gps purchase question


Active member
Aug 4, 2015
North Georgia
Cabelas has the oregon 650t and rhino 650 on sale. I'm going to buy one but torn between the two. I was wandering some opinions of hunters who have used one or the other.
I've owned both, in earlier models. I was never a fan of the rhino. I have hunted with the Oregon 450T for a number of years now and love it. I suggested the 650T to someone and it's a great unit, especially if you are used to working with a touch screen phone.
If I remember correctly from back when I bought my Garmin, the "T" is a waste of money if you have any sort of computer expertise. You can usually find a better map to load for free, or better yet put OnX on the device. Stick with the base 650.
Im starting my research for a new handheld myself . Can you all tell me why you choose the Oregon over the Montana? I use mine for hunting mostly but also for ATV trips in Rockies so I have a need to be able to see detail in a pretty big area without zooming. I would plan to use 3d party mapping as well.
I'm not a touch screen fan. Burns up the battery and I hate taking the gloves off every time I need new information. 64s with OnX chip will cost you less than either.
I have a 600T in a Montana. Been using it for three years now. Excellent device. Add the onXmap chips and you have a solution to most any access/navigation challenge.
Thanks everyone I got the Oregon and so far I am amazed at how fast it is. I will be getting the onx chip for wy and hope to be on my first western hunt next year. I have 2 antilope points so now just finding the unit that I can draw. Thanks again for the recommendations.
Spend the extra money on lithium batteries. Always carry extra! A GPS is only as good as the guy carrying it and the batteries in it!!

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