Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever


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My hometown!
There will be a series of tastings held in mid-2021 to choose the appropriate cheese.

Wine will be on others. April & I are detoxing currently and avoiding the devil's saliva.

Speak for yourself young man. Once we are 200 miles offshore and in international water I plan to feel no pain. Thanks for the suggestion. Someone else suggested that smoke might cause lung cancer-----yeah, o.k. ;)

post 211--dont know about this thread, but it certainly fits my attitude some days. As Harley knows one of those days was very recently

hank4elk thank you (-; Did we get our answers to your questions AND more important--do we agree (-:
wilm1313, who the hell is Johah ? (-;
mtmiller. very well played (-: touche --
ajricketts, in our hyper sensitive, very political correct world, I am truly offended you excluded my generation from your comments. If your going to mention nicknames for generations, you must include us all :cool: ;)
Hunting wife. I thought about your new batch of wine and when I get there--I have to have one glass --damn the torpedoes full speed ahead--health wise . boy that sounds good!
ajricketts and wilm1313--posts 285 and 286---:love: However I want to be the dude, not the stewardess ---oops I forgot--flight attendant --boy this political correct bs is going to kill me before the wine and cheese does

Ben, what is the BEST----asking for a friend ;)

Does anybody else remember the scene in the movie The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas, when the governor is dancing and singing about whether or not he is going to shut it down--that is what came to my mind watching the hypocrisy in Wash DC and the media. The other thought that came to my mind, because of this thread and the infatuation with cheese by the membership --is maybe--some of the folks in wash d.c. have been eating too much cheese and not enough laxative, making some of them " full of ---- "
Does anybody else remember the scene in the movie The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas, when the governor is dancing and singing about whether or not he is going to shut it down--that is what came to my mind watching the hypocrisy in Wash DC and the media.
Seems fitting.
What came to my mind was the lyrics

"meet the new boss same as the old boss"

As much as liberals all look down, hate and want to defund law enforcement I don’t know why any cop would want to confiscate guns from Americans???
How concealable are cheese knives usually? Do you think I could put a can on them without imprinting?

Let's ask Pool:

Speak for yourself young man. Once we are 200 miles offshore and in international water I plan to feel no pain. Thanks for the suggestion. Someone else suggested that smoke might cause lung cancer-----yeah, o.k. ;)

Ben, what is the BEST----asking for a friend ;)

@Europe, I'll have to draw on my collegiate experience, but I would assume a nice Indica with mellow overtones & more focus on relaxation would be appropriate.

Fun story - when dad had cancer & was going through chemo, we got him some medical MJ. He tried it, then said it didn't do anything, then ate about 3/4 of a pound of burger. He hadn't eaten more than a handful of this or that in months. When I told him what he just ate, he looked at me like it was a miracle. The next day, he confided that it made him paranoid, and that if he kept trying it, he'd have to "buy a f#$king Volkswagen." And he wasn't going to do that. :)

It can be a tonic, but like all things, it can be abused. Enjoy it if you get it!
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