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Well, from the peanut gallery this thread has helped me pass the 3 hour layover in ORD.

Tillamook- if you're a youtube/facebook type check out TDS Honest Farmer. Derek is pretty good at repping the brand and Ag in general.

Lastly, if everyone is so concerned with who did/didn't win, now's time to get right with your Maker.

@Europe Sorry to read about the wine ban, that's a tough one!
Well, from the peanut gallery this thread has helped me pass the 3 hour layover in ORD.

Tillamook- if you're a youtube/facebook type check out TDS Honest Farmer. Derek is pretty good at repping the brand and Ag in general.

Lastly, if everyone is so concerned with who did/didn't win, now's time to get right with your Maker.

@Europe Sorry to read about the wine ban, that's a tough one!
At least it's a layover. Glad you're not headed into the city! :eek:
Back to the OP, did the Senate already flip and I missed it? Because if I recall from my Civics classes, any legislation has to be passed by the House and Senate both prior to going to the Resolute Desk, amirite?
Joe's handlers gon' kill him man!
He's going to break a hip if he keeps that up. Then all we will hear is, "I've fallen and I can't get up." Kamala will be encouraging early retirement and ready to step in at a moments notice.
At least it's a layover. Glad you're not headed into the city!
You and me both. Headed to WV out in the country.
Back to the OP, did the Senate already flip and I missed it? Because if I recall from my Civics classes, any legislation has to be passed by the House and Senate both prior to going to the Resolute Desk, amirite?
What's the ruling on XO's?
This is my concern . I have no medical proof but I honestly believe someone else or a group of someone else's will be making the decisions and that President-Elec Biden will be or possibly already is a trojan horse. This gentleman is not the man he was in the past, even when he was V-P, but definitely not who he was when in the Senate. If the Senate dont flip that will help, as the Senate can protect any move to "pack" the Supreme Court. It is also possible that in two years the house might flip as well, since the Democrats did not pick up as many seats as they had hoped, but still have control, at this time.

As to "accepting", I too am a little amazed by this push of "we must all get behind our new President" Where has that attitude been for the last four years ?

For the sake of my children, grandchildren, great grandchildren I certainly hope we dont go down the same path Argentina and others have gone down. As to following along blindly, loyally, and quietly --look no further back in history than 1933-1938 Germany. Nobody just went out one day and rounded up all the Jews, it took years of convincing people it was the right thing to do as well as convincing all the Jews to register so they would know where they were.

We are no where near anything like that, but stay vigilant on all issues as the most important thing, a least to me, is AMERICA and what it is has been and can be, not this president or even the next one, but our country and what it is and what it stands for. God Bless America !

I will continue to tell those in my family that they must work for what they want. The Govt does now OWE them anything, but the freedom to be become all they can be and to do what they want to do and with enough hard work they can reach whatever their goal is.

I bet the four gentlemen who ask me to respond are now sorry they did ;)

I also wonder where Mr and Mrs Fin are at, as I didn't expect this thread to last this long

As to food, Last night I had excellent Escargot a" la Bourgigonne . Unfortunately I have been told that my wine days are coming to an end, health wise---now, THAT, is a REAL problem !!!!

Very well put! Thanks for your insight and wisdom. I really enjoy your comments.

Unfortunately, There are still a great number of people that just don't get it...
There are significant irregularities in the voting.
I don't think yelling "THEY CHEATED"
counts as proof.
Let the system have its due process before we claim to know if this is even valid let alone if it actually changes the result. Bidens lead is looking pretty comfortable for better or worse.
You're missing the point, which is that media declarations do not an election result make.
No, I'm arguing your point and saying it's irrelevant. I voted for Trump twice now if that matters. The odds of him somehow winning this election are quickly approaching 0 from a statistical standpoint. When it all flushes out, and the appropriate parties/associations/legal bodies/etc. declare a winner, it is extraordinarily unlikely that Trump will win. That is materially the same thing as saying he's already lost. And if I'm wrong and it turns out that he pulled it off somehow, I'll gladly eat my words.
I don't think yelling "THEY CHEATED"
counts as proof.
Let the system have its due process before we claim to know if this is even valid let alone if it actually changes the result. Bidens lead is looking pretty comfortable for better or worse.
Regardless of the outcome, mass mail in voting is chocked full of issues that can't be repeated in 4 years.
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