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Accompanied a friend that drew an unlimited 500 tag last Sept. Never seen so damn much traffic in that country before. Not going back even for elk season. Too much traffic, fools and more. MTG
From watching the quota daily this year it appeared the rams killed the 15th were not reported the exact day of harvest. If they were reported the 16th, despite being harvested on the 15th, the clock started then for the 48 hour closure which means the rams harvested up through that window were legally harvested and therefore totally legal to keep the 18th day ram. I talked to some packers on the trail on the 16th that were heading in to pack out what I believe are the first two rams. I was carrying a bear tag this year (yes the crazy guy bear hunting in an unlimited unit). The quota line wasn’t updated for those until the 17th which started the clock which closed down the 19th in 501 this year. A lot of guys have spent way more time in these units than me so I could be off here but that’s my understanding for how it played out in there this year.
That is correct
Accompanied a friend that drew an unlimited 500 tag last Sept. Never seen so damn much traffic in that country before. Not going back even for elk season. Too much traffic, fools and more. MTG

Unfortunately this is a very true statement. Can't say it got better in 2020 either
It would appear that the largest ram in the overharvested HD501 was 15".
Arguably, I'm being a bit a semantically sensitive (never PC, don't even go there!), but I would suggest we simply consider 501 as "over quota" in 2020 and not "over-harvested." Please don't hand the antis more ammunition.

In prior pages, members of this forum have already speculated that quotas have a cushion built into their design. The fact that the Unlimited Sheep program continues to provide an extraordinary adventure opportunity to hunters of limited financial means decades after its inception indicates that the managers know what they are doing.

Thanks again to Shawn Stewart and his colleagues for having the hunters' interest in mind, and the foresight and fortitude to develop the program into a sustainable reality!
Hello Everyone, I am working my way through this thread, about halfway through it. I wanted to introduce myself. My name is Brad, I’m 32 chasing the dream of sheep hunting. I have my first personal hunt booked for a dall sheep hunt in Alaska in 2022, I am fortunate to be able to hunt desert sheep the last couple of years for others and in the future, so I have some knowledge and experience hunting sheep and am able to continue to hunt deserts for others in the following years. I have some backpacking experience but not to the extent of the unlimited. I am looking at tackling the unlimited after my dall sheep hunt, I understand it will take me a number of years to hopefully be successful and I am alright with that it’s just part of my plan to hopefully get my grand slam. I am really enjoying reading this all that you guys have wrote over the years. I am hopeful to be able to ask a couple questions about gear.
Are you guys using 4th season tents?
Melting snow for water or filtering?
Are you using crampons? Or microspikes? Snowshoes? And if so what time of the year are you using them?
I’m considering hunting unit 300 as I can take the time off and hunt the whole season and even be up there a couple days early.
Welcome aboard partner the 300 district is pretty early .... first week of September. You won't need to worry about much 4 season stuff that time. Water is there, snow comes but it isn't significant most of the time. You'll need to be more conscious of griz than anything. Looking forward to some stories. Good luck to you.
Welcome aboard partner the 300 district is pretty early .... first week of September. You won't need to worry about much 4 season stuff that time. Water is there, snow comes but it isn't significant most of the time. You'll need to be more conscious of griz than anything. Looking forward to some stories. Good luck to you.
Thank you, with the grizzlies mentioned. What unit holds the least amount of them of all the unlimited units?

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