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Have the Enviromentalist's Gone Too Far?

Good point Paul!
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Elkchsr said, "The next place that I have seen that was devastated beyond redemption was Yellowstone, just after the fires came thru and the scientists again said it would be hundreds of years before it was even close to where it would be productive again...."


Where do you come up with the crap you post? What scientists said that and where did they say it? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

It was all over the news as it happened...
I don't remember the commentators but the channels at the time were 4, 5, 7, 11, we all know they have to get their info from somewhere...
I guess you just can't believe every thing you hear on TV now can you...: rolleyes:
They all had different specialists at the time of the fire saying this and that. Then when my wife and I took a walk thru the park early the next summer, this is what the information places were touting about some of the areas...The parks people even put up placards for every one to see, this info had to come from somewhere...
This is when I started formulating the fact that you just can't believe every thing you see in print
. Even if it is right their in front of the 'damaged' area.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> You know, you rant and rave about how worthless an education is...I got news for you, the one person on this board who could use a bit of formal education in Natural resources and the understanding of ecosystems is YOU. I mean for Christ sake, every first year Forestry student understands and learns the dynamics of lodgepole forest life know stand replacement. Yellowstone was a totally natural situation, and for thousands of years lodgepole ecosystems have evolved with catastrophic stand replacement fire cycles...usually on about a 150-200 year interval...which is just about the exact age of most of what burned in Yellowstone.
The only one that I really see that is full of rants and rage is you, you want every one else to always dig up proof and what not, but here is one for you to dig up, and this one should be easy, because you can look it up in the archives right here.
Now don't as is your usual old grouchy self, run off and take a sentence out of context, show me where I ever said, "You know, you rant and rave about how worthless an education is..."
You take every thing some one says that you just can't stand only see the few little things that you want to see, nothing more, I want to see where I ever said education is all a worthless endeavor, prove it and I will apologize, if not, you owe me one for stating such lies.
If you would read more than one sentence in any ones post, you would see that I have never uttered such a far-fetched statement as this. But when some one is pissing in your cheerios all the time, and it is probably you, it is easy to see where such hatred and anger sits...Kind of like spitting into the wind isn't it!!!

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> I find it very hard to believe that any credible "scientist" you could cite would have made a claim that Yellowstone was not going to recover. If you do find some literature to cite (I would be shocked if you did), I'd bet good money they dont have a lick of formal education in Forestry. This drives the point home that formal education is very valuable and necessary...and those that have it, wont be duped into believing chicken shit posts that make ridiculous claims.

I think you're confusing science and scientists with the 6 O'clock news and the interviews with the local talent from Cooke City standing in front of their burnt down trailer house,(while wearing their favorite terry cloth bath robe and hair curlers), telling all the viewers how it was "Total pandalerium" and was "devastated beyond redemption." <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Now I thought just about every one believed in the six-o-clock news...

This is where most get their info, right wrong or indifferent.
Then you have a few of those that have gotten their knowledge, usually in the form of Government grants and what not, then use the knowledge given to them to walk around with their chests all puffed out and act as if they are the king shit just because they know "all" the answers and the rest of us, know matter how learned we are in our own way are inferior.
This kind of learning scares the hell out of those that are supposed to be in the know, because things are said that are not in books anywhere. The "Learned" will degrade these individuals all they can, running them down at every opportunity.
I will give you a perfect example of this, you can look it up if you want, I will not show you any thing in writing, it is already well documented..
I will only say this-the phrase "The world is flat", if I remember my history right, “Learned people”, ridiculed the individual that came up with this statement, to the ends of the earth, forgive my pun
Before you jump to any conclusions about this post on what I am saying or not, let me point out that not every thing you say is actually true, maybe most is true, but even that is getting farther and farther apart. All you have been putting into the fray any more is snide comments, nasty remarks laced with snotty cynicism.
I see no higher learning here; any one can sit here and do that, which by the way you are showing you are very good at, wouldn’t be any thing I would personally get puffy chested about, but that is ones own personal preference...
But it really proves nothing, no intelligence is portrayed in it, really doesn’t get a good point across, but do as you like and I will continue on as I have…
Elkchsr, quite whining and start posting some things with a few facts...for a nice change.

You admit to getting all your info from the 6 O'clock news, which is about what I thought. No wonder you have such a hard time with reality.

Everyone who has been on this board for the last six months has heard you bash an education, you do it all the time. Your lack of one really shows.

Also, take your school grant statement and shove it up your ass. While its really none of your freaking business, I never received a single cent of grant money for college. I also dont have wealthy folks or a trust fund...I paid for school by fighting fire (including Yellowstone), conducting stand exams, regen. exams, thinning, cruising timber, and various other jobs while employed by the USDA Forest Service.

The point is, the way myths start about situations like Yellowstone is by uneducated idiots spreading lies and making wild assed claims...just like you did. People with any brains or education, or even a working knowledge of the wooods, would realize just how full of crap your post was. You arent doing anyone any good by spreading that crap. Stick to the facts.

Thats the main reason why theres so much controversy on most natural resource policy and land management decisions...very few grasp even a basic knowledge of how natural systems function.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Thats the main reason why theres so much controversy on most natural resource policy and land management decisions...very few grasp even a basic knowledge of how natural systems function. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> True.
You got a problem with that???


Hasn't Smokey been changing his tune lately, and saying fire is natural, and ok, just don't start them yourself?
Here all this time I thought that Smokey T. Bear was more interested in cigarettes and camp fires than lightning strikes and natural fires..... All you have to do is understand where he came from and how he became a TV star....

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Elkchsr, quite whining and start posting some things with a few facts...for a nice change.
If you think I'm whining, then you need to look at it in a different context, this is not how it was portryed only what you want to see...

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>You admit to getting all your info from the 6 O'clock news, which is about what I thought. No wonder you have such a hard time with reality.
I never said all my info came from there, again, you only see what you want, you really need to pull the blinders off!!!

This is what I said...
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>This is where most get their info, right wrong or indifferent.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Everyone who has been on this board for the last six months has heard you bash an education, you do it all the time. Your lack of one really shows <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Again you only see what you want, I have never went to the extremes you state here, only stated that experience is the key to understanding fully what you learned in school. Lets not start putting words in my mouth, you will be the one looking ignorant!!!

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Also, take your school grant statement and shove it up your ass. While its really none of your freaking business, I never received a single cent of grant money for college. I also dont have wealthy folks or a trust fund...I paid for school by fighting fire (including Yellowstone), conducting stand exams, regen. exams, thinning, cruising timber, and various other jobs while employed by the USDA Forest Service. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
I see, I must have put another blanket statement up about every person on the plannet, I looked the statement over you were talking about, and brought it down here so that you could read it again, I don't see your name or even that I used you in any context of it, your vanity is with out bounds I see

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Then you have a few of those that have gotten their knowledge, usually in the form of Government grants and what not, then use the knowledge given to them to walk around with their chests all puffed out and act as if they are the king shit just because they know "all" the answers and the rest of us, know matter how learned we are in our own way are inferior.
Heres a good one, this is another place you need to read every thing that is written by some one in one of these posts, or you are the one that is looking ignorant for not paying attention to detail...
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> The point is, the way myths start about situations like Yellowstone is by uneducated idiots spreading lies and making wild assed claims...just like you did. People with any brains or education, or even a working knowledge of the wooods, would realize just how full of crap your post was. You arent doing anyone any good by spreading that crap. Stick to the facts. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Now I don't remember seeing any thing at all about me posting the fact that I believed for one second what I saw on the placards or have seen on the news... I do know what I have seen and coupled with my mediocre third grade education, just assume that what I witness with my own eyes must be just a figment of my immagination, and not the actual going ons of the dynamic works around me by mother nature herself on her regenerative properties...

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Thats the main reason why theres so much controversy on most natural resource policy and land management decisions...very few grasp even a basic knowledge of how natural systems function. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
And last but certainly not least of your misinformational quotes you have stated above, this is a very true statement, very true indeed.
You just need to realize that one doesn't have to go to school for years and years to understand this concept. These concepts have been understood for tens and tens of thousands of years, if not since man has been walking this earth, I would say that the biggest share of those individuals didn't have one day of "school" under their belts. Yet they understood the natural world that you are so immersed in, far better than you or any one on these boards could even comprehend. I will say this again, because you don't seem to understand, or just glance over this statement I have made time and agian, being blinded by your own insecurities and prejidices...
"School is for putting names to things you already know, it is also a better understanding thru others works, a deeper meaning to were you will be immersing yourself, and to point you into the right directions of where to start really learning. It is not the panacia of learning when it comes to the natural world. It is only a stepping stone."
Now if you understand any thing about education, and every thing it has to offer, (unless you are just blinded to the truth of what is right in front of you,) I don't see where you can see any "bashing" of the education system here. Well, I can see where you could still see negatives in this whole post, because the world revolves around the great all knowing Buzz!!!
I know these things Elkchsr:

1. You dont understand Natural Resource Policy.

2. You're lack of education shows.

3. Those making key land management decisions are ones with an education.

4. Because 1,2, and particularly 3 are true, I dont give a crap what you think.

But, remember this, while you post your crap and whine and cry...take your shots knowing that those "college idiots" are running the show.

I'll have that last laugh now.

What’s wrong Buzz?
Does it really bother you, to realize others that lived 10,000 years ago and more understood far more than you could ever imagine about that which you immerse yourself into every day? LMAO!!!!
Do you really think your personal attacks matter, I sure hope not. It would if you had some depth, but since I know you don't...

I see the only thing you have finally came up with in the last bunch of months that is a truism is the fact that the people that make policy have been to collage...OOOOh That hurt, I don’t know if I can go on living with this little tidbit newly revealed to me...

You still don't have to know any more to get into some of these positions, just have a piece of paper showing you went to school (This is to protect these jobs from those that have learned this part of the job thru hard knocks, and usually have a deeper, better understanding of the subject matter at hand. Navy Chiefs for example, compared to a lot of the younger officers).
I don't know that I should have mentioned the military here, you wouldn't even have a concept about that one, since I have seen nothing to the contrary to believe you have anything but loathing and distain for our service people. I may be wrong, but I don't think so...

Is this your new mantra you are running now..."NO WHINING!!!NO WHINING!!!
Elkchsr, once again you dont know jack shit about me or my beliefs.

Please go find a single shred of proof that I have ever said a single word against ANY branch of the armed service.

Please take your time and work real hard to find one...shit for brains.

Once again its really none of your freaking business, but to show everyone on this board just how big of a stupid ass you are...

I have great respect for the Military and in particular any veteran who has seen action.

While you may have some military time, your accomplishments arent worth a squirt of piss compared to those of my late Grandfathers both WWII vets. One was a sgt. and spent 2 years in the Phillipines, what he endured you havent a clue about. My other Grandfather liberated 3 concentration camps in Germany...once again, you dont have a clue what that man was forced to see...My wifes father was a Major in the Army Air Corp and was a B-17 co-pilot who flew 32 missions during WWII.

Like I said, you dont know jack diddly shit about my beliefs. You've made assumptions and said things you should have kept your fargin mouth shut about. You truly are a first class idiot and a total dipshit.

Oh, and yes, I am a slightly annoyed at your assumption that I would have a disregard for the military and my own grandparents. What a schmuck.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 05-10-2003 13:23: Message edited by: BuzzH ]</font>

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> jack shit, shit for brains, stupid ass, squirt of piss, jack diddly shit, first class idiot, dipshit, schmuck <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You are way to easy...LOL...
You just lost!!! Above is the proof, right, wrong, or indifferent...
And such learned words put forth by our esteemed Buzz!!!

My accomplishments may not compare to a lot of the hero's of the past, but I can say one thing, I did my time, there just wasn't any war going on for me to prove myself, what was your excuse, besides cowardice for not serving our country, and no, I don’t see getting to play in the mountains as part of ones civic duty, and probably not to many others that have had to protect this country during peace, or war time does either. This is one reason I like Dan and a few others on the board and respect what they say, they did their time also, others show their patriotism all of the time, waving flags and support, with you, I have seen not one positive post for any of the recent efforts of our servicemen and women, if I missed any, and there have been many in the most recent past, if I did miss any thing you posted, then I will apologize for my assumptions. I have also noticed that you have never sided with any one that has, and only show contempt and loathing for those individuals. Whether you believe in the actions abroad or not, this is where I make my judgments, nothing else; I make my assumptions from what I see, I figured you were very intelligent, and would have picked up on that since I had stated it many times.
A person is really only what others perceive of them; this is some thing I have learned over time. They can only judge you by what they see and hear, nothing more.
Do not live on the laurels of others, it makes you but a shell of a man!!!
Elkchsr, you really are a half bubble off level arent you? No, I think you're a full bubble off.

I see, so now anyone who hasnt served in the military is a coward! HAHAHA.

Gee Gomer Pyle, I mean Elkchsr, from the bottom of my heart, thanks for protecting the U.S. You're a regular god-damn hero.

Ever looked into the G.I. bill? I think you should.

As to the rest of your moronic post, again, its hardly worth responding too. But I will tell you this, I dont have to post a bunch of shit on a forum to prove to others that I support the military or the troops. If you and others want to do that to make yourselves feel good, by all means do it, and good for you.

Like I said before you idiot, go find some proof of my "loathing" for the military or the troops, until such time that you find something, kindly shut your &^%$ing mouth. You shouldnt make assumptions Elkchsr, it makes you look more ignorant than you are.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 05-11-2003 07:51: Message edited by: BuzzH ]</font>
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> I see, so now anyone who hasnt served in the military is a coward! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
As is very typical of you, you only saw what you wanted. Go back and re-read what I posted, it wasn't this!!!

This is also very rich, I have found in the past, that when those that don't understand, or are wrong in their assumptions, will resort to name calling and physical violence to try and strengthen their arguments or beliefs no matter how right or wrong. This really only shows the ignorance of that party, there is no substance and it shows a lack of social skills that they know they are lacking, so try to make up for in bluster and ignorance...
All I can think of is that most of that education you hold so dear sure doesn’t show itself here, any moron can spout garbage, I really thought I could get more from you, but apparently not. You are proving that education isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, being that you are your own worst enemy when trying to get a point across. I know better and will not let this cloud my judgment of where school fits into the scheme of things. I feel true pity for you and hope you don't go to the other side in the end with such bitter hostilities... It is not good for you and will never lead to any thing good!!!
Ignorance is easy; lets see some thing a little more substantive... Unless this is all you are capable of, then… well… I guess we all have our inadequacies now, don't we...
One thing I would like you to really understand, is the fact that I know what I know and you can think what ever you want...
Elkchsr, you said, "what was your excuse, besides cowardice for not serving our country"

Do you understand the English Language? I do.

What does the above statement say?

Read it slow...hell read it fast, there aint two ways to interpret that.

I see, so since I chose to go to college instead of the military (along with millions of others who dont enlist) then I'm a coward.

There isnt two ways to interpret that. Its pretty clear to me, but apparently your Anaconda dialect of the English language somehow is different. You been eating dirt around the stack again?

I made a decision long ago that I wanted to work for the betterment of the land, and frankly, the military wasnt even close to the best route for me to get to where I wanted to go.

I would have delayed college for 4 years (but had it paid for) and lost out on 4 years of applicable experience in my field. So, I instead, got a job with the FS right out of High School and spent the next several years attending the University of Montana, where I received my degree in Forestry, while also gaining work experience. I paid for my own education, never did I take a dime from anyone. I didnt put 4 years into a job and expect the Government to pay my way through college, unlike many of my buddies who CHOSE to go into the military.

One thing I didnt do was take the easy way out.
There is a general feeling amongst most of those that attend higher education, it is exactly as I have stated above. They don't want to really take on the responsibility of what they feel is their God given right, never understanding that we have lost good souls in the process of acquiring or keeping this freedom. These are the individuals that I don’t have a lot of use for, not really caring how much schooling they have.
If I had the choice to change what I have learned and experienced in the past for a different path, I would come back with a NO WAY!!! I have been thru about five years of higher learning that I paid for as I went, so as to understand and put names to things and to fill in the gaps that OJT just can't teach. I feel that it has given me a deeper understanding of how things really work.
Now when I run across others that try to demean me, or others for that matter, just because we didn't or weren't able to do the extra schooling for what ever the reason. I will settle in on those individuals, just to prove they are able to be knocked off their pedestal, I have been in this same place myself and learned this lesson the hard way. I believe that every one has some thing to teach, even if it is only one thing and will not spit on them, just because they may not understand some of the things I understand.
We can agree to disagree on whatever subjects are presented on these threads, as gentlemen, but always need to remember that every one wants respect, that has to be earned. We are really a lot alike, like that or not; we just have our own methods and ideals to achieve the end goals.

P.S. Thanks for the civil post!!!
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> You been eating dirt around the stack again?
<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Not picking sides, but after being there for two weeks, I can understand the pun!