
MM, I meant that you would not want to associatte with barbaric hunters by choice if you were following these guys "way of life", I was not saying I do not think you should come here. I rarely even come to this area of the board.... I hope everything works out well for you in Iceland.
What the heck are you going to do in iceland anyhow?

Have you thought About france? I hear they didnt like the war and or americans for that matter... they have some decent looking women over there(even with the hairy pits),There is also alot of bands there as well...

Just a thought
DAn you noticed i said earn enough to go there, which means that i am saving money to support myself while i look for a job, place to live and other ways of life not just getting there, i have enough money to buy a one way ticket to iceland no problems there trust me, i know what i am doing i plan ahead instead of just going there and having to comeback because i can't do a god damn thing.

but for you guys to know, i do like some of the bands listed on the PETA list of songs for music, but what you don't realize is that some of the bands on there are by lable not by choice, IE goldfinger, yes their frontman john feldman supports PETA but the other members of the band all eat meat, so how can they be associated with PETA, The used is a good band as well, anti-flag is a great band, and anti-flags bring out your dead has nothign to do with the ethical treatmant of animals, it is a song on a compilation CD, will i buy the CD hell no but i bet it has alot of good songs on it, by saying i shouldn't associate with you because i like the music a band performs is just as bad as the antis judgeing every single hunter as they do, so basically you are no better than they are.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-29-2003 00:40: Message edited by: Mini Moose ]</font>
Steven, have you officially lost it??!!!

What the heck are you talking about? Did that beebee hit your head instead of your leg?

-Mrs. Moosie
Jesus you guys are a bunch of close minded freaks, it is their life let them live it

and just to point out that the guy in the middle is the guitar player from NFG and i can almost garuntee makes more money in a night than most of the people on this board do in a week, and just for the record isn't a vegitarian.

third, i can't win with any of you now, even my sister is giving me shit now
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>third, i can't win with any of you now, even my sister is giving me shit now<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Three cheers for mrs Moosie

Yeah, that guy makes alot of money in a free country that has been kept that way through war!

MM- While I don't agree with all of your statements, I do support you right to say so. IMO, you are a hypocrit. You say you want to get then get out! Otherwise you are 'using' the very system you are bad-mouthing. We are free and capitalistic, but that is by our choice and we have fought to keep it that way.

FWIW, you realize Iceland is a country that requires 17 times the amount of land than it occupies to be able to exist. Many if not most of those imports come from countries that are able to provide those things because of their military now or in the past.
Mini, I'm not sure why you're so upset ?

It's like the Dixi chicks, they get to speak they're mind too. But they have to accept that people won't buy their chit anymore either if they're stupid

Lets look at this, You said (Not us) that :

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Before i post this let it be known that all of you are going to be pissed at me for a while.

You come in swinging... people swing back. Welcome to real life Mini "me"

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>the army are murders in that aspect of my mind, but sadaam would have had no problem with the united states had George W.'s dad not gone and fugged it all up, <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Sadamm would have NO problem with the US ?!?! BOY.. where have you been ?

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> and violence is never an answer, <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Once again you're a hypocrite. Have you ever got into a fight ? Is power of a country not a good way to prevent another from Attacing it ? Lets talk about Korea...

And if a bully hits you every day, and ya don't ever hit back, you'll get hit every day for the rest of your life. Giving him a Good ass kicking will make him think twice next time.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Del do you think i am affraid of Mrs. Moosie <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

And then you pout because she said something
Moosie you reallize that it was infact the united states that put saddam in power in the first place, plus i was merly stateing that even my sister is giving me shit

and unlike the rest of the members of my family i don't get in a fight everyday
Mini, Besides not getting in a fight every day, you don't do research worth crap.. Saddam rose to power through a bloody coup. The United States had nothing to do with it at the time. The US did not court Saddam until after the fall of the Shah of Iran.. Saddam wanted to rule the entire Persian Empire from the borders of Afgahnistan to the Med.. that included Iran, Iraq, Syria, Israel, Lebanon, Jordan and parts of Turkey..

As with some of your other assumptions, you are close, but no cigar.. Quit running on emotion.. It's too easy to screw up..

well you guys are just too smart for me i geuss so go ahead and ramble your coments since you are so much more intelligant than i am, notice i chagned my name for you guys

no personal attacks in this either

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-29-2003 19:45: Message edited by: I geuss i'm a tree hugger ]</font>
Mini Mouse,

At least do your self the favor of spelling the words in your signature line correctly...

The word Too has two of the letter O in it....
Mini Mouse,

Perhaps the best point you have made in this whole thread.... carry on...

It is kind of funny the outrage you have caused, and yet another thread, in SI, is just as offensive, but most of these attackers of you turn a blind eye.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-30-2003 23:57: Message edited by: YoteGunner ]</font>
Well gunner i wasn't goign to do anything in that topic until you had just shown me the link that was just to easy of a comment to make to let it slide.

But i am going to try to sit back and be nice now because i might not be back on the site for a while(might be losing the net for a while) and i don't want to leave any opinionated arguements behind

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-30-2003 06:04: Message edited by: I geuss i'm a tree hugger ]</font>
Well little brother. I'm not giving you anything, just merely concerned about what you are saying, beings that I've never heard you speak this way before.

You are entitled to your opinion, however I most definitely do not agree with you (which by the way it is okay to disagree).

And why did you go changing your name? Do you not want to be associated with the Moosie's anymore?
You're family, you are a hunter, and a musician
so start acting like it.

Know what's this about not having the net for awhile? Dad get in a tissy again?

-Mrs. Moosie

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