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The past two years you can purchase your unlimited tag from some vendors like Bob Wards, or direct from FWP, but you have to do it prior to the MG&S application deadline. Saves 10 bucks and some hassle mailing in the extra $50 when you actually draw. Hoping to find time to do at least a couple summer scouting/fishing trips this year. Best of luck to all.
any of you ever get a ram in these units?.How quick does the quota typical fill?
There have been a few hunt talkers that either shot or helped get a ram.
Some years the quota fills right away but often times the quota goes unfilled.
The brother in law and I are out of the this year......but i know we will be back soon........ gonna chase some bulls instead......... good luck to all the attempt it this year and be safe. Post some pics and keep the Unlimited Thread going!
Yes you must draw the tag but they are unlimited. If you pony up the money, you get the tag.

These tags make for some great hikes. :)

Best description of these hunts I've seen yet. Got into some amazing country I likely would never visit otherwise. I'll be back someday when I can dedicate the kind of time this type of hunt deserves. Good luck to everyone going after it this year.
Did some scouting in a different unit recently. Turned up six rams. Two of them legal but not big.
Can't wait until season.
Did some scouting in a different unit recently. Turned up six rams. Two of them legal but not big.
Can't wait until season.

Giving it another go huh? Every year I debate it after seeing the rams around Stillwater Mine but who knows where they are during the season. I look forward to hearing about your hunt and hopefully a big ram is in your future. If not I hope at least another big bad wolf.
It is definitely a moving needle in a very large haystack. Only thing that is guaranteed is adventure and God-awful, horrible weather. I love it up there though.
I just wanted to revive my favorite thread with a few scouting pics, including a May snowshoe adventure.
A couple big trips coming up this summer to try to locate some rams in places they may be when season is open.

I love reading these updates. I've never hunted sheep, so forgive my ignorance, is that a legal ram in the above picture?
The biggger one in the single photo on his feet that is running/trotting certainly is. The laying down white one isn't. Then in the group of three, there is one that I believe is on one side by just a sliver, but he's young and small.
I was referring to the big one running/trotting. I felt sure that he had to be legal. Any chance that they will be in the same area when season gets here?
BigHornRam, It was nuking when I left the higher country in the Boulder yesterday. We were at 8700, and the temps were dropping quick. Im guessing they got a good shot overnight.

MtGomer, Good pics! I took a jaunt up the road in April, lots of snow! Found a few ewes, but no luck on the boys that trip. That bottom ram is looking good!
I hiked across the Stillwater Plateau earlier this week. There was a light covering of snow around 10,000 feet and above on Monday, but by Wednesday it had melted and what was falling was melting as it hit the ground. I keep saying someday I will give an unlimited tag a shot, but the two times I have backpacked into the Beartooths I have came out quite humbled.
Got over to do a little summer sheep scouting this past week. On the way I got to visit with some elk, forestry, and FWP people looking at a potential conservation project in the Paradise Valley.


Then went on to do some scouting.


In 4 days in the mountains, I only ran into one group of a couple older guy's. The oldest guy was 73, and had been hiking in the Beartooths for over 40 years. He had a goal of fishing in all 300 plus lakes in the Beartooths with fish in them, before cashing in his chips. They just came out of nasty bushwack to a lake way back into a real hell hole. He was down to less than 10 lakes on his bucket list!

The younger guy was full of a lot of valuable unlimited sheep information. Good visit!
One other story these guy's told me was of a cowboy preacher guy who rode in there last fall and didn't come out. He didn't make it but the horse survived the winter in there, barely. Old horse poop piled up on the trail for about a 1/4 mile showed he didn't stray very far all winter. A call to the Gardiner Ranger station confirmed the story, but no link to it in the news.

Be careful in there guy's. Long way to help if you get in trouble.
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