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I don't think yelling "THEY CHEATED"
counts as proof.
Let the system have its due process before we claim to know if this is even valid let alone if it actually changes the result. Bidens lead is looking pretty comfortable for better or worse.

You are correct, proof is necessary...

The main goal of the Democrats and even some Republicans was not to better our country with this election but to get rid of Trump. Bought and paid for, and our citizens having to pick up the pieces and endure the results. Heaven help us if they get all the way to socialism...

If anyone think for an instant that they will ban guns, that's is to great of a fight and probably won't happen. They will however lobby and pass laws that will make you guns useless or difficult to use them at best.
You are correct, proof is necessary...

The main goal of the Democrats and even some Republicans was not to better our country with this election but to get rid of Trump. Bought and paid for, and our citizens having to pick up the pieces and endure the results. Heaven help us if they get all the way to socialism...

If anyone think for an instant that they will ban guns, that's is to great of a fight and probably won't happen. They will however lobby and pass laws that will make you guns useless or difficult to use them at best.
Like I said we have trump to thank. It is very hard to beat an incumbent president without a reason. He is the only reason that I personally couldn't vote for him.
No, I'm arguing your point and saying it's irrelevant. I voted for Trump twice now if that matters. The odds of him somehow winning this election are quickly approaching 0 from a statistical standpoint. When it all flushes out, and the appropriate parties/associations/legal bodies/etc. declare a winner, it is extraordinarily unlikely that Trump will win. That is materially the same thing as saying he's already lost. And if I'm wrong and it turns out that he pulled it off somehow, I'll gladly eat my words.
You and elkmagnet are putting words in my mouth, and no, how you voted is not relevant here.

I didn't say they cheated (though I suspect they did), I said there are irregularities - something that warrants looking into. That's why the courts need to investigate. I also never claimed it would change the result. I claimed that we don't know who won the election, and I stand by that.

Its worth noting that honest but inaccurate miscounts (ex. 2000) have limited effect, but deliberate cheating can be scaled to whatever level is needed. It is meaningless to say "Biden's lead is comfortable" if the evidence shows the lead was fabricated.

Zach said it best - this cannot be repeated.
Regardless of the outcome, mass mail in voting is chocked full of issues that can't be repeated in 4 years.
I really don't get the mall in voting has issue claims. WA has been voting mail-in since '91, it's not a hard or complicated process. Ever take a standardized test? Then you too can successfully vote by mail.
Like I said we have trump to thank. It is very hard to beat an incumbent president without a reason. He is the only reason that I personally couldn't vote for him.

I was telling someone this yesterday. GOP maintained (it appears) numbers in the senate and gained (It APPEARS) in the house. People were will to vote GOP down ballot, but I think Trump is so unlikeable that many just wouldn't/couldn't vote for him as president.
You and elkmagnet are putting words in my mouth, and no, how you voted is not relevant here.

I didn't say they cheated (though I suspect they did), I said there are irregularities - something that warrants looking into. That's why the courts need to investigate. I also never claimed it would change the result. I claimed that we don't know who won the election, and I stand by that.

Its worth noting that honest but inaccurate miscounts (ex. 2000) have limited effect, but deliberate cheating can be scaled to whatever level is needed. It is meaningless to say "Biden's lead is comfortable" if the evidence shows the lead was fabricated.

Zach said it best - this cannot be repeated.
No words in your mouth. I'm still saying what you're saying is irrelevant. It's technically correct to say we don't KNOW who won, but it doesn't matter because we are RELATIVELY CERTAIN who won.

Any and all problems need to be investigated. But it's (likely) irrelevant regarding the ultimate outcome. So, it's unnecessary to bring up one thing in regards to the other.
Let's hope the cure doesn't turn out to be worse than the poison...
So who doesn't think she is just a crackpot? Hint: they lost 6 million relatives over a short period of time. This from JewishPress:

Michael Simon mentioned the “Trump Accountability Project” and reassured AOC, as she is known, “Every Administration staffer, campaign staffer, bundler, lawyer who represented them — everyone.”

So for readers who are not yet aware this is happening, here’s a brief update on the Trump Accountability Project, which was launched at the start of this month to ensure “those who took a paycheck from the Trump Administration should not profit from their efforts to tear our democracy apart,”according to a statement on the new website.

“The world should never forget those who, when faced with a decision, chose to put their money, their time, and their reputations behind separating children from their families, encouraging racism and anti-Semitism, and negligently causing the unnecessary loss of life and economic devastation from our country’s failed response to the COVID-19 pandemic,” the statement continues, with the following categories:

“We should not allow the following groups of people to profit from their experience:

  • Those who elected him.
  • Individuals who worked for the Trump for President campaign, Republican National Committee and affiliated PACs in 2016 or 2020.
  • Those who staffed his government.
  • Individuals who worked in any role as a political appointee in the Trump Administration.
  • Those who funded him.
  • Individuals who used their massive personal wealth and influence to bundle money for Trump.

"Does all this seem threatening, like AOC is out hunting people she considers her political enemies?

Consider this: The Trump Administration included more Orthodox and observant Jewish Americans than any other administration in the history of the United States, and President Donald Trump’s policies in the White House reflected that, with a kitchen there that for the first time ever, remained kosher 24/7.

AOC is a strong advocate for the Boycott, Divest and Sanctions (BDS) economic war on the State of Israel, together with the rest of her partners in the so-called “Squad,” which include two radical Islamist Congress members, Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) and Ilhan Omar (D-MN).

At this point, the “project” is out gathering names and supporters, and trying to further its agenda. "

So, as Europe so eloquently put it, Germany didn't just suddenly decide to attempt genocide on Jews and other groups, first they had to demonize them, just as they have done, and continue to do with anyone who supports conservative values. Pray for America.
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Its worth noting that honest but inaccurate miscounts (ex. 2000) have limited effect, but deliberate cheating can be scaled to whatever level is needed. It is meaningless to say "Biden's lead is comfortable" if the evidence shows the lead was fabricated.
GOP maintained (it appears) numbers in the senate and gained (It APPEARS) in the house
It is truly a remarkable elaborate somewhat failed conspiracy if "they" were able to "fabricate" the Biden lead however lose the down-ballot elections.
Think about it.
Know what I would like to ban? Thread titles in all CAPS, especially from “new members”. Screams instigator. Unless it’s related to a BIG A$$ BULL, then I am all for it.

My daughter’s boyfriend made chili for us last night. It was made out of beets, carrot juice, and horse radish. Crazy, but edible. Nightshade allergy. Weird.
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