Google Earth

As a maphead and someone who works in GIS, this makes me excited. If I am ever paralyzed give me google earth and a way to control it with my brain and I'd do alright.

On the other hand this could raise some ethical issues in respect to hunting.

Google’s Skybox intends to launch a constellation of 24 satellites by 2018, which will survey the globe by taking pictures of its entirety three times a day.

If the "better than 1 meter resolution" three-times-a-day images are available on a continuous basis, in some ways you will have scouting cameras in the sky. Granted, if something is under the cover of vegetation you won't see it. But imagine the ability to pattern critters with so much data, or worse, if that data is available same day, like MODIS data is now, you could literally see where the elk are from your computer at home, and go kill them.

Hunting has a lot of ethical challenges ahead in respect to remote sensing.
Interesting to say the least... I use Google Earth daily for work--- as well as scouting areas for hunting.

In another post someone talked about how trail cameras in MT used during hunting season were illegal. Does this mean FWP will have to lock us from Google Earth during hunting season as well? (Read with great sarcasm:) )
Being from Michigan, I use Google Earth a lot to help scout on my western Elk hunting trips.
with the changes I just read, that would really make it interesting.
I am sure that some States will have issues with it, just like the use of drones.

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