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Hey MTGomer, I will be looking forward to your recap of your unlimited hunt this year.
A guy I know is heading west today with plans on going in deep to look for his one more for four ram. He plans on checking out some real estate that I've been thinking about for some time. Excited to see how he does!
Forecast looks good if the smoke will stay away.
Hard to believe it’s saying it won’t be a blizzard. Probably fake news.
Good hunting gentlemen!

I got shot down for this year. My 90-year-old, widowed mother had a stroke mid-March. She was making physical progress on recovery, but fell and broke her hip in April. She survived hip replacement surgery and was healing well. However, she was miserable in the second nursing home. Her spirit was broken worse than her hip I reckon; and she began refusing food. I got her back to her home with help from hospice care providers. She died there less than six days later.

Even if I hadn't missed the tag purchase deadline, I would still have been S.O.L. for a sheep hunt this year--a some point during my mother's decline I suffered an inguinal hernia; perhaps it was when lifting her off the bathroom floor where she initially collapsed.

I'll have to settle for vicarious sheep hunting adventures again this year. Meanwhile, I just can't seem to find Banana Lake on any of my maps!

Mostly a lurker, but I love this thread. Wish I'd taken advantage of the hunt when I lived in MT.

Shines, I'm sorry to hear about your mother. Was hoping you would make it up in the mountains for sheep this fall.

303 and 501 each have a reported kill, according to FWP website!

Thank you Trumpkin. I appreciate it.

I'll be very interested to see who scored in the 501, and to learn the measurements of the ram.
I just finished my first adventure into the Unlimited districts. A spendy tag for a non-resident, the beartooths certainly returned my monies worth of strenuous and treacherous hikes, a little snow, biting winds and some mental fatigue...about the only thing missing was that 3/4+ curl ram ;) Despite not filling my tag I view the hunt as an overall huge success. I found way more sheep than I expected, marveled at the breathtaking scenery and was able to watch bears/sheep/mountain goats every day. I've only been home half-a-day but can't stop thinking about it and planning for the next trip.

Best of luck to everyone still out there!

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