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That's alright. @noharleyyet thinks Texas is the bee's knees, but he's still family to me.
Mother Tejas is boujee rind Longhorn mild cheddar cut with the same tobacco folder we castrate & clean the petrocarbons from our fingernails with.

..and Muricle Whip for baloney sammiches only. Dafuq uses it on fries....
So a funny story of elk, cheese, and sammiches that was shared with me on my trip this year. My buddy Rich was hunting with his dad many years ago in the Clearwater Basin. They would camp in the bottom and hunt up. Rich said it was super cold and they had gotten about 8-10 inches of snow. He killed a bull waaaay back one clear and cold day (beer freezing cold). His dad found him and helped him finish processing, and they made trip #1 to camp. Rich said he was cold and starving (his dad didn't really carry much with him, so Rich never learned to either). His dad said "get packs ready and I'll make lunch". They head back up the hill, and his dad handed him a sammich. Two slices of frozen Wonder bread, a slice of frozen cheddar, and a few pats of frozen butter.....
Trump self destructed every time he hit the keyboard or opened his mouth. The Democrats didn't do any "hating", certainly not to the degree he spewed. They didn't need to. Sorry, Biden ain't great but I just couldn't vote for that immature idiot. Completely incapable. Anyone else in a coma would have got my vote.

This election is certainly doing wonders for the tin hat industry. But the Big Boy Pants business certainly seems to be at a standstill.

I spent thirteen months in the service in Korea. Just the mention of kimshi here made me wretch and hold my nose. Worst bad breath in the world. Arghh! I'll let the dogs clean that up.
Trump self destructed every time he hit the keyboard or opened his mouth. The Democrats didn't do any "hating", certainly not to the degree he spewed. They didn't need to. Sorry, Biden ain't great but I just couldn't vote for that immature idiot. Completely incapable. Anyone else in a coma would have got my vote.

This election is certainly doing wonders for the tin hat industry. But the Big Boy Pants business certainly seems to be at a standstill.

I spent thirteen months in the service in Korea. Just the mention of kimshi here made me wretch and hold my nose. Worst bad breath in the world. Arghh! I'll let the dogs clean that up.
Thanks for the laugh...
Trump self destructed every time he hit the keyboard or opened his mouth. The Democrats didn't do any "hating", certainly not to the degree he spewed. They didn't need to. Sorry, Biden ain't great but I just couldn't vote for that immature idiot. Completely incapable. Anyone else in a coma would have got my vote.

This election is certainly doing wonders for the tin hat industry. But the Big Boy Pants business certainly seems to be at a standstill.

I spent thirteen months in the service in Korea. Just the mention of kimshi here made me wretch and hold my nose. Worst bad breath in the world. Arghh! I'll let the dogs clean that up.

Don't go ruining a perfectly happy thread by getting back to the original topic.
Hard to believe it's worse than burning shit.
Guess you've never been in the same room with someone whose eaten rotten cabbage. I remember the first time. I had just got off the plane and on my way to the DMZ in a bus. A couple of ROK soldiers got on and sat in the seat in front of me. They started jabbering and laughing. Then this green cloud drifted back to me. What the HELL!! Someone needs to see a doctor. Something's dying inside him. Must be cancer. My daughter wanted to check out the Korean restaurant in town. "They serve kimshi in there. I'll need to be in a body bag first."
"The Democrats didn't do any "hating", certainly not to the degree he spewed."

"I spent thirteen months in the service in Korea. Just the mention of kimshi here made me wretch and hold my nose. Worst bad breath in the world. Arghh! I'll let the dogs clean that up."
I strongly disagree on the first statement. As hate is all the left were about for the last 4 years. Anyone who supported Trump was labeled a racist Nazi. So lets be honest about that.

I do agree that Trump needed to shut his mouth at times and that he can be his worst enemy. That said. It's who he is and he stayed true to that (good or bad outcome).

As far as Kimchi, there is a reason it's called Kimchi breath. While Regular Sauerkraut is a close 2nd, nothing can clear a room like someone opening up a jar of Kimchi. It's literally as if you have a septic backing up in the room. NO THANKS.
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Occasionally I have these feelings. I grew up in the country, raising cows, pigs, and rabbits.
I find myself with a taste for fine cheese and French wine. I wonder what the boys back home might think...
Then, I raise my pinky, tilt her back and remember that life’s too short to give a damn.
I have had to resort to the interweb to procure Molinari Salami and Irish cheeses. I gave up the drinking stuff 30 yrs ago.
The hunt is most difficult in the remote wildlands of NM. Easier to find a 400 bull or a gun for sure.
Carry on....
Trump self destructed every time he hit the keyboard or opened his mouth. The Democrats didn't do any "hating", certainly not to the degree he spewed. They didn't need to. Sorry, Biden ain't great but I just couldn't vote for that immature idiot. Completely incapable. Anyone else in a coma would have got my vote.

This election is certainly doing wonders for the tin hat industry. But the Big Boy Pants business certainly seems to be at a standstill.

I spent thirteen months in the service in Korea. Just the mention of kimshi here made me wretch and hold my nose. Worst bad breath in the world. Arghh! I'll let the dogs clean that up.

71M voters don't agree
I strongly disagree on the first statement. As hate is all the left were about for the last 4 years. Anyone who supported Trump was labeled a racist Nazi. So lets be honest about that.
I can agree with this to a certain extent, but not in a unilateral sense. I'm pretty certain I'm not the only person who oscillates back on forth on the political spectrum who didn't hate Trump, but disagreed with a number of his policy and ethics decisions.

There is plenty of gaslighting to go around in American politics, from the POTUS on down. I can't simply abandon truth, science, data and law. DJT, Mitch McConnell, Lindsay Graham, and Nancy Pelosi could all leave tomorrow and not speak again and I wouldn't lose one iota of sleep.

Now, back to cheese....Tillamook Habanero Jack is excellent on a burger.
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