama raise taxes on the poor and middle classes, converted Obamacare into a tax program repealable with 51 votes in the Senate, enhanced Romney’s and Republican’s fundraising and likelihood of being elected in November, weakened federal extortion and got the left to love Roberts and sing his praises all without anyone even noticing. Even Obama is now espousing the rule of law just 2 weeks after violating it with his deportation executive order.
That is why I have decided this was a genius decision and that I did in fact get a great birthday present today not to mention U. S. Attorney General Eric Holder being held in contempt. What a day.
This does not equal...

These. You quoted "All guns out of all homes" and I'm just not seeing that at all. If you can't figure that out, you need help that is probably available through some sort of social program.

As noted, the track record of many individual elected officials--whether their name was followed by a (D) or an (R)--is spotty when it comes to Amendment #2.

For the record, I am a registered Independent and have as much use for either party as they do for me = very little.

GOOD LORD all you got from that was the exerpt was it did not have the exact quote??????
The quote came in Bills second term 3rd year when asked how she would vote on gun control if ever elected to office. Sounds like you call yourself an independant but side way to the left of center. So i am clear...Any fact check, or documentation to you is invalid if not containing letter for letter what someone you have never met says? Sounds as if this os how you make your decisions to me. I believe the Health care law was upheald Thursday...But the language used here did not contain exact quotes from the reading so I simply will not look at the evedence put fourth to me and I'll just make my snoddy comments....I think your a prime recipient of MANY social programs. You need not be in this conversation. It's way over your head.

I read that somewhere else and while I like getting into the weeds on things, I highly doubt for the average person much of this is going to sink in. Anything that takes longer than 30 seconds usually isn't a sucessful campaign message.

Yes I think Roberts rendered a very smart opinion. I am unsure that he is the second coming of John Marshall.

Rumor has it a plan was hatched to allow a bunch south of the border upstanding citizens to obtain mill style weapons, then track them back the sellers, all under the guise of liberal 2nd amendment support.

....see Eric Hoilder for link

I wonder if that's anything like selling weapons to Iran so our government could fund an overthrow of another country's sovereign government, while cutting deals with the guy responsible for smuggling cocaine by the planeloads into our country, which was simultaneously fighting a multi-billion dollar War on Drugs.

See Ollie North for the shreds of evidence. ;)
GOOD LORD all you got from that was the exerpt was it did not have the exact quote??????
The quote came in Bills second term 3rd year when asked how she would vote on gun control if ever elected to office. Sounds like you call yourself an independant but side way to the left of center. So i am clear...Any fact check, or documentation to you is invalid if not containing letter for letter what someone you have never met says? Sounds as if this os how you make your decisions to me. I believe the Health care law was upheald Thursday...But the language used here did not contain exact quotes from the reading so I simply will not look at the evedence put fourth to me and I'll just make my snoddy comments....I think your a prime recipient of MANY social programs. You need not be in this conversation. It's way over your head.

You do understand that when you attribute words to someone then generally it should be easy to find examples that bolster your case. Hillary Clinton has not said she wants all guns out of all houses, ever.

Just so you get it I am a conservative as well but being conservative doesn't mean checking your brain in at the Republican party and leaving it there.

If you care to have a debate about health care, I am game. If you want to post NRA drivel that can't be substantiated then please keep that on a different thread.

GOOD LORD all you got from that was the exerpt was it did not have the exact quote??????
The quote came in Bills second term 3rd year when asked how she would vote on gun control if ever elected to office. Sounds like you call yourself an independant but side way to the left of center. So i am clear...Any fact check, or documentation to you is invalid if not containing letter for letter what someone you have never met says? Sounds as if this os how you make your decisions to me. I believe the Health care law was upheald Thursday...But the language used here did not contain exact quotes from the reading so I simply will not look at the evedence put fourth to me and I'll just make my snoddy comments....I think your a prime recipient of MANY social programs. You need not be in this conversation. It's way over your head.

No. That's not all I got from it. I understood many things from it. Chief among them: when you state "FACT" the following text will not be a fact but a ridiculously exaggerated straw man, like the one you created. The documentation you gave does not even come close to adding up to Hillary " on record saying she wants 'all guns out of all homes' ". It just doesn't even approach it, unless you're a member of the Tinfoil Hat Gang.

You've never met me or discussed anything with me but I 'side way to the left of center'. Okay. Somebody is in way over his head on this one, no doubt. I suggest a mirror. Best of luck to you.
Wally- I think you're on to something, although I highly doubt it is/was as complex as you wrote. I think the two salient takeaways from Roberts' decision are:
1) the role of the Supreme Court (and other courts) isn't to judge policy, but to stick to measuring the constitutionality of laws
2) 'It is not our job to protect the people from the consequences of their political choices.'

Obama's butt will be hanging out in the political wind on this one. Two months ago I thought it would take a perfect storm for the R's to beat him. Sure is clouding up.
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