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Wrong. Not a single state has certified Joe Biden as the winner of the Presidential election. Not one. That's the media talking. How quickly we forget 2000.

There are significant irregularities in the voting. This will have to wind through the courts.
Let's see --- GA is just a simple recount and there has never been a 10,000+ change in any modern recount; WI a recount, but even bigger spread there so been less chance of changed outcome; MI suits have yet to provide any factual basis at all, they were just placeholders for minor process grievances; PA suits over late ballots won't change outcome even if he wins the suit since the number of late arrivals to date is less than the number of votes he is losing by; PA suits over lack of access may prove true but there is not precedent for throwing out 100,000+ ballots over process violations and as good conservatives we don't want activist judges making up remedies - so at best PA officials will be scolded and process improved for next cycle; he probably loses NV and AZ outright -- no foreseeable path for Trump to get to 270 at this point. The real focus needs to be GA senate seats, POTUS race is over.
lThey will however lobby and pass laws that will make you guns useless or difficult to use them at best.
On a hunting forum, I have no worries about my bolt action big game rifles, my centerfire varmint rifles, my rimfire plinkers, my semi-auto upland shotguns (sorry to @BenLamb for this oxymoron) being legislated away or useless.

I do think there will be run at ARs (which I am lukewarm on to start with) and standard capacity handgun magazines (this will piss me off), but these are not really hunting concerns.
I was telling someone this yesterday. GOP maintained (it appears) numbers in the senate and gained (It APPEARS) in the house. People were will to vote GOP down ballot, but I think Trump is so unlikeable that many just wouldn't/couldn't vote for him as president.
My voting decision for the presidency were not based on his like ability, believe it or not.
Legalized or decriminalized? Pretty sure it’s the latter
potato potato (doesn't really work in text, but you get my point).

From a state law basis, small personal possession and use will no longer be illegal -> I call that legalization. I would reserve the term decriminalization for a situation where there were both criminal and civil liabilities and the criminal ones were removed. But the semantics don't change anything.

I think the reason some folks choose decriminalization (while less accurate) is because it polls better with older voters and because it resonates with those seeking a shrinking of the incarceration rates.

But obviously, federal laws remain in place, although for some time the feds have decided to not enforce in states that have removed state prohibitions.
I do think there will be run at ARs (which I am lukewarm on to start with) and standard capacity handgun magazines (this will piss me off), but these are not really hunting concerns.
I’m not quite sure what you mean by this? You don’t like or hunt with them so it is not your concern? ARs are very popular hunting guns, and perfectly legal. They have many merits, despite the fact that I have never killed an animal with them.

Also, the second amendment isn’t just about hunting rifles. We shouldn’t pick and choose what we support just because of how it affects ourselves. That is what is wrong with our nation right now on so many levels, and on both sides
150 posts from today alone...

Haha! Shows the political divide.

Amazing, we speak of RMEF opening fantastic land and those who mock a gun ban thread joyously waste time in this thread... though public land post and it's crickets.

Hey man- I don’t look at this as people mocking it, rather not giving it oxygen. This site is too good and positive to allow a political poop storm.
Enjoy your cheese.
I’m not quite sure what you mean by this? You don’t like or hunt with them so it is not your concern? ARs are very popular hunting guns, and perfectly legal. They have many merits, despite the fact that I have never killed an animal with them.

Also, the second amendment isn’t just about hunting rifles. We shouldn’t pick and choose what we support just because of how it affects ourselves. That is what is wrong with our nation right now on so many levels, and on both sides
I was just responding to the clear overstatement that "guns" will be unavailable and rendered useless.

As for ARs being currently legal I did not say otherwise, but I fully expect within the next 15 years or so they will be heavily regulated, if not outright banned (hell they were banned in 1994). Not because I agree, but because I am a political realist.

And if you read my other posts over time you will know I am pro-2A, but Randy has asked us all to keep this forum to hunting and public lands advocacy so I was putting in a little context.

As for telling me what this 2A is for I am happy to have a long discussion of its history (including the fact that until Heller it was never found to be a personal right in any SCOTUS ruling. 2A as a personal right started as a theory with the black panthers in the 1960's and later was picked up by the NRA. I like Heller, but let's be clear, it is not as simple as many like to suggest.
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