Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System


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71M voters don't agree
I would love to know the true breakdown of voter sentiment:

___ Voted Trump because I love Trump ("Trump Republicans")

___ Voted Trump because I hate the left more than I hate Trump ("Trump Prisoners")

___ Voted Biden because I hate Trump and hope a GOP Senate can hold the line for a while ("Never Trumpers")

___ Voted Biden because I love Biden ("Traditional Dems")

___ Voted Biden because I hate Trump, and AOC wasn't on the ballot ("New Left")
Tillamook Habanero Jack is excellent on a burger.

Murican cheese w/ mayo pucky on top bun and mustard pucky on bottom...both buns buttered and skillet toasted. Ground elk patty barely center pink, generous slice of Vidalia onion, dill pickle slices, tomato slice...lettuce optional. Eat fast or the juices fall thru the buns.
I can agree with this to a certain extent, but not in a unilateral sense. I'm pretty certain I'm not the only person who oscillates back on forth on the political spectrum who didn't hate Trump, but disagreed with a number of his policy and ethics decisions.

There is plenty of gaslighting to go around in American politics, from the POTUS on down. I can't simply abandon truth, science, data and law. DJT, Mitch McConnell, Lindsay Graham, and Nancy Pelosi could all leave tomorrow and not speak again and I wouldn't lose one iota of sleep.

Now, back to cheese....Tillamook Habanero Jack is excellent on a burger.
"Truth" is apparently very subjective these days and I will leave it at that.

As far as cheese. If it starts with Tillamook it's damn near impossible to screw up :)
I would love to know the true breakdown of voter sentiment:

___ Voted Trump because I love Trump ("Trump Republicans")

___ Voted Trump because I hate the left more than I hate Trump ("Trump Prisoners")

___ Voted Biden because I hate Trump and hope a GOP Senate can hold the line for a while ("Never Trumpers")

___ Voted Biden because I love Biden ("Traditional Dems")

___ Voted Biden because I hate Trump, and AOC wasn't on the ballot ("New Left")
#4 would literally get 0 votes. His rallies were as exciting as movie night at a nursing home. Hell Jim Carrey playing Biden would have received more votes. LOL.

So am I the only one who is disgusted by room temperature cheese? In my world it needs to be right out of the fridge cold or fully melted. There is no in between.
I would love to know the true breakdown of voter sentiment:

___ Voted Trump because I love Trump ("Trump Republicans")

___ Voted Trump because I hate the left more than I hate Trump ("Trump Prisoners")

___ Voted Biden because I hate Trump and hope a GOP Senate can hold the line for a while ("Never Trumpers")

___ Voted Biden because I love Biden ("Traditional Dems")

___ Voted Biden because I hate Trump, and AOC wasn't on the ballot ("New Left")
Missed one.

___ Voted Trump because, despite disliking Trump, I generally like his polices and those of the GOP more than those of the Dems. ("Traditional Republicans?")
My hometown!

Is the Jamaica Inn still around?

Used to order a cheeseburger there and they would come out with a T-bone steak
Missed one.

___ Voted Trump because, despite disliking Trump, I generally like his polices and those of the GOP more than those of the Dems. ("Traditional Republicans?")
Also missed another one.

____Voted Biden because, despite traditionally voting Republican, I dislike Trump's policies on public land development, environmental protections, tax policy, immigration stance and spending, and trade policies.
Tillamook Habanero Jack is excellent on a burger.

Murican cheese w/ mayo pucky on top bun and mustard pucky on bottom...both buns buttered and skillet toasted. Ground elk patty barely center pink, generous slice of Vidalia onion, dill pickle slices, tomato slice...lettuce optional. Eat fast or the juices fall thru the buns.
Tillamook Habanero Jack is excellent on a burger.

Murican cheese w/ mayo pucky on top bun and mustard pucky on bottom...both buns buttered and skillet toasted. Ground elk patty barely center pink, generous slice of Vidalia Walla Walla Sweet onion, dill pickle slices, tomato slice...lettuce optional. Eat fast or the juices fall thru the buns.
Small clerical error was remedied. Add some bacon and YOU. ARE. SPOT. ON.🍻
Also missed another one.

____Voted Biden because, despite traditionally voting Republican, I dislike Trump's policies on public land development, environmental protections, tax policy, immigration stance and spending, and trade policies.
SMH. That would be called TDS and basically is the definition of democrat.
SMH. That would be called TDS and basically is the definition of democrat.
I'm not sure what TDS means, and I guess if you feel the need to put people in boxes, it's certainly a free country. You must be a pretty omniscient individual to know what sort of nuance exists within my idealogical conflicts with the current administration.

Carry on.
Is the Jamaica Inn still around?

Used to order a cheeseburger there and they would come out with a T-bone steak
Nope. The Gemeca Inn burned in 2015 and was never reopened. That's in Fort Branch...the other town. ;) When were you around Ft. Branch?

Carriage Inn and Haub Steak House are still running as well as Dewig Meats. I didn't realize the luxury of having a great butcher shop in your town until I moved back.
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