PEAX Equipment


You're entitled to your own opinion,however terribly misguided and flawed it may be
Do you mean violence is never an answer, or just in Iraq?

I don't think your position is very well-thought out at all, and is terribly immature, as well as not at all logical. You contradict yourself several times.

No troops anywhere in the world? Even here? How long do you think this country would have lasted with no troops? For that matter, how long do you think anything in your house would last, if not for the fear of the law, a gun in the house, or someone being home who might call the cops, shoot the intruder, beat him up or ????

Yep - "imagine...."
Damn.....can't any of you Moosies, Mooses's, Mice's.....hell, any of you guys spell?

And yeah, you little punk.....if I had you by the ear I would wash your mouth out with soap!
calif. yeah i am very imature that i don't think that going to war and killing people is going to solve the problem. No matter how or what we do in iraq it isn't ever going to be peaceful, one there are several different types of muslims in iraq and whoever you putinto power is going to oppress the other parties. there will never be happiness in iraq no matter how perfect you think war is.

and violence is never an answer, yeah i have been in fights before and where has it got me, absolutly no where it doesn't solve shit.

by the way i do feel strongly on this subject and don't mean to really piss people off but it is my honest opinion, and calif. no hard feelings because i know you are just speaking your mind as well
Well, I still think that if a guy is punching me in the nose, punching him back and stopping the pain being inflicted upon me is accomplishing something... so fighting has gotten me somewhere.
I'll just kiss everyone's ass! Thanks for the advice, MM! Now why didn't I think of that...

If some guy wants to take my money, my car, or rape my wife....I'll just smile at him and give him a flower. Or the drunk who starts hitting me because he doesn't like how I look, or what color I am, or ???

I have heard that the easiest way to test a pacifist is to keep shoving him on his ass, while repeating "Violence is not an answer."

The 14-year old got killed because he was shooting at armed men.
Oh OH this will definatly start problem #5 ... not sure ifits going to be minor or a major one yet

If I just stay home, nothing will ever happen to me. Now that's freedom! And just what I want to do....

It won't become a problem, Del, since no one else will agree with MM.
Hey mini you really need to clean up that language though... its shows what a punk kid you are

I am sure you will go back and edit the 3 or 4 times you said that one word...
Cause if mrs. moosie see's that guarenteed she will wash your mouth out with soap....

Hey Cali...wouldn't you have liked for MM to be by your side when you were 18
[although I'm not sure how old you were when you were "over" there
Yeah over there, first no way in hell i would have been over "there" because well yeah i would have been in canada too fast for me to be drafted, yeah whatever you guys think no one will agree with me because everyone who will agree with me are either one, not hunters or 2, don't have the internet

Del do you think i am affraid of Mrs. Moosie
I guess we could blame his problems on the public school system, or the music he listens to, parents, peer pressure, Smartass kid syndrom, etc....

Cali none of our news stories I saw said the 14 year old had a gun(here in this state on tv) so in that case bang end of story....

and like you said you hesitate and you die,

People dont relize that a 14 year old kid in some parts of the world are actually grown up, and know what they are doing , I think america and france is the only ones who have sissy kids in thier countries(not all kids)...

If you think about it some of our kids that we take hunting know what a firearm is and some even shoot animals.... They also know what can happen on the other end.....

Julian Borger in Washington and Jonathan Steele in Mosul
Thursday July 24, 2003

Saddam Hussein's 14-year-old grandson, Mustafa, may have been the last to die in Tuesday's four-hour siege on a house in Mosul, and kept shooting even after Qusay and Uday Hussein, his father and uncle, had been killed, US military officials said yesterday.
According to a detailed account of the assault on the house given by Lt General Ricardo Sanchez in Baghdad, a volley of 10 anti-tank missiles near the end of the siege "wound up killing three of the adults" in the house. But when US troops made their third and final assault on the building, a sole survivor kept firing until he was shot dead.

US officials believe that the last defender was a teenage boy, identified as Mustafa Hussein, who was known to be travelling with his father.

When US troops approached the villa at 10am, triggering the gun fight, there were four people barricaded into a fortified first floor apartment - Mustafa, Qusay, Uday and an unidentified adult, probably a bodyguard.

According to a military official, the three men took up positions in a bathroom at the front of the building, where they had a line of fire on the streets and on steps leading up to the first floor. The fourth person, thought to be Qusay's son, was kept in a bedroom at the back of the apartment.

"The three in the front were killed by TOW [anti-tank] missiles," the official said. "The fourth at the back was the last, and yes it looks like it could have been the boy."
Mini Moose.. I agree with you, and I'm not a punk and I am a hunter and I do have internet. So... That being said, let's talk about the second half of what you are saying...

Your idea of peace and nonviolence is only good for the first half of the arguement. The one flaw in the nonviolent theory is the fact that not everyone accepts it as gospel... It only takes one asshole to spoil a completely nonviolent community. One turkey with the idea that he is stronger, or better, or deserves more for less than anyone else and the entire theory of nonviolent coexistance goes out the window.

How long would you stand quietly by and watch your mother or sister raped? Your father or brothers killed? Your children imprisoned because at 8 or 9 years old they didn't agree with the political teachings of a despot? Stop and think about that for a minute.. children of 8 and 9 years old put in prison and subjected to torture because they won't become "Young Lions for Saddam".

Living a life so unsure that you could go to a football game with your family and your sister could be kidnapped, raped and murdered because some asshole wanted her...

Police that come in the night and take your father away, never to be heard from again...

Don't just blow this off as so much bullshit.. really think about it..

Only in a free society is the idea of a nonviolent society practical. In the type of society that existed under Saddam, you, as an individual were not entitled to your beliefs if they were not in line with the Baathist party.

250,000 people murdered... do you know how many people that is?? What is the population of Idaho?? About 1,300,000 if I am correct. That would be roughly 1/5 of the total population of the state of Idaho murdered in the last 20 or so years, because they didn't agree with Saddam.

As to the 14 year old boy.. I can tell you from first hand knowledge that a 12 year old girl with an AK-47 can kill a man just as dead as a 40 year old man with an AK-47.

In any event, don't adopt the same attitude as the hippies in the 60's did toward the soldiers that are fighting. Those are men who are doing what they are told. They are professional soldiers... and you should thank whatever God you believe in that they are willing to do what must be done in war. Had there not been men and women like that60 years ago, you would probably be an active member of a Hitler Youth Group right now.. unless some one earlier decided that someone in your family line may have looked or acted Jewish.. in which case you wouldn't be here and we wouldn't be discussing this at all.

Just some things to think about before you decide that soldiers are murders and violence is always a bad thing.

"Anyone willing to trade Freedom for a measure of security, deserves neither freedom or security."


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-23-2003 22:42: Message edited by: danr55 ]</font>
MM, your beliefs are admirable and it's good that you stick by them. Being your own man is number one. You don't believe it now, but as you get older you will come to realize that there are some people in this world who don't understand or respect anything but brute strength. There are some people who are so violent and heinous that the only course of action is to meet them head on. Sure, there's a lot of politics involved in wars these days, but that doesn't change the fact that sometimes it's necessary. Saddam and his sons thumbed their nose at every authority (including the U.N., which is as "peaceful" as they come) and continued to slaughter their own people. They made it clear that they respected nothing and no one except the one who would crush them. They got what they had coming to them.
mini, the only thing worse then your knowledge of world affairs is your spelling, not sure what grade you are in but I would suggest you start again in 5th grade,pay attention this time because your studies didn`t stick the first time
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