Yeti GOBOX Collection


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The Library in that commie paradise of Laramie serves a grilled cheese burger. Both sides of the bun are an individual grilled cheese sandwich, with cheddar and provolone. More cheese and bacon on the burger itself. It goes well with an entire pitcher of beer. My body is almost recovered from the last time I ate there almost a year ago...
It seems to me @mannmicj is more intent on pigeon holing folks and then aligning with folks who think just like him. It's a free country and we're all free to do as we choose, but it ignores the simple fact we are all Americans and are allowed to have differing viewpoints as to what is best for our nation. He still hasn't acknowledged a person who voted Democrat can hold God and Constitution in highest regard.

Que sera sera.
The Trump phenomenon is hard for me to understand. I have a lifelong friend who pretty much has said that I am part and parcel AOC and a worthless liberal because the first time in 36 years I crossed party lines at the top of the ticket. It has nothing to do with tax policy, education policy, military policy, trade policy, etc, where my friend and I remain largely of the same mind, but my refusal to tolerate Trump's childish and bullying behavior crosses some untouchable and seemingly very personal line - it is shocking, saddening, and disappointing. I continue to believe we are a nation of laws, not men. In my view, never have we had such a large group of voters so emotionally wed to a single person rather than a set of values or policy preferences. Trump's positions can wander all over the political landscape and they are immediately supported without question. It is not the right or wrong of the position, but merely whether or not it came from his mouth/tweet. It reminds me of my travels in Latin America during various political twists and turns. I can't wait until we move past this chapter, whether liberal or conservative, this cannot be good for a democracy.
Nice try. Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) led by the Left and the MSM.

Mook of Tilla for ever. King of all Cheeses.

Gee, I guess most of the country contracted it based on the vote totals. Maybe instead of Covid,, Trump meant TDS would magically disappear after the election.

It is interesting to observe who the real snowflakes are.

As to cheeses,,,,,,,,,,,,,my personal favorite right now is a strong blue cheese. It goes well with most every sort of w(h)ine.

As to the election at large,,,IMO the biggest game changer is that Georgia turned blue. They are, I suspect, where Virginia was maybe three election cycles ago.
Absolutely individually wrapped. If you unwrap it and it breaks, you eat it while unwrapping the next one.
The individually wrapped ones are the KMart of dairy products - consider yourself judged ;)
The Library in that commie paradise of Laramie serves a grilled cheese burger. Both sides of the bun are an individual grilled cheese sandwich, with cheddar and provolone. More cheese and bacon on the burger itself. It goes well with an entire pitcher of beer. My body is almost recovered from the last time I ate there almost a year ago...
If you go for the combo meal does it come with a side of balloon angioplasty?
Clinton didn't take your guns. Obama didn't take your guns. Biden ain't gonna take your guns!

They tried. The NRA was tougher to deal with than the paper tiger they've become. There will be gun ownership hurdles to jump in the next 4 years when the Communist takes over.
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