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Thanks!! That was quite the surreal experience. I'd climbed up towards a small band of young Rams on a cliff face & just let them be. An hour later, the image presented itself.
thats amazing, going for elk this year and next starting my quest to the unlimited planning a summer trip to get the lay of the land this year
Thanks again for sharing the photos
@RestlessSoul, Welcome to HT and thanks for posting those sheep pictures. I still apply for a sheep tag every year, but I gave up on the Unlimited Units about 20 years ago.

Anyone putting photos up like that is more than welcome. Thanks for sharing by the way that's to coolest goat picture ever......
Where did I miss the goat?
WOW awesome photos. I am with Shines@Times snoozing Ram. Welcome maybe we will cross paths in the unlimited area someday. Not this year though I will be in the Brooks Range

Hi C Bow,

Like geetar, I"m guessing you are going after a white ram.

Since you haven't said anything about moving to the forty-ninth state, having a tribal affiliation or a brother-in-law up there I'm also guessing that a DIY hunt is not in the cards.

Nevertheless, I believe that you ought to watch this young Alaskan's solo hunt as it should provide additional inspiration:

Jason's video still gets my blood up every time I watch it.
THAT is a great video and what a Ram

I wholeheartedly agree!

While somewhat reticent to do so because it is slightly off topic being neither about Bighorn sheep nor Montana unlimited units and because it contains some off-color language, I think that I have provided the link on this forum previously. I did, and do so, because it authentically portrays both a dedicated--he moved from Vermont to Alaska specifically to enable his sheep hunting--sheep hunter's grueling efforts and his exuberant elation upon success. You can tell from the posted comments that many of the viewers feel the same about the video as I do: simply, it is one of the most genuine conveyances of solo sheep hunting that one is ever likely to see.
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Thanks Shines I have watched that video numerous times I did book a hunt for the North Slope of the Brooks My wife said I had paid my dues and needed a Alaska trip.Then next year back to the Beartooths I think the only way to a slam is get on with it Please wish me luck

Sounds like you married well!
We are all looking forward to a hunt report next Fall. And, I have wished you luck and good hunting and continue to do so. The only exception: I'm rooting for someone else to become the oldest guy to ever take a ram in Montana's unlimited units:p!
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Coming back from an (unsuccessful) wolf hunt I saw these boys just over a week ago in the mouth of Yankee Jim Canyon. Didn't get any really good pics, but two were legal rams, one a really nice full curl. They weren't technically in District 300 or 303 at the time I saw them. I just threw that 3rd picture in because, really, how often do you see a whitetail above a bighorn ram?


Any sheep hunt is a great sheep hunt, congrats to you @C Bow I hope you gave a great time and punch a tag! Sounds like an amazing wife you have indeed.
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