
WOW, spelling lesson's and Punctuation lessons from 280... kind of like learning flying from a snake

Mini Moose, I'm not sure who you're dateing that has Clouded your mind, But If I'm not mistaken, You'll fight at the drop on a dime for anything ? you're Bigger brother does, and lets not talk about DAD, who has been in more fights then Most professional Fighters

Here's my take : I think Americans Are pig PUSS's !!! We go into war, Watch what we shoot, and worry about what others think of us... I say Go in, NUKE the place and Sort it out later. Although I admire the Lack of inocent people dieing when we go to war, I don't like the way we Pussyfoot around with Camera's Ect.

WAR is WAR, they don't care who they kill.

NOW, Not only do we watch everywere we shoot and drop bombs, We also Bring in ALOT of money afterwards to Rebuild everything we broke. HOW odd is that ?

All that being said, I'm glad I'm here and We have the country we do
Well I know this all ain't about Oil
But I see the price of crude has dropped by $5 a barrel and I know that the Kiwi Engineers working over there helping to rebuild the infrastructure are bloody happy to have your'e soldiers protecting them
That is very well said as usual Dan...
HAHAHAHA!!!I am ROFLMFAO Brian...That is some funny stuff...
I see the thing about the children from a lot of these third world countries is that they don't fall very far from what their fathers and mothers are doing. That is the way they are raised to believe and that is the way they think...
MM will eventually come around as soon as these grand ideals are spoiled by life’s mishaps and disappointments..
I just hope he doesn't add to the damage created by such grandiose ideals as has been created by the hippicrites of a generation ago...
I am for peace also, but one must be strong to create the peace that he surrounds himself with, or there will be no peace because of the bullies in the world that look at this as a major weakness, the others are right, if we don't show strength and an iron will in times of need, then we will fall as has been the fate of other strong nations in the history's of man...
MM brush up on world history and see that this is no more than history repeating itself, just in a more modern environment is all...
The more things change, the more they stay the same...
LOL MM....
I was talking about history a little deeper and older than this, read up on why the Romans fell, the reasons different European countries met their demise and others took them over, there are even countries right now that are very ready to hit the dirt because of their laxidazial thoughts (France comes to mind)....
Our country has never fell to defeat because of the peoples becoming fat and lazy....YET...
MM, I suggest you go back and read a bit more history before comments vis a vis the US and agressive wars.. Seems every war we've fought, except WWII has been to some degree and agressive war... How far back shall we go?? The French-Indian War? The American Revolution? What about the Great White Fleet and the Barbary Pirates? More recently, what about Granada and Panama?? What about World War I? Nope, we have been the agressors in almost every war we've fought. Than again, if you are going to fight a war, that's the only way to do it...

As for Colin Powell and the Missle silos.. I seem to recall about day 7 seeing pictures of 11 IRBMs found exactly where Powell said they were... These were wheeled out and disassembled.

MM, you have every right to feel however you want to feel. That is your guarantee under the Constitution. (A document, by the way, which was secured through force of arms and agression against an oppressor and paid for with the blood of patriotic Americans. Just in case you had forgotten!) I would suggest that you read more history and try to understand how the world really works. Your comments, while not unique, are rather scarey. I will take comfort in the words of my sage Grandfather... "Never trust anyone who isn't a communist at 18, a Democrat at 25 and a Republican at 40". A bit exagerated, but descriptive of the change that generally takes place over the years..

Well said again Dan...
Except for the Indians on this continent, I don't think we actually started any of them, but as I have heard and believe myself, "We didn't start it, but by God we will finish it"....
As history happens to reapeat itself (it has yet to do so, the US has never entered a war offensively previous) i recall the months prior to this whole sharade with iraq, the UN going against us, UN looking for weapons of mass distruction, and coming up epmty handed, colin powell showing confirmed weapon silos deep in iraqi territory(yet to be found by the way) there may have been a threat from iraq, but nothing was done intially to the united states which, except for veitnam, has never happened in history, everythign was defensive and we turned out just fine, no we head offensive, we lost vietnam, it is a wonder to me why the rest of the world considers us terrorists(comment made with bleeding sarcasim)

You have all said i will outgrow my thoughts when i mature blah blah blah, hate to break it to you but it wont happen, I am set in my ways, Fuc* what the rest of the world has to say
Well Russ, I guess that depends on your definition of 'start'. Did we make the first move? Maybe not. Did we send troops when provoked? You bet..

The funny thing about freedom is that it isn't free. It always comes at a price. Thank whatever god or gods you believe in that this country has never been short of men and women willing to pay the price for freedom.

Now mini..
Are you saying we should lie and wait like P---y's until we are attacked?

If So how many people need to be killed before we defend ourselves 5 100 1000 ?
MM. Quit dropping all that acid, and listening to that freakish music, your brain may recover yet.

Saying you do not support our troops shows ingnorance, or could you not care less that your balls would be hacked off in many countries for saying what you just said? After all those troops whom you do not support, are the same type of people that died to give you what you have, including the right to come on here and babble your ignorant remarks. What an ungrateful little prick you are.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-28-2003 13:23: Message edited by: FEW ]</font>
Well said you three, some day he may wake up and smell the freedoms he has and all that it took to get them, with out taking it for granted that it just exists because he was born and the world revolves around our ignorant youth these days instead of the other way around...
I just also hope he doesn't keep his eyes truely closed for to much longer...
No offense, MM - but I will believe that when you get on the plane. It sounds great to leave here, but the reality of family, friends, familiarity, language and all the things that constitute "home" are tough to leave behind. That is why I never seriously considered running away to Canada at 19 when my birthday was drawn as number one in the draft lottery. To me, that would have meant leaving everything that was dear to me forever. (Of course we had no idea that the draft dodgers would all be pardoned...
) Plus, to me, it would have meant that I was a hypocrite for having taken everything that this country had given me and refusing to serve.

So let us know when you've bought your ticket. If you are truly serious about it - good luck.
Your making me sick

You should take a look at how kids your age in third world countries live. You seem to take all the things and all the freedom you have for granted, or as a birth right

The right to say the bullshit things you have said here were paid for in blood........
Iceland sounds like a good place for ya.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-28-2003 16:48: Message edited by: michaelr ]</font>
Dude. Anti-Flag? These guys are a bunch of vegetarian anti hunter freaks, I hope you are kidding and this whole thing is a big joke. Otherwise you better stop associatting with us animal killing, barbaric hunters and bust out the tofu...


June 10th, 2003 | ANTI-FLAG has contributed "Bring Out Your Dead" for the "Liberation: Songs To Benefit PETA"
Posted by Dan Rock

ANTI-FLAG has contributed "Bring Out Your Dead" for the "Liberation: Songs To
Benefit PETA" compilation CD that NOFX's Fat Mike has put together for PETA. Other
bands on the comp are Good Charlotte, The Used, Goldfinger, Propagandhi, Midtown,
District 7, Frenzal Rhomb, Conor Oberst's band Desaparecidos, The Faint, Bigwig,
The Eyeliners, Story of the Year, NOFX, Hot Water Music, and Good Riddance.

Check out http://www.peta2.com/ot/o-compcd.html for more info. You can buy it from the site, at amazon.com, or record stores world wide. A great CD for an even greater cause!

Yeah these guys look real intelligent. MM, Really I would think twice before I jumped on the bandwagon with these losers. Do you really think they have any clue about real life? Hope not.


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-28-2003 17:21: Message edited by: FEW ]</font>
Mini, If you are 18 years old and you really feel that way, I'll buy you a one way ticket to Iceland. I've been there and I think with your attitude, you'd fit in just fine. Now I'm serious... Are you??

FUGGIN wake up boy,you don't realise what a great country you live in, Maybe you do need some time outside looking in, why do you think that the Green card application to live and work in the states is so oversubscribed
for feeks sake you run down the greatest superpower in the western world; a country with a sense of justice and a conscience, maybe u should move I'll gladly apply to be your replacement.
Cheers Jeff.

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