Can we just put HuntTalk forums behind a login?

I have always thought easy solution was to have threads auto delete after a time period (maybe 36 months?) After first post. Maybe general discussions, conservation etc. could stay but the animal specfic topics should disappear.

Or option it in members profile to delete all postings after a certain time period.
Everyone is worried (some rightly so) about unit info being available through a simple google search and folks aren't really getting better about not posting identifying info so can @Big Fin or one of his admins just make it so you have to have a login to see the content of threads. Seems like a 10 minute change and none of the google links will go directly to a thread anymore and no new ones will be indexed or created. Shouldn't have much impact on users as folks can still create a login if they want, but should cut down on people who created a login JUST because they saw AZ Unit XX in a google search result. Just a thought.
It’s too late, the damage is already done. Even if you do that here the info is still out on other sites, Facebook, YouTube, etc.
I think a one time 5 dollar fee, and associated post count + profile length would be good.

There are ways you can ask politely and correctly though.
We've considered this for the "Tags & Application" forum segment for the last year. Still not sure how it could best be done. We've talked to our tech company who runs the forum and it can work. It takes some work, more than 10 minutes. It will take a lot more maintenance by us. It will require help from forum members to keep it working as intended. And it will piss off some people.

I'm thinking that only Registered Members with "X" (like 100+) posts can see what is in that forum segment. But, I've not vetted if that accomplishes the desired outcome.

We touched on it again about a week ago as part of our planning and "to do" list items. Some folks have suggested we make a small fee for that forum segment, but I'm not in favor of that. I think we have other ways to accomplish the same result, just a function of how much more work load it adds to me, Matthew, and Mrs. Fin.

I talked to GOHUNT about how they handle this concern with their INSIDER platform. Since their product is behind a paywall, it's not as much of an issue for them.

I suspect we'll have a decision on this as part of our 2024 planning. I'll keep folks updated on what we decide.
Haven't read every reply

I can put you/your team in contact with another forum owner (owns 2 in the outdoor sports realm) that has a "paid members only" section.

Basically you can't see it exists, can't even Google it, unless you pay, only exists while you pay, but still not google-able.

Idk, works well though. Lemme know
Bringing this back to the top. Seeing more and more posts that are just ChatGPT responses to prompts based on posts from this site. I believe putting this behind a login will help with some of this.
Not sure what the solution is. Blue check marks? LOL
Maybe just hit the “ignore” button. The bots quickly figure out when they aren’t getting attention and disappear. The witty responses from some are just feeding the beast.
There’s no logical reason not to do something like this. Better would be to follow rokslide and prohibit newbies, shit everyone, from posting unit specific questions. I did this when I first posted here years ago and slightly ashamed.

Theres nothing more egregious than having unit specifics out there for the thousands to see so easily. It’s only going to get worse with advancements in AI.
Theres nothing more egregious than having unit specifics out there for the thousands to see so easily. It’s only going to get worse with advancements in AI.
Egregious? There are companies that sell a lot of that basic info. Why are we so against sharing info with others? Eventually someone will program an AI with the goal of spreading disinformation on a unit. Then we won't know what to believe.
I'm not sure if the greater risk to this sport is the sharing info or the refusal to share info.
Egregious? There are companies that sell a lot of that basic info. Why are we so against sharing info with others? Eventually someone will program an AI with the goal of spreading disinformation on a unit. Then we won't know what to believe.
I'm not sure if the greater risk to this sport is the sharing info or the refusal to share info.
Preach. Been down that road...I'd tell you about that road....but apparently that's egregious to discuss..

Bring up a photo of a truck with the side mirrors pointed west and people lose their shit like they own the mountain in the reflection.

"oh but we're here to 'help'." No, you're petulant. You're whiny. You don't like the post, keep scrolling.

Egregious? There are companies that sell a lot of that basic info. Why are we so against sharing info with others? Eventually someone will program an AI with the goal of spreading disinformation on a unit. Then we won't know what to believe.
I'm not sure if the greater risk to this sport is the sharing info or the refusal to share info.
Because in a world of scarcity folks hoard. Getting unit information from some folks who claim to be here to help is like buying TP during covid.

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