Caribou Gear Tarp


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It's too bad Born in a Barn took the Mac Down off their menu. Might have to try the grilled cheese burger.
Back to cheese, tacos are simply incomplete without Cotija cheese.
Except on Fish tacos. Come on, you're better than that.

Rephrase: 'tacos are simply incomplete without Cilantro and one of two forms of onion (raw white or pickled red, but never both at once)"
Due to my significant lack of sophistication I have had to google several cheeses. I would happily try some of these fancy cheeses with wine or whatever you people eat/drink it with. I'll will also eat some cheez whiz on ritz crackers and drink a busch light and enjoy that too.

I would also accept Leipäjuusto (Finnish bread cheese) in this realm

Ah yes, some good ol' squeaky cheese. I grew up with the homemade stuff.
They tried. The NRA was tougher to deal with than the paper tiger they've become. There will be gun ownership hurdles to jump in the next 4 years when the Communist takes over.
Google HR 4296, 1994. then look at the votes in both the House and Senate.
Except on Fish tacos. Come on, you're better than that.

Rephrase: 'tacos are simply incomplete without Cilantro and one of two forms of onion (raw white or pickled red, but never both at once)"
Duly noted, and a very astute point. I will hereby await my star deduction.

I should have specified "tacos containing grilled and chopped steak from the family Cervidae".
Duly noted, and a very astute point. I will hereby await my star deduction.

I should have specified "tacos containing grilled and chopped steak from the family Cervidae".

93 point reduction, and you must eat whatever @Cushman is making in his 7 week old cooler from his archery elk hunt that he hasn't cleaned out.
I never got the point "he tweets to much" or "he talked too much".

Pretty sure if he spouted intelligent rhetoric, no one would have an issue. He tweeted stupid shit and said stupid shit.

"It's who he is". Exactly, that is why he is being replaced.

Air fryer just buzzed. Cheese venison meatballs for lunch.
I don’t disagree that is why he’s out. It was always more about personality for many. “It is who he is.” Was simply stating facts. He stayed the same the entire time. Can the same be said about others? No.
The Trump phenomenon is hard for me to understand. I have a lifelong friend who pretty much has said that I am part and parcel AOC and a worthless liberal because the first time in 36 years I crossed party lines at the top of the ticket. It has nothing to do with tax policy, education policy, military policy, trade policy, etc, where my friend and I remain largely of the same mind, but my refusal to tolerate Trump's childish and bullying behavior crosses some untouchable and seemingly very personal line - it is shocking, saddening, and disappointing. I continue to believe we are a nation of laws, not men. In my view, never have we had such a large group of voters so emotionally wed to a single person rather than a set of values or policy preferences. Trump's positions can wander all over the political landscape and they are immediately supported without question. It is not the right or wrong of the position, but merely whether or not it came from his mouth/tweet. It reminds me of my travels in Latin America during various political twists and turns. I can't wait until we move past this chapter, whether liberal or conservative, this cannot be good for a democracy.
I told many loyal Rs leading up to the election to ask themselves if their children behaved like that- said those things, at the dinner table, how would they react?
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