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Gonna be interesting to see what the next few years hold if we keep overworking quotas.

No personal attack against anyone obviously I am out there as well just an unfortunate reality given the seemingly static number of sheep and continually increasing interest.
I honestly feel like its time for us to reevaluate this 48hr to report than 48hr closure. In this day and age we all have the capabilities to check quotas every day and can at least message out everyday. Id say the time of closure could be cut down to 24hrs pretty easily.
Of course we as the hunters could simply take it upon ourselves to not keep hunting once the quota has been filled also.
The ram quotas are fairly conservative, and what typical deal to happen in 2020 I wouldn't say that it couldn't happen again but it's fairly unlikely. Yeah reporting could maybe change but it isn't that practical in my eyes. The system has worked for 50 years so why change it. Looking into the amount of applicants there's actually not that much variation throughout the past 40 years. Matter of fact its lower than the 80s. It's gonna be interesting to see how counts come out and see who shows up in places but I'm sure it'll be just fine.

303 just had a pneumonia break out within the last 8 years they closed it for 2 I think and those sheep bounced back with flying colors. The number I heard is they picked up over 60 dead rams that winter........

If you look at this years deal in 501 2 rams got killed that same day 2 other rams got dumped in another drainage which pushed a 3rd over the top and he got whacked by another guy that heard the shooting. The 6th ram was taken by a guy who just so happened to try a Longshot hunt and happens to catch the ram on the afternoon of closure in a transition period.

The population is healthier than one knows.

Don't change anything that's been working and #*^@#* it all up for the future. It's a amazing opportunity to have.
I have a friend who killed a ram up the Stillwater in the 70s. He told me when he was hunting there was no 48 hr window. Everyone took in battery powered am radios and were responsible for knowing quota status. When the quota was reached the season ended immediately
Its another responsibility I think everyone is more than capable of doing. It could just become part of the hunt the same way a trekking pole is. Something you're gonna need for this hunt.
The ram quotas are fairly conservative, and what typical deal to happen in 2020 I wouldn't say that it couldn't happen again but it's fairly unlikely. Yeah reporting could maybe change but it isn't that practical in my eyes. The system has worked for 50 years so why change it. Looking into the amount of applicants there's actually not that much variation throughout the past 40 years. Matter of fact its lower than the 80s. It's gonna be interesting to see how counts come out and see who shows up in places but I'm sure it'll be just fine.

303 just had a pneumonia break out within the last 8 years they closed it for 2 I think and those sheep bounced back with flying colors. The number I heard is they picked up over 60 dead rams that winter........

If you look at this years deal in 501 2 rams got killed that same day 2 other rams got dumped in another drainage which pushed a 3rd over the top and he got whacked by another guy that heard the shooting. The 6th ram was taken by a guy who just so happened to try a Longshot hunt and happens to catch the ram on the afternoon of closure in a transition period.

The population is healthier than one knows.

Don't change anything that's been working and #*^@#* it all up for the future. It's a amazing opportunity to have.

Thats my understanding of how it went down as well. And its awesome that many folks got on sheep, don't think Im trying to take that away- I was out there too.
As far as why change it? Because we have the technology to enable the change. Right? And I agree the unlimited are an amazing opportunity that I think we need to make sure endures the test of time.
Thats my understanding of how it went down as well. And its awesome that many folks got on sheep, don't think Im trying to take that away- I was out there too.
As far as why change it? Because we have the technology to enable the change. Right? And I agree the unlimited are an amazing opportunity that I think we need to make sure endures the test of time.
I agree the tech is there but how does it correlate to checking in of ram if successful. Is it 48 hours from kill or reported?

I just fail to see how that would've changed any of the outcome from this years hunt. Whether it be 501 or 502 that went over. If anything would have to change they would have to get rid of the 48hr closure period.

Still not open for much change here partner.
Besides a sat phone how would you propose to call in and report? There's a lot of places in there where your not getting any service even up top.
I agree the tech is there but how does it correlate to checking in of ram if successful. Is it 48 hours from kill or reported?

I just fail to see how that would've changed any of the outcome from this years hunt. Whether it be 501 or 502 that went over. If anything would have to change they would have to get rid of the 48hr closure period.

Still not open for much change here partner.
No, Im just saying reduce the time from when the quota is filled and when the disctrict actually closes. Right now you can still hunt for 48hrs once the quota has been met. With all the sat messengers we have now its easy to receive a daily updates on quota status, it wouldn't be any harder on the hunters if it closed in 24hrs.

I know this is kinda semantics, splitting hairs. But what else do we have to argue about for the next 285 days? (Not that im counting)
I honestly feel like its time for us to reevaluate this 48hr to report than 48hr closure. In this day and age we all have the capabilities to check quotas every day and can at least message out everyday. Id say the time of closure could be cut down to 24hrs pretty easily.
Of course we as the hunters could simply take it upon ourselves to not keep hunting once the quota has been filled also.
If you look at the number of rams killed in the past 10 years it will be really close to the actual quota set over that time period. More than once there was only one ram shot (instead of 2) and one year they didn't shoot any rams. I think the quota system is pretty close over a longer period of time. Obviously there were plenty of rams to choose from and I'm sure others are dying of old age.
Just curious @mtnkid85 how many seasons have you done the unlimited hunts?

About the only 1 of the 5 districts where I could see a 24 hr closure is even practical or needed maybe and its a maybe. Is 303 Gardiner area. One major weather event and the stars line up just right a guy could have a real mess on his hands if some sheep got caught out of the park.

I could see a Spanish Peaks massacre happening there for sure..... hasn't happened yet though.

Let me ask you this.......... What happens if your hunting with a buddy who has a tag as well. There's one on the quota in your district, you guys come across 2 tanker rams, I mean full blown double broomed, 10 year old rams. The rams are in a good area for packout, you've been grinding for 20 days for a sheep, this is the moment.

Do you shoot both rams?

The answer is........... #*^@#* yes you do. Flick that safety and count to 3......

If you say no, then your lying to yourself if it doesn't cross your mind.

Because those two rams harvested are of age, caliber, them being harvested isn't going to have an effect on the population one bit. They actually stand just of good of chance not making it that winter if they are 10 plus.

More rams die of age, winter, predation, natural causes than anything else. Not hunter harvest.
Just curious @mtnkid85 how many seasons have you done the unlimited hunts?

Ive only hunted for myself in the unlimited two years. I was successful in 2012 in 501 and just started hunting them again this year.

Ive "hunted" in 500 & 501 with my brother during most of the 8 years between my own hunts. And I spend considerable time in 500,501 and 300 during the rest of big game season.

About the only 1 of the 5 districts where I could see a 24 hr closure is even practical or needed maybe and its a maybe. Is 303 Gardiner area. One major weather event and the stars line up just right a guy could have a real mess on his hands if some sheep got caught out of the park.

I could see a Spanish Peaks massacre happening there for sure..... hasn't happened yet though.

Let me ask you this.......... What happens if your hunting with a buddy who has a tag as well. There's one on the quota in your district, you guys come across 2 tanker rams, I mean full blown double broomed, 10 year old rams. The rams are in a good area for packout, you've been grinding for 20 days for a sheep, this is the moment.

Do you shoot both rams?

The answer is........... #*^@#* yes you do. Flick that safety and count to 3......

If you say no, then your lying to yourself if it doesn't cross your mind.
Of course Ive considered something along this idea. You're absolutely right I would have a difficult time not taking that shot. I will say that when the quota was updated as filled on Day 2 of the season this year I packed out and went elk hunting.
And I had been "on" rams. I had found a band with at least two legal rams that I watched for the two days prior to the opener, I never could turn them up during the two days of the season though. Im quite certain those two rams where harvested.

Because those two rams harvested are of age, caliber, them being harvested isn't going to have an effect on the population one bit. They actually stand just of good of chance not making it that winter if they are 10 plus.

More rams die of age, winter, predation, natural causes than anything else. Not hunter harvest.

I guess all this boils down to is if we are ok harvesting more animals than what the quota is set for or not. If the current quotas are being set while keeping a "cushion" for animals harvested after the quota then why not just up the quota and end the season sooner?
Congrats on the ram, that's pretty awesome. Maybe share a little peek eh? I guess if you put it in a conscience deal of packing up and rolling when it is in closure that is your decision. It would definitely be a tough one especially in your situation last year.

So to answer that it's in the body and mind of the hunter at the time.

In talking to numerous old school unlimited freaks. The answer a guy usually hears is don't go changing something that works and stir the pot.

I remember a story of Jack killing 4 one morning in the 80s or something.

Now if we have a significant die off then that's a whole other world.

I appreciate you joining the conversation on here about the hunt. It's cool to see everyone's adventures and stories. Something that I think is the best part about the hunt itself.
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