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502 is no picnic by any means and while it has produced some historically bigger rams i fear that rough winters and some Wyoming die off will have a fairly negative effect on populations. I know 2 people that have been looking for 502 sheep even in their well known wintering areas and venture well into region 1 and the numbers are bleak..... hopefully they're hiding somewhere. Anyone going to hunt 502 its no secret on when and where to be. It's who's got the drive and who's gonna get lucky and intercept one or two. The real secret in 502 is where do they come from before the migration pin points....... that's a real code I'd like to try and crack, where are they in September October.

Come on.....Everybody knows that 502 and 300 are the units to go to if you just want to shoot an easy ram. It's almost a guarantee!!!!!!!
You bet your ass it does, did you know that the number of tags that fwp reports for the unlimited units is not accurate either. They only account the people that apply for the tag in the draw not people that outright purchase the tag before hand. So you can bet their number is fairly low that they say people who participate in the hunts.......

That is interesting. So you are saying that if 100 people apply for the unit and only 50 people purchase the tag.......then they report 100 tags for the unit? I'm the type of guy that just bought the tag when I applied so do they count me even though I didn't "apply"? Good info. Sure seemed like there were a TON of people in the back country last year.
That is interesting. So you are saying that if 100 people apply for the unit and only 50 people purchase the tag.......then they report 100 tags for the unit? I'm the type of guy that just bought the tag when I applied so do they count me even though I didn't "apply"? Good info. Sure seemed like there were a TON of people in the back country last year.
That is correct...... some of the old school sheep guys this really bothers them because it's miss leading for harvest statistics and hunter days.
That is correct...... some of the old school sheep guys this really bothers them because it's miss leading for harvest statistics and hunter days.

Good to know.

FYI - typical hunter results below

Harvest statistic..........somewhere between very low and impossible.

Hunter days in field taking rifle for a walk...........LOTS!!!!!
From what I understand, the people that outright buy their unlimited tag are not reflected in the tag numbers, while the people that ‘applied’ and then never purchased their license are counted.
whether they offset each other, who knows..
So today my wife sends me a picture of a nice pretty clear blue lake in Banff and says she wants to go there but we’d need passports. I told her I know a place we can go and see some nice clear blue lakes without passports. 😂
Yup, here's Glacier Lake in Unlimited unit 502 last July.
Is there supposed to be a picture? It’s not showing on my device?
Oops! o_O Glacier Lake in Unlimited unit 502 last July
Well, I am out again this year so please don't forget to post your stories here!

Released the bird I had this past season - she didnt fly the way I liked - so Ill be trapping a new one to get started in addition to starting a new puppy. I just put in the application for one of the draw zones to do in the unlikely event I get picked - I am of course not holding my breath!


Ill be up in 501 and 502 all summer hiking and fishing, as usual. Ill be sure to keep all you guys updated on when and where I spot the rams!


Or am I....

Good luck, fellas.
Shines are you coming out this season to give it another go?

I wish Andrew! Yesterday was do or die as far as purchasing a $$$ non-resident tag. Unfortunately, just too much uncertainty and too many tasks and issues too attend (including getting a pretty significant inguinal hernia repaired and healed) for the amount of time remaining before the opener to make the commitment. Finances are strained for awhile too.

I've got a property trade pending in Polson, MT based on verbal agreement. Potentially, that could see me a resident for 2021 season. Illness and "stay at home" order here in Washington State has pushed everything back an unknown amount of time.

Thinking to chase elk on the Olympic Peninsula in the muzzle-loader season--we have to select either east or west side of the state and just one weapon type for elk tag in WA--I have at least begun walking and bike riding with the intent of reconditioning my old body. At 70, and after weeks of something that sure resembled most of the Covid-19 symptoms, a 12-mile bike ride (first time on one of those contraptions in more than a decade) required two days of recovery!

Thanks for asking. Good hunting on your own adventure!
Shines, be aware that you must reside, actually live and pay taxes, in Montana 180 days prior to claiming to be a resident in MT. Merely owning property in MT does not equate to resident privileges. Hope this will help. MTG
Shines, be aware that you must reside, actually live and pay taxes, in Montana 180 days prior to claiming to be a resident in MT. Merely owning property in MT does not equate to resident privileges. Hope this will help. MTG

Thanks MTGunner. However, I am well aware of those requirements. Indeed, I have owned properties in Montana for more than twenty-five years. Unfortunately, when I was still seeking employment, I never managed to find a decent job beyond one season doing historical preservation work in the backcountry of Glacier National Park that would sustain me in the state. After I achieved career status working for the federal government (DOD, Army) I scored in the top three in several attempts at transferring laterally to vacancies within the state, including a couple at Glacier; but was not the chosen candidate for any of those.:cry:

As for paying Montana taxes, I could have purchased several guided Stone or Dall sheep hunts with what I've donated to the state over the years! 😭
I may be out doing my first scout trip for my adventure into the unlimited quest later this year Im not sure yet due to the world we live in these days but I do enjoy this thread very much and am rooting for the ones that do make it out for sure !
Shines, thank you for your service to our country. Yes, it is difficult finding a good paying job in MT. It is my wish that you find something and come to live in the great state of Montana. We honor our military members and hold them high in regard. MTG
Thanks for your kind words MTGunner. However, since I DON'T WANT TO STEAL HONOR, let me clarify that I worked for the Army as a CIVILIAN. I share your views on the debt and respect we owe those who did serve (and sacrifice). Diverging from Mt Unlimited thread (yet again!), here's a photo of a good friend I made while working at Fort Lewis: 61376984_10211085038641425_2629415241020080128_n.jpg

Now retired, CSM Briel survived an infamous insider suicide bombing in Fallujah in 2004 that killed 22 of his comrades in arms. (See )
CSM Briel was in the hospital more than a year through numerous surgeries. He emerged with life-altering injuries. In spite of those injuries and his uncertain future, or perhaps as a result, his love of the outdoors has only grown. With his wife and grandson present in the blind with him last year, CSM Briel--I am deliberately avoiding using first name out of respect for security concerns the CSM might have--scored this fine Spring Tom, his first, on property in northeastern Washington that I inherited from my late parents.

My father would have been tickled. He bought the property for a retirement home that he never got to build. Dad had talked little about the prospect of hunting turkeys on his property, though like me, I knew he enjoyed hearing and seeing the birds there. Only after his death, while I was searching for something in his shop, did I realize that the prospect might have meant more to him than I realized, for I found a scratch-type turkey call out there that Dad had made himself.

Although I was not there for the successful turkey hunt, I share in the joy of the accomplishment. I suppose I should dig out that call Dad made and give turkey hunting a try someday myself; but Montana's "Tooths" and the Roosevelt elk inhabiting rainforests here on the Olympic Peninsula exert a stronger pull on me.

Since I've already rambled on this long, let me add: Dad_WW2_1945.jpg That's my Dad in Germany near the end of WW2.
His twentieth birthday was still four weeks away at the time. VE-Day, the end of the war in Europe, was less than two months farther into the Reich, with the liberation of Dachau along the route.

By the way, if anyone knows a wounded veteran who would enjoy hunting turkeys in northeastern Washington, please contact me. I can't guide, or really even be a good host most of the time; but I can provide a place for one or two vets to hunt. I might even have a decent camp set up on the property by next Spring.
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