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Since I have been told to quit drinking wine that also means no more

Fondue Savoyarde

Men quit looking at me a long time ago. So, I have been forced to give up sex, hunting, wine, and now cheese:cry:

This gives me sad thoughts. (Probably taking it wrong)
Regardless if you ever need an ear p.m. me and ill listen.
I'm guessing it will take about as long as finding those 3 million fraudulent votes from 2016.
C'mon Bruh, I know you get it.... Executive Orders?
Actually, I had absolutely no idea what you were saying. I thought you were telling me hugs and kisses.

You and I both know there are big limitations in what a president can do to regulate firearms through executive order. Could he and will he use them? Probably. However, I think Joe is smart enough to see the writing on the wall with the election results and realize caution is warranted. I could be wrong.....
Actually, I had absolutely no idea what you were saying. I thought you were telling me hugs and kisses.

You and I both know there are big limitations in what a president can do to regulate firearms through executive order. Could he and will he use them? Probably. However, I think Joe is smart enough to see the writing on the wall with the election results and realize caution is warranted. I could be wrong.....
I like ya, but not like that
OP knew what he was doing.

My 2 cents, so will be a pretty worthless post.

On heroin and Oregon-Historically the best deterrent to heroin use was the Taliban as is one of the biggest reasons for the increase in heroin use. Unintended side effects of our ouster of that regime and their push to regain power.

Gun bans you say, meh, AR/assault weapons were banned for a time under Clinton. Could happen again. If I can get my hands on one will do so before Biden takes office.

Mule deer pics - WTF do I find those when I hunt?

Soy sauce marinades? YUM!

I am still waiting on my new 30-06 to be shipped from Cabelas in Reno to BPS in Las Vegas, why is it taking so long?! :cry:

Who cares about the President right now? The Raiders are actually 5-3! In comical Jim Mora fashion, "Playoffs! Playoffs!"
I was telling someone this yesterday. GOP maintained (it appears) numbers in the senate and gained (It APPEARS) in the house. People were will to vote GOP down ballot, but I think Trump is so unlikeable that many just wouldn't/couldn't vote for him as president.
Yep. Votes against his personality or "unlikeableness". And now we are stuck with what happened. mtmuley
I see no reason to jump all over the guy. Biden actually promised to ban ARs during the campaign.

Seriously, I expected some legal opinions on whether the proposed $200 tax stamp on ARs etc. represented an "unlawful taking". I listened to the 9th Circuit panel on regular capacity magazines last summer and they talked a lot about that.
Tax stamp won't be a "taking".

Conservative circuits may find "typical" handgun magazines 12-17 protected under Heller as essential to self-defense.

It's all about Georgia senate seats - 2 GOP wins and there will be zero gun legislation out of DC other than possibly universal background checks in turn for conceal carry reciprocity trade. Two Dem GA senate wins and all eyes will turn to Manchin and Tester - they will decide what more could pass.
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