Hate to do it but...might need a few prayers if you can spare one.


Well-known member
Feb 15, 2012
Huntsville, AL
I have lived through many hard time, including cancer but... I am a little worried and feel I mght need a few prayers.

I recently moved to Tampa for work. Not sure if you have seen but, the news shows a little bit of weather heading my way. Today, my birthday, I sent my wife and son out of town to avoid this crazyness. I am a little stressed as this is our first huricane and could use a few prayers if you can spare any.

It has already cancelled my elk hunt this week and they are predicting 140 MPH winds at my house tommorrow. My family is safe, bu I am a little wooried about the house. I decided to ride through the storm. Because of my job, law enforcement, I am a 1st responder and will not/can not leave. Long story short. I am sitting in the house waiting out the storm.


PS. Has anybody on Hunt Talk ever posted a pic frominside an eye or a huricane. I might be the first tomorrow.
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Prayers sent. Stay safe and I hate your missing out on your elk hunt.
Damn dude, stay safe. I'll be visiting your town next weekend so if, for some reason, I can help by bringing something let me know!

Utah400elk, Hang in there Brother! Running towards when others flee. The nature and instinct bred into those that take The Oath. You are in my thoughts...Best to you and all first responders. May you all pass through this unscathed.
Definitely thinking good thoughts for you. Puts things into perspective for me for sure, feeling all sorry for myself that I won't be able to scout next weekend like I'd planned. Stay safe man.
Prayers sent. Stay safe!! I'm sure the elk gods will reward you in the future for your sacrifice
Stay safe, be warry of an eye because people relax while inside and then get hit again. God bless you for the job you will have to do after. Also, my opinion, get to a shelter or secure location. You cant do anything at the house but hide in a safe place anyway. Prayers sent.
My sister lives in Bradenton. She decided to ride out the hurricane also. Certainly very worried for her and all those in harms way!
Utah, hope y'all made it through okay. We are just northeast of you and are getting pounded right now. Well over 15" of rain. Me and the wife are planning on hitting the road tomorrow or Wednesday to head to Colorado for the last week of archery. Good luck to all of our first responders out there.
Kirk and Myrtie
I am happy to report that we made it throuh. Things went as well as we could have hoped. We are assessing the damage in the area now but, we are very lucky. It was very loud and we had wind in excess of 110 at the house with about 8 inches of rain.

Thanks for all the prayers.

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